Orangutan Beni Tries to Conquer Food Temptations Love Nature

  • last year


00:00 At the Nyaru Menteng Jungle School, it's a new day and time for class.
00:06 At the Group 1 and 2 dorms, Valentino's back on gate monitor duty.
00:17 And Cinta's first out for the older kids.
00:23 But some aren't allowed out of their cages this morning.
00:31 Forest School 3 student Lanting and Group 2 student Kajura seem upset to not be let
00:37 out with their friends.
00:44 Because they have an appointment with the vets.
00:52 Both students had cuts on their hands and this morning should be their final check-up.
01:01 Lanting had his stitches recently removed, while Kajura's wound is pretty much healed.
01:11 She's really just providing emotional support for little Lanting as the vets check his cut.
01:23 He hates the saline wash.
01:30 Perhaps he's playing to his audience.
01:42 After the clean-up, they're off.
01:46 But the daily excitement has only just begun.
01:50 Today, Kajura gets to visit Lanting's Group 3 class.
01:56 And she's not alone.
01:58 Svenja, Lala and Big Belly Benny are also on the field trip roster.
02:12 These youngsters are the most advanced Group 2 students.
02:19 Today is a trial run to see how they'll cope in a new class.
02:29 Forest Group 3 has moved to a brand new location, a much longer walk than these kids are used
02:35 to.
02:47 On the platform, in a ferny grotto, breakfast is served to all.
02:58 Lala bags herself a prime spot right next to the fruit basket.
03:10 Benny's got his eyes on her.
03:21 Her first lesson this morning is always be vigilant with your breakfast banana.
03:41 Benny's the forest school fruit hog.
03:48 And with all appendages full, he doesn't waste any opportunity to steal fruit.
03:57 At three years old, he's already heavier than a Group 5 student.
04:05 Benny's come a long way since he first arrived at jungle school.
04:12 When he was two years old, he was found alone climbing a cell phone tower.
04:20 Local police rescued him and he was brought to Nyaru Menteng.
04:28 Back then, he had skinny arms and legs, but the community that found him reported that
04:33 he already had a love of guavas and bananas.
04:44 Now Benny enjoys an endless supply of fruit, which may not be a good thing.
04:53 His expanding girth has forced his babysitters to reduce his banana intake and put him on
04:58 a diet with an emphasis on leafy greens.
05:05 An obese orangutan would have trouble climbing and a very difficult life in the wild.
05:12 Like humans, Benny's also at risk of developing heart disease.
05:19 He puts up with leafy greens occasionally, but takes every opportunity to revert to his
05:25 old ways.
05:29 He spies a milk bucket group forming.
05:39 While babysitter Ursula is distracted, Benny makes a roll for it.
06:04 He dives right in for a mouthful of rich milk.
06:11 But his escapade is short-lived.
06:23 The babysitters will have to keep a keen eye on this milk thief if he's to lose any weight.
06:35 Back on Bangamat Island, it's time for round two of Operation Catch Casper.
06:46 The capture team locates him in a more open part of the forest.
06:54 The sparse trees here make for an easier shot than yesterday when Casper was in the dense
06:59 jungle.
07:07 But the king's a long way up.
07:18 The sniper's aim is true, and Casper lets the team know he's not happy.
07:30 He tosses away the dart and climbs higher.
07:37 But with a heavy sedative working its way through his body, this is dangerous.
07:47 It can take less than 10 minutes for the sedative to take effect, so the capture team must act
07:53 fast.
07:55 200-pound Casper poses a much greater challenge for the net setup than most release candidates.
08:08 The net must be kept extremely taut to break Casper's fall.
08:15 And if it isn't high enough off the ground, Casper could still hit the forest floor when
08:19 he falls.
08:23 An impact from this height could prove fatal.
08:30 As the sedative kicks in, King Casper transforms from a hulking brute into a gentle giant.
08:50 The capture team secures the net using the framework of an old feeding platform to give
08:55 it some extra height.
09:03 But as they make a last-second adjustment, the net slips at the worst possible moment.
09:31 This could have been devastating, but the team's lightning reflexes have helped break
09:36 Casper's fall and saved his life.
09:46 The vets urgently check him.
09:54 If he has even one broken bone, it could drastically delay his return to the wild.
10:11 Their initial examination suggests nothing's broken, but they won't know the full story
10:16 until he's checked out back at base.
10:26 As a precaution, Vet Marios gives him an anti-inflammatory shot.
10:32 This will help reduce potential swelling and ease any pain from the fall.
10:43 He's not out of the woods yet, though.
10:50 The team must get the king to the transfer truck waiting at a nearby village before the
10:55 sedative wears off.
11:00 And Casper's already stirring in his sleep.
11:25 If he regains consciousness in transit, he could topple the tiny boat.
11:35 Vet Marios keeps a close eye on his charge as they race off to the village.
