暴雨扩大影响黑龙江省 北方粮仓被淹恐影响粮食供应

  • last year
新闻报报看 | 受台风杜苏芮外围和残余环流影响,中国华北洪水灾情扩大到“北方大粮仓”黑龙江省!当地哈尔滨市持续下暴雨,洪水淹没当地大片稻田。而松花江下游的五常市,也正值水稻抽穗的关键期,水淹2天,稻农一整年的心血都完蛋了,恐怕会冲击中国的粮食供应。(主播:庄文杰、郑萱荟)


00:00 In the past week or so,
00:01 the flood-affected areas in China's Huabei and Dongbei provinces
00:06 have seen a large-scale flood.
00:07 What's scary is that the rain seems to be never-ending.
00:11 The flood has now spread to Heilongjiang Province,
00:15 which is known as the "Great Food Warehouse of the North."
00:19 There have been several heavy rains,
00:21 which could affect the food supply chain.
00:24 According to a report,
00:25 the Hailongjiang Province's Harbin City has been continuously flooded.
00:27 The flood has flooded a large area of rice fields.
00:31 For farmers, this is a dire situation.
00:33 It's the time for rice to be harvested.
00:37 After two days of flooding,
00:38 farmers have lost a year's worth of their hard work.
00:42 This will also impact China's food production.
00:45 The flood has destroyed rice fields and affected food supply.
00:48 It's a major crisis.
00:50 In the past few days,
00:50 the Mudan River in Heilongjiang Province
00:52 has been flooded by heavy rain.
00:55 The flood has even flooded the residential areas
00:57 and even washed away the entire house.
00:59 Not only that,
01:00 but also people say that their cars and homes
01:03 have been washed away by the flood.
01:05 Even the bridges on the road have been washed away by the flood,
01:08 affecting the rescue team's speed of deep-diving.
01:11 This continuous storm
01:13 is affecting and threatening
01:15 the lives and safety of the people of Heilongjiang Province.
01:18 According to reports,
01:19 various natural disasters occurred in July in China,
01:22 causing 16 million people in China to suffer.
01:25 The direct economic loss
01:26 reached 4.11 billion RMB.
01:30 In other words,
01:31 it's about 26.15 billion RMB.
01:34 In just July,
01:36 this number has exceeded
01:38 the total economic damage
01:41 from January to June this year.
01:44 In addition to the shocking economic loss,
01:47 the heavy rain
01:48 has also caused the Beijing Shisanling Reservoir
01:51 to have to open its doors for the first time
01:54 in the past three years.
01:56 The reason is that the upstream water of the Shisanling Reservoir
01:59 continues to increase.
02:00 It has now exceeded the water level of 3 meters.
02:03 In order to ensure the safety of the reservoir and downstream,
02:06 the Shisanling Reservoir
02:07 had to open its doors yesterday.
02:11 (Music)
