除了少数讽刺“投国盟不能穿短裤” 刘华才:华人不再骂我了

  • last year
新闻报报看 | 民政党主席刘华才说,他在这几天走访选区拜票时,发现华裔选民对他的态度有改善很多,华裔选民都给予正面的回应,没有像之前一样谩骂他,只是还是有一、两个华裔选民讽刺说“投国盟不能穿短裤”而已。(主播:庄文杰、郑萱荟)


00:00 Speaking of the focus of the election in six states,
00:02 we have to mention the leader of the Democratic Party,
00:06 Liu Huacai, who has recently taken over the news.
00:09 Liu Huacai, who defeated the 8.6 in the Bincheng,
00:11 was treated by his allies, the first party, in an unreasonable way.
00:14 Although the first party central committee has apologized
00:16 and called on their party members to vote for Liu Huacai,
00:20 but there are still leaders of the first party in Bincheng who say
00:23 they can't vote for Liu Huacai
00:26 because they don't have enough people.
00:28 They can't even take care of themselves.
00:30 The current meaning is that Liu Huacai can only take care of himself.
00:36 Take care of himself.
00:37 The chairman of the first party in Bincheng told Qian Fengbao
00:40 that the first party in Bincheng did not intend to carry Liu Huacai
00:44 and refuse to vote for him,
00:45 but that they themselves are not enough people.
00:47 He said that now all the candidates for the election
00:50 must wear their own campaign organs.
00:52 Liu Huacai is the same.
00:54 In order to avoid misunderstanding,
00:55 he also said that
00:57 the first party in Bincheng is following the instructions of the central government.
01:00 They are working hard to improve their relationship with Liu Huacai,
01:03 and will also gather all local party members and communities
01:06 to explain the relevant situation to them.
01:09 Liu Huacai, who has experienced many difficulties,
01:11 was not defeated by these tests.
01:15 Last night, he also went to meet with the first party's 86th Boda Town branch
01:20 to start a "breakthrough journey".
01:22 The branch's chief of the branch later revealed to the media
01:25 that although the branch was only established for three years,
01:27 it is very young and only has 30 members,
01:30 but they will fully support Liu Huacai.
01:33 He said that since the nomination day,
01:35 the members of the branch have been helping Liu Huacai.
01:38 Every day, they will send people to help Liu Huacai run for the election.
01:43 It seems that the relationship between the Democratic Party and the first party
01:46 seems to have softened a bit, right?
01:49 The internal conflict between the Democratic Party and the first party
01:52 seems to have been resolved.
01:54 What about the external conflict,
01:55 that is, the fact that Liu Huacai and the Democratic Party
01:57 are not welcomed by Chinese voters?
02:01 Liu Huacai said that
02:02 when he visited the election district to lose the vote these days,
02:05 he found that the Chinese voters' attitude towards him has improved a lot.
02:08 Everyone gave a positive response,
02:10 and did not scold him as before.
02:12 It's just that there are still two Chinese voters who will ridicule
02:16 that the head of the National Alliance can't wear shorts.
02:18 That's it.
02:19 Okay, after walking through the election district, Liu Huacai said,
02:22 "Because the Chinese voters' attitude towards the Democratic Party has improved,
02:26 and the incompetence of the United Front Government
02:28 has not yet been able to solve the economic problem,
02:31 which has caused a lot of dissatisfaction among voters.
02:33 So he was confident that
02:35 this time, the Chinese voters' support for the West Alliance
02:39 will not reach the same high as 95% before.
02:43 And there is also a person who is confident in Liu Huacai,
02:45 the former Florida-based state-run candidate Harris.
02:50 The 8-6-8 state-run election is actually one of the three state-run elections
02:53 under the Florida-based state-run election.
02:55 The former candidate of the National Alliance,
02:57 he analyzed that
02:59 when he was in the state-run election of Florida in the last national election,
03:03 the votes in the 8-6-8 state-run election
03:05 were only 1.5% different from the West Alliance.
03:09 Okay, he said,
03:11 "If we can get another 6% to 7% of the Chinese votes now,
03:16 he thinks Liu Huacai should be able to win the 8-6-8 state-run election."
03:22 [Music]
