‘তৃণমূল এখন দেশ বিরোধীর সমার্থক’! নবগ্রামকাণ্ড নিয়ে আর কি বললেন সুকান্ত মজুমদার?

  • last year
‘তৃণমূল এখন দেশ বিরোধীর সমার্থক’! নবগ্রামকাণ্ড নিয়ে আর কি বললেন সুকান্ত মজুমদার?
00:00 We want justice. This is a secret murder case. We want justice. We want to know why and how it happened. We want to know if it was a murder or a murderous act.
00:15 The police station in Navagram has been closed for three days.
00:19 I have heard that the police station has been suspended. Many incidents are happening in Navagram and Hari Bahar Para. I have heard that a murder has happened in Mai King.
00:34 Many people have been insulted. We have heard that the people of a particular religious community have burnt three houses in Hari Bahar Para.
00:47 The police station in Musheedabad has been closed.
00:53 We have seen that the police station in Musheedabad has been closed.
00:56 The police station in Musheedabad has been closed.
00:59 A police officer was arrested by the police.
01:03 The police officer was arrested by the police.
01:12 The police officer was arrested by the police.
01:17 The police officer was arrested by the police.
01:24 We are hopeful that the people who are in the police station will be released.
01:35 The police officer was arrested by the police.
01:45 The three-party Congress and the National Opposition have been supported.
01:50 The three-party Congress is not only supporting the terrorists.
01:55 The terrorists are also destroying the country.
02:02 The three people arrested by the Gujarat police have also come from the West Bank.
02:07 The terrorists are also coming from the West Bank.
02:18 The authorities of the Mamata Mandapas have made a fake card.
02:23 The three people arrested by the Gujarat police have come from the West Bank.
02:32 The Central Agency of the Gujarat Police has said that the terrorists have been working as a spy.
02:40 The terrorists have been working as a spy.
02:44 The SDO has made everything from the certificate of the terrorists.
02:49 The SDO has made everything from the certificate of the terrorists.
02:54 The three-party Congress is working as a party to Pakistan.
02:58 The future of the people of Bengal will be like the fruit of the Haryana.
03:04 The police is trying to do everything.
03:07 The police is trying to do everything.
03:10 The police is trying to do everything.
03:23 The police is trying to do everything.
03:28 The police is trying to do everything.
03:46 Prevention is better than cure.
03:48 Prevention is better than cure.
03:52 The police is trying to do everything.
04:09 The police is trying to do everything.
04:29 The police is trying to do everything.
