India kempunan gol padang sejak 6 aksi terakhir

  • last year
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:06 All right, this is the development of the trophy for the Asian Champion, ACT, in Chennai.
00:11 The action involves the national squad, the Indian home team will be coloured with two different styles of play,
00:18 which will definitely offer the last ticket for the Speedy Tigers if they manage to overcome the Asian team.
00:24 Wow, and this match will be heated up with the match between the world's best penalty shoot-out players,
00:31 Razirazim and Harmanpreet Singh.
00:34 The match, which is labelled the 'Pra-Final' to Johanan, is between two machine-guns that will determine the outcome of the match.
00:44 If the performance is as good as it should be, it will be more towards the Indian team,
00:48 as the Craig Fulton's control squad has yet to score a goal since the last six matches, including against Japan.
00:58 India's failure to score a goal in the first half of the European tour last month,
01:03 has enabled the national squad to hold the most nets, Harmanpreet Singh.
01:08 We know that the first picker in India is Harmanpreet.
01:13 I have discussed with the first runner how we will close the gap and there are a few ways we will use.
01:24 Harmanpreet can flick all angles. His favourite is to flick the right goalkeeper.
01:32 Our PC Defence Department has also studied how India penalty attacks.
01:40 We have analysed his strengths and weaknesses.
01:45 As we saw yesterday, Japan managed to stop Harmanpreet from scoring a lot of goals.
01:55 We have done a bit of research to prepare for the next game against India.
02:01 The role and sacrifice of the first line is quite difficult as he is the first runner.
02:11 He has to be brave, not just 100% but 200%.
02:18 The risk of injury is very high.
02:22 If we run with courage, the right line and quick decision making,
02:31 we can avoid injury.
02:34 [Outro]
