বিরোধীদের ঐক্য দেখে ঘাবড়ে গিয়েছেন, সব কাজেই ফ্লপ নরেন্দ্র মোদী: শত্রুঘ্ন সিনহা | Oneindia Bengali

  • last year
বিরোধীদের ঐক্য দেখে ঘাবড়ে গিয়েছেন, সব কাজেই ফ্লপ নরেন্দ্র মোদী: শত্রুঘ্ন সিনহা
00:00 The Prime Minister is looking a bit confused these days.
00:06 And looking at the unity of the opposition, especially the way India has become one group
00:12 and one group, and the number of votes that have been received, or the ratio of votes,
00:20 or the number of votes that India and the opposition had won, which many people call
00:30 the National Deal of what it is, this is our India group, which has won by a lot more numbers than that.
00:40 So, because of the unity of that, their anxiety and fear has increased.
00:46 That's why wherever he is going, I don't agree with the Prime Minister, he is only giving a political statement.
00:52 He says that for the sake of speaking, he speaks.
00:57 We know and people say that he is not trusted.
01:00 The Prime Minister knows that he is not trusted in front of the people of India.
01:06 He kept saying a lot of things.
01:08 He kept saying in the beginning that he will bring black money, he couldn't bring it.
01:12 He kept saying that he would give 2 crore for employment, he couldn't do it.
01:16 The inflation has increased so much that in 50 years, such inflation may not have happened in 100 years,
01:22 which has happened today.
01:24 The price of petrol and diesel has increased so much that they used to say that it is enough.
01:28 The inflation has increased so much that this time the Modi government, our Modi ji came.
01:32 Modi ji came, the government could not do anything.
01:34 He himself said, you will remember now, that the farmers' income will double.
01:40 Today, the farmers' income is 27 rupees a day.
01:45 The farmers' income is being spent on the food of our country.
01:48 So in all matters, in the language of the film, it has flopped.
01:54 So where they go to distract attention from issues, they are not able to say anything new.
02:01 They try to fill the same old bottle with new liquor.
02:05 And they talk about it here and there, which we call only in the political state.
02:10 Railway people came, invited, but you have seen that more important work than that,
02:16 more important work than that, in the sense, our previous commitment was there.
02:20 You are in front, so you are watching.
02:22 It couldn't go because of these reasons.
02:24 And the second thing, they were doing the inauguration virtually.
02:27 They were doing it together in a big way.
02:29 Is there such an inauguration in the big way of 508 railway stations?
02:34 And the third most important thing,
02:37 if the railway station, the railway network,
02:41 if it is to be inaugurated, if Vande Bharat is to be inaugurated,
02:45 then the Prime Minister and the others have no other work.
02:49 What can they do? The Minister of Railways can do it.
02:54 Someone can do it officially, someone can do PMO.
02:57 In every work, from marriage to marriage,
03:00 all the work of publicity, all the work of publicity,
03:03 the Prime Minister is doing it.
03:05 Now he is doing all this work, he will do the inauguration of the shop tomorrow.
03:09 So when will he do the rest of the work?
03:11 Then why do they say that we work for 18 hours and 24 hours?
03:15 They do the same work.
03:16 Whenever you see, they go to the election campaign everywhere,
03:20 they go everywhere themselves.
03:21 Don't they have anyone else?
03:23 That's why people say, when asked who is the face of the Prime Minister near the opposition,
03:28 the answer is that the opposition has many faces.
03:32 Who is near the ruling party? There is only one.
03:36 And God forbid, if something happens, if someone falls ill,
03:39 or if the election is not fought, or if the election is lost,
03:42 then that means their NDA will be scattered.
03:45 No one will be left to handle it.
03:47 There are more than one capable people here.
03:49 The talent pool, the pool of talent,
03:52 that we have, the opposition has,
03:54 whether it is a matter of law, or administration,
03:58 or a matter of wisdom, or a matter of health,
04:03 all the experts we have,
04:06 they will keep looking for you if you look for them in the NDA.
04:10 That's why it is necessary to understand this.
04:13 So all the talks are made to distract attention from the main issues.
04:21 And when they go to the railway functions,
04:24 they should not talk about politics at that time.
04:27 But when they talk about politics,
04:29 it means that they have nothing left to do and nothing else to say.
04:34 That's why they talk like this.
