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"Alerte à Saint-Tropez !" : Caroline Margeridon canon sans haut de maillot de bain, elle est comparée à Pamela Anderson
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"Alerte à Saint-Tropez !" : Caroline Margeridon canon sans haut de maillot de bain, elle est comparée à Pamela Anderson
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00:00 "Caroline Margeridon has made the news.
00:12 The star of the case has indeed revealed her bathing suit on Instagram this Sunday,
00:18 August 6.
00:19 A photo that may turn heads.
00:24 Since she joined the case in 2018, Caroline Margeridon has not only become one of the
00:30 favorite buyers of the program in the eyes of viewers but also an essential public personality
00:35 .
00:36 It is therefore quite natural that she was called to participate in the new and second
00:45 season of the M6 Traitors.
00:48 But when she is not on set or in her antique shop at the Saint-Ouen bus, Caroline Margeridon
00:56 likes to spend good time with her friends.
01:00 And if there are some of them that she joined to get drunk after having a blast in Ibiza.
01:06 On Instagram, where she is still very active, the 56-year-old blonde girl shares some
01:15 snippets of this sunny stay with her subscribers.
01:18 And this Sunday, August 6, she revealed a lot.
01:22 Indeed, in Story, Caroline Margeridon posted a photo of her friend, a.
01:28 named Thierry Chapeau, on which they take a break in the pool of their holiday home.
01:33 Not at all complex, she reveals everything smiling.
01:39 No swimsuit, alert to Saint-Tropez.
01:45 Question mark.
01:48 She does not change Pamela Anderson, to legend with humor her swimming partner.
01:54 No sign of her companion Pascal with whom she has been in a relationship for at least
02:01 five years.
02:02 It must be said that the buyer did not take for habit to expose himself to him.
02:09 Pascal has been seen only once and only once so far, when he accompanied Caroline Margeridon
02:18 to the wedding of Claude Lelouch and Valérie Perrin in June last.
02:21 During the interview, the beautiful blonde has however already mentioned their relationship,
02:29 which she lives away from because Pascal is settled in Switzerland.
02:34 A situation that suits Caroline perfectly.
02:38 "In my private life, I have established a rule, no man lives with me.
02:46 Even with my ex-husband, who is a lawyer, we did not live together permanently.
02:53 I am happy so, Alexandre and Victoire love them a lot.
03:00 But no man will pass before my children.
03:05 If this is an immutable rule, she entrusted it to Gala. "
03:08 "I am happy so, Alexandre and Victoire love them a lot.
03:27 But no man will pass before my children.
03:51 If this is an immutable rule, she entrusted it to Gala.