• 2 years ago
Spellbound - Episode 3


00:00 Malia McCully from St. Catherine's Girls AC Primary School.
00:04 Jayden Jacob from St. Mary's Mucorapo Boys RC School.
00:09 Ariel Hilaire from Piccadilly Government Primary School.
00:14 Noah Hart from Charleville Presbyterian Primary School.
00:18 Raigel White from Richmond Street Boys AC School.
00:25 Aidan Chance White from Keurip Fatima RC Primary School.
00:30 Nazaria Williams from Newton Girls RC School.
00:33 And let's meet the team.
00:36 Our pronouncer, Conrad Paris.
00:39 Our judge, Candice Coraya-Charles.
00:42 Our hive hosts, Megan Das and Stefan Fellman.
00:46 And our Queen Bee,
00:49 Heymar Ramkisson!
00:51 (audience applauding)
00:57 (upbeat music)
01:00 - Welcome to Spellbound.
01:02 This is not your regular spelling bee.
01:04 It's an extraordinary show.
01:05 And it's a show where school children
01:07 and all of the bees that we have, everybody's excited?
01:11 - Yes!
01:11 - So we're catering for school children 10 and under.
01:15 These brave contestants will have a limited time
01:18 to spell some challenging words.
01:20 But we are starting things off with a warmup.
01:24 Round one, the honeycomb!
01:27 Now in this round, we've got three words
01:29 and you have to spell how many words?
01:31 - Three.
01:32 - Three, three words.
01:34 And you have to spell it in 30 seconds.
01:36 Each time you spell a word correctly,
01:39 our judge, wave judge, so they'll know.
01:42 She can be a little mean sometimes.
01:44 If you spell it correctly, she will give up.
01:47 So how would you know?
01:48 She's going to nod.
01:50 That's how you know you spelled it correctly.
01:52 And if you made a slight little error and...
01:57 How did you know that?
01:58 Just to make sure everybody knows that.
02:02 So we know that this competition is raring to go.
02:04 People obviously ready and waiting
02:07 and coming to the podium.
02:09 But students, before we start things off,
02:11 and this is really for the judges
02:12 because I know you definitely are ready
02:14 for this competition, but we may be a little edgy.
02:17 So as bees, let's take a little buzz
02:19 just to get the edge off.
02:20 Ready?
02:21 One, two, three.
02:22 Buzz!
02:23 I think that was a good buzz.
02:27 So everybody's raring to go?
02:29 - Yes.
02:29 - Competition's ready to start.
02:31 Judge, are we ready?
02:32 Pronounce of Paris, over to you.
02:36 - Thank you, Hema.
02:37 Students, I will give you each three words
02:41 with 30 seconds maximum in which to spell them.
02:45 You may say pass if you choose.
02:47 Time permitting, I will return to those past words.
02:52 Now, if Malia will step to the podium, please.
02:57 (audience applauding)
03:01 Malia, are you ready?
03:05 - Yes.
03:06 - Good.
03:07 Your first word is survey.
03:11 - Survey.
03:12 S-E-R-V-E, survey.
03:16 - Emblem.
03:21 - E-M-B-L-E-M, emblem.
03:24 - Threat.
03:26 - Threat, T-H-R-E-A-T, threat.
03:30 - Thank you very much, Malia.
03:32 (audience applauding)
03:35 Jaden Jacob from St. Mary's, Mucurapo Boys RC
03:40 is up to the podium now.
03:42 (audience applauding)
03:46 Jaden, your first word is audience.
03:51 - A-U-D-I-E-N-C-E.
03:56 - Ecology.
03:59 - E-C-O-L-L-E-A-G-U-E.
04:05 - Vertex.
04:10 - V-E-R-T-E-X.
04:15 - Thank you very much, Jaden.
04:16 (audience applauding)
04:19 It's now Ariel's turn.
04:21 Step to the centre, please, Ariel.
04:24 (audience applauding)
04:27 You ready?
04:29 Your first word is pollution.
04:34 - P-O-U-L-U-T-I-O-N.
04:39 - Spectate.
04:42 - S-P-E-C-T-I-H-T.
04:47 - Labour.
04:51 - L-A-B-A-R.
04:54 - Thank you very much, Ariel.
04:56 (audience applauding)
04:59 Noah Hart is up next.
05:03 Come to the centre of the arena, Noah.
05:05 (audience applauding)
05:09 Your first word is vegetable.
05:14 - V-E-G, vegetable.
05:16 V-E-G-E-T-A-B-L-E, vegetable.
05:20 - Diameter.
05:22 - D-I-A-M-E-T-E-R.
05:26 - Nuclear.
05:27 - N-U-E-C-L-E-R.
05:30 - Thank you very much, Noah.
05:32 (audience applauding)
05:35 Regal, it's now time for you to make your way
05:39 to the spellbound podium.
05:41 (audience applauding)
05:44 And a very fitting word for you to start, introduction.
05:50 - Introduction, I-N-T-R-O-D-U-C-T-I-O-N, introduction.
05:56 - Caution.
06:02 - Caution, C-A-U-T-I-O-N, caution.
06:08 Reusable.
06:10 - Reusable, R-E-U-S-E-A-B-L-E, reusable.
06:15 - Thank you very much, Regal.
06:19 (audience applauding)
06:21 It's Aidan Chance's turn.
06:23 (audience applauding)
06:28 Aidan Chance White, are you ready?
06:32 - Yes.
06:34 - Your first word, guilty.
06:37 - G-U-I-L-T-Y, guilty.
06:40 - Could you repeat that, please?
06:43 - Guilty, G-U-I-L-T-Y, guilty.
06:47 - Restaurant.
06:49 - R-E-S-T-U-R-A-N-T, restaurant.
06:54 - Variety.
06:57 - V-A-R-I-E-T-Y, variety.
07:02 - Thank you very much, Aidan.
07:03 (audience applauding)
07:05 And finally, Nazaria, please step to the centre.
07:09 (audience applauding)
07:12 Your first word, a possible career choice, librarian.
07:20 - Librarian, L-I-B-R-A-R-I-E-N, librarian.
07:26 - Favourite.
07:31 - Favourite, F-A-V-O-U-R-I-T-E, favourite.
07:36 - Disposal.
07:39 - Disposal, D-I-S-P-O-S-A-L, disposal.
07:44 - Thank you very much, Nazaria.
07:47 (audience applauding)
07:50 Back to you, Queen B.
07:52 - Well, definitely after that round,
07:54 I do think we need another round of applause because--
07:56 (audience applauding)
08:00 - How did that go?
08:01 Everybody's ready to go?
08:04 A little mixed, well, we're not warming up, trust me.
08:06 We have a whole show to go.
08:08 But before we move on, let's take a look at our stats
08:12 so you at home can see how we're going so far.
08:14 (upbeat music)
08:18 (upbeat music)
08:21 - From the experts that created the Singer Sandwich
08:41 comes the KFC Crispy Barbecue Singer.
08:45 (upbeat music)
08:47 Cheddar cheese, crispy onions,
08:54 the most delicious Kentucky fried chicken
08:58 and barbecue sauce.
09:00 Get ready for a whole new level of flavour.
09:04 (upbeat music)
09:07 (upbeat music)
09:11 (upbeat music)
09:14 - To be honest, all the years working,
09:23 kids came to the school.
09:25 It's time for me to give back.
09:27 At my age, you like to give back, coach, give advice,
09:31 see kids grow, minds grow, love, enjoy.
09:35 (upbeat music)
09:39 (upbeat music)
09:42 - To the right.
10:00 - Mila, you go to your left.
10:01 - Thank you for the rejections
10:07 that taught me to keep striving.
10:09 Thank you for the long hours
10:14 that taught me discipline.
10:17 Thank you for the knock downs
10:24 that taught me to bounce back.
10:29 (upbeat music)
10:37 And for the unexpected victories
10:39 that taught me to never give up.
10:45 - Please welcome, the Honourable J.C.
10:48 - Thank you for making me who I am.
10:51 (upbeat music)
10:54 (car horn honking)
10:59 - Are you tired of the same old boring drive home from work?
11:02 - Work, work, work, no further.
11:04 - Get ready for the ultimate after work rush
11:06 with Freedom 106.5 FM's,
11:08 the Overdrive with Davey.
11:11 Mondays to Fridays from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
11:13 Let Davey take you on a thrilling ride
11:16 of nonstop entertainment and education.
11:18 He covers the topics of the day,
11:20 delves into the latest food and lifestyle trends
11:22 and brings dynamic guests from exciting professions
11:25 to share their professional stories and experiences.
11:28 Take advantage of this energizing and engaging experience.
11:31 Tune into Freedom 106.5 FM,
11:34 Mondays to Fridays, 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
11:36 for the Overdrive with Davey.
11:39 The ultimate way to end your day with a bang.
11:42 - Welcome back to Spellbound.
11:49 I think we must all admit that our bees
11:51 have been given a pretty tough task,
11:54 but they are, I guess, flying to the challenge,
11:56 rising to the challenge.
11:58 But we've seen a little bit about what they can do.
12:00 Now it's time for round two.
12:03 The bee-off!
12:05 So you still have 30 seconds,
12:07 but within this 30 seconds,
12:09 you have to spell, not three, but four words this time.
12:14 How many words?
12:14 - Four.
12:15 - So the big question is,
12:16 how are you going to decide what four words you get?
12:20 So what we're going to do is that Auntie Megan
12:23 is going to come and you are now going to pick
12:25 which category of bee you're in.
12:28 And that will help us determine
12:30 how you are going to be given these words.
12:33 Go ahead and pick.
12:34 (upbeat music)
12:36 So remember, we have to make sure and show the pictures
12:50 so that mommy, daddy, the audience,
12:52 they see which bee you are.
12:53 So make sure the pictures are facing the audience.
12:56 So bumblebee, who has bumblebee?
13:00 You're now podium number one.
13:01 Let's make some quick switches.
13:03 Carpenter bee, podium number two.
13:05 Who's carpenter bee?
13:06 Oh, we're already in place.
13:08 Honeybee.
13:09 Honeybee is now at podium number three.
13:12 So we're making a quick switch.
13:13 Ivy bee, who's Ivy bee?
13:15 Okay, so Ivy bee, you are podium number four.
13:17 So you stay.
13:19 Killer bee, who has killer bee?
13:20 So killer bee is at five.
13:22 Who has mining bee?
13:23 So you're at number six.
13:24 So you're going there.
13:26 And stingless bee.
13:27 Stingless bee is now podium number seven.
13:31 So, come, let's go.
13:32 So now the movement and the beehive has taken place
13:35 and the numbers that they are in,
13:37 this is the position they're going to be called up
13:39 by pronouncer Paris, who now will give the instructions.
13:43 - Thank you.
13:44 Once again, Hema.
13:45 Students, similarly to the last round,
13:47 I will read your words and you will spell them.
13:50 Keep an eye on the clock,
13:53 as there are only 30 seconds for you to spell
13:56 four words in this round.
13:58 You may say pass if you choose.
14:01 Time permitting, I will return to past words,
14:03 but this time our judge will be tallying silently,
14:07 which means you will not know if you got any of your words
14:10 right or wrong until the end of the round.
14:14 Understood?
14:15 Good.
14:17 Let's start with Bumblebee.
14:19 Step to the podium, please.
14:21 You ready, Bumblebee?
14:22 - Yes.
14:23 - Your first word, antonym.
14:28 - A-N-T-O-Y-M.
14:31 - Measure.
14:33 - M-E-A-S-U-R-E.
14:37 - Adjust.
14:39 - A-D-J-S-U-T.
14:42 - Evaporate.
14:44 - E-V-A-P-O-R-E-T-E.
14:50 - Thank you very much, Bumblebee.
14:52 (audience applauding)
14:53 You can head back to the podium now.
14:57 Now it's Carpenter Bee's turn,
14:59 with your first word being sentinel.
15:04 - Can you repeat, please?
15:07 - Sentinel.
15:08 - Pass.
15:09 - Indigenous.
15:13 - Indigenous.
15:14 I-N-D-I-G-E.
15:20 I-G-I-N-E-O-U-S.
15:25 - Asterisk.
15:33 That is your time.
15:39 Thank you very much, Carpenter Bee.
15:41 (audience applauding)
15:44 Honeybee, step forward, please.
15:49 Are you good at science?
15:50 No, that's fine.
15:54 You will probably still be able to spell these.
15:57 Let's start with invertebrate.
16:00 - I-N-V-E-R-T-I-B-R-A-T-E, invertebrate.
16:05 - Tsunami.
16:09 - T-S-U-N-A-M-I, tsunami.
16:14 - Responsible.
16:18 - R-E-S-P-O-N-S-I-B-L-E, responsible.
16:23 - Dimension.
16:24 - D-I-M-E-N-S-I-O-N, dimension.
16:28 - Thank you very much, Aiden.
16:30 (audience applauding)
16:32 It's now Ivy Bee's turn.
16:34 Ivy Bee seems raring to go.
16:38 Let's start with pronunciation.
16:41 - Pronunciation, P-R-O-N-U-N-S-I-E, pronunciation.
16:47 - T-I-O-N, pronunciation.
16:52 - Cylinder.
16:53 - S-I-N-C-Y-L-I-N-D-R, cylinder.
16:58 - Hypothesis.
17:00 - H-Y-P-E-R-T-O-S-I-S.
17:05 - Dependable.
17:06 - D-E-P-E-A-N-D-E-A-B-L-E, dependable.
17:11 - Thank you very much, Noah.
17:14 (audience applauding)
17:17 (upbeat music)
17:19 - Killer Bee is rushing to the podium, a good sign.
17:22 (laughing)
17:24 Your first word, autobiography.
17:28 - Autobiography, A-U-T-O-B-I-O-G-R-A-P-H-Y, autobiography.
17:33 - Integrity.
17:43 - Integrity, I-N-T-E-R-G-I-T-Y, integrity.
17:48 - Vaccinate.
17:52 - Vaccinate, V-A-C-C-I-N-A-T-E, vaccinate.
17:57 - It seems that your time is up.
18:03 Thank you very much, Regal.
18:05 (audience applauding)
18:08 It's Mining Bee time.
18:12 Mining B steps to the centre of the arena. Are you ready?
18:18 Your first word is... "personification".
18:22 "Personification".
18:24 P-e-r-s-o-n-i-f-i-c-i-f-c-a-t-i-o-n.
18:36 "Hospitality".
18:38 "Hospitality". H-o-s-p-i-t-a-l-i-t-y.
18:45 "Environment".
18:46 "Environment". E-n-v-i-r-o-m-m-e-n-t.
18:53 That is your time. Thank you very much.
19:00 And finally, our Stingless Bee makes her way to the podium.
19:05 She seems ready. Is she?
19:07 Yep.
19:09 Good.
19:11 Your first word is... "hurricane".
19:14 H-u-r-i-c-a-n.
19:20 "Noticeable".
19:22 N-o-t-i-c-e-a-b-l-e.
19:28 "Applause".
19:30 A-p-l-o-s-e.
19:35 "Ingredient".
19:37 I-n-g-r-e-e-d-e-e-n-t.
19:45 "Cutting it close".
19:47 But that was your time. Thank you very much, Ariel.
19:54 Those are our bees, Queen Bee.
19:57 Well, the bees are back at the hive.
19:59 And now while our judge tallies up the results,
20:02 let's see if the big people of TNT can spell all those words
20:06 that these kids just tackled. I know I may stumble on a few.
20:09 I want to see if the adults like yourself can spell.
20:14 So let me go with "hypothesis".
20:16 Well, I will try.
20:18 Yes.
20:19 H-y-p-o-t-h-e-s-i-s.
20:23 The caribs and the Arawaks, they were indigenous.
20:27 Try that and say "bago". Spell "indigenous" for me.
20:30 OK, I'll try.
20:32 I-n-d-i-g-e-o-u-s.
20:36 Oh, God. And let's try "architect".
20:39 Um...
20:42 A-r-c-h-i-p-e-c-t.
20:46 Let me see how you can hit them geography, now, man.
20:49 G-e-o-g-r-a-p-h-y.
20:51 Oh, God. Use it in a sentence for me.
20:53 Um... Well, I have done geography in school.
20:57 Oh, God! Yes.
20:59 You can do this.
21:01 Keep learning.
21:03 Knowledge, key.
21:06 Time to get back to the competition.
21:08 It's time to find out which of our starting seven
21:11 will qualify for Round Three.
21:13 Before we do that, a round of applause to all of our Bs.
21:19 Good job.
21:23 And the four students who have qualified are...
21:26 Adrian, Rigel, Nazaria and Jadon.
21:33 Congratulations again to all of our Bs.
21:39 They truly are making us proud.
21:41 And for you at home, let's head to the Stats Board
21:43 so you can see how these results will calculate.
21:46 MUSIC
21:53 Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz!
22:00 All right, but you guys, you really did a beautiful job.
22:03 And to say thank you for all that hard work,
22:06 we have some goodies courtesy AMCO.
22:08 So, here you go. Congratulations on a job well done.
22:12 Here you go.
22:17 MUSIC
22:20 To the right.
22:27 Mila, you go to your left.
22:29 Thank you for the rejections...
22:32 ..that taught me to keep striving.
22:37 Thank you for the long hours...
22:41 ..that taught me discipline.
22:44 Buzz, buzz, buzz!
22:47 Come on! Go!
22:49 Thank you for the knockdowns...
22:52 ..that taught me to bounce back.
22:56 And for the unexpected victories...
23:07 ..that taught me to never give up.
23:12 Please welcome the Army of the Future.
23:15 Thank you for making me who I am.
23:18 From the experts that created the Singer Sandwich
23:29 comes the KFC Crispy Barbecue Singer...
23:33 # The only one I see is you... #
23:39 ..Cheddar cheese, crispy onions,
23:42 the most delicious Kentucky fried chicken
23:46 and barbecue sauce.
23:48 Get ready for a whole new level of flavour.
23:52 # KFC... #
23:54 Come on, Mila, come on!
24:00 OK, right there.
24:02 Good catch, boys!
24:08 (LAUGHS)
24:10 Your own home is so much more
24:14 than just four walls, floors and ceilings.
24:17 It's a lifetime of great memories and stories.
24:20 Come talk to us and start your journey home today.
24:23 Republic Bank - we're the one for you.
24:26 This is Spellbound, and the beehive is buzzing.
24:33 Our four students, Aidan, Riguel, Nazaria and Jayden,
24:37 well, they're all competing for one of two spots
24:41 in our episode finale.
24:43 Just four more words to get there.
24:46 But this time, I did say that we'll have some changes.
24:50 You only have 20 seconds to do it.
24:53 Round three is known as...
24:56 Buzzed Up!
24:58 Stefan, explain what's happening there.
25:00 We have four different categories on this wheel.
25:04 Seven letters or more.
25:06 That simply means the words have seven letters or more, right?
25:10 Self-explanatory thing. Good.
25:12 Does a double.
25:14 Simply meaning some words might or might not have
25:19 the same two letters next to it.
25:22 Who knows?
25:24 Starts with a vowel.
25:26 I do have to tell all of you, the vowels are...
25:29 A, E, I, O.
25:33 You, let me turn them away, too.
25:36 And normal nouns.
25:38 Noun is what? Person, place, animal, thing.
25:42 So we're looking for no verbal adjective. Right, M's?
25:45 Right.
25:47 We understand the rules, right?
25:49 Nazaria, you have to make your way up onto the wheel.
25:52 Ready to spin? Let's go.
25:54 Round of applause.
25:56 Normal nouns.
26:01 Nazaria, now we know you have to enter back the spelling arena
26:06 to the podium, and pronouncer Paris will now take over.
26:11 Nazaria...
26:14 Your first word.
26:17 Prayer.
26:19 Prayer. P-R-A-Y-E-R. Prayer.
26:23 Applicant.
26:25 Applicant. A-P-P-L-I-C-A-N-T. Applicant.
26:30 Boundary.
26:32 Boundary. B-O-U-N-D-R-Y. Boundary.
26:37 Dungeon.
26:39 Dungeon. D-U-N-G-E-O-N. Dungeon.
26:44 You cut it close there, but you made it.
26:47 Thank you very much, Nazaria.
26:49 Round of applause.
26:51 Rugella, you ready for the wheel? Let's go.
26:56 Give it a good hot spin.
27:00 Seven letters or more. Make it to the...
27:07 He's ready to go. I don't even have to say.
27:09 He's ready for this competition.
27:11 Rugella, your first word.
27:15 Bacteria.
27:17 Bacterial. B-A-C-T-E-R-I-A-L. Bacterial.
27:24 Consistent.
27:26 Consistent. C-O-N-I-S-I-S-T-A-N-T. Consistent.
27:34 Dictation.
27:36 Dictation. D-I-C-T-A-T-I-O-N. Dictation.
27:42 You've run out of time, but you did very well.
27:45 Thank you very much, Rugella.
27:47 Thank you. Back to the hive.
27:49 Aidan, you're up for the wheel.
27:57 Start with a vowel.
28:04 Make your way into the spelling arena.
28:07 Your first word, Aidan.
28:09 Imagination.
28:11 Imagination.
28:13 I-M-I... Wait, no, sorry.
28:17 I-M-A-G-I-N-A-T-I-O-N.
28:24 Imagination.
28:25 Alcohol.
28:27 A-L-C-H-O-L. Alcohol.
28:31 Amass.
28:33 Amass?
28:35 What was the word?
28:37 The word was amass, but you ran out of time.
28:40 Thank you very much, Aidan.
28:42 Back to the hive.
28:44 Jaden, you look like you're ready to leave the hive.
28:53 Does it double? Let's go.
28:56 Into the spelling arena.
28:58 Let's see, Jaden.
29:00 Installation.
29:03 Installation.
29:05 I-N-S-T-A-L...
29:09 L-A-T-I-O-N.
29:14 Corral.
29:16 C-O-R-A-L?
29:19 Plugged.
29:21 Can you repeat that, please?
29:23 Plugged.
29:24 P-L-U-N-D-H-D?
29:27 You ran out of time there, but you did well.
29:30 Thank you very much, Aidan. Back to the hive.
29:34 And while Judge Coriachiles tallies the results
29:39 to determine the final two,
29:41 I would like to once again reiterate
29:43 that all of the students here are true champions.
29:46 They have stepped out, they've done brave things today
29:49 and they continue to do brave things.
29:51 And kudos to the teachers and the schools
29:53 who participated in this competition.
29:55 I think the next generation is really in good hands.
30:00 We have the results.
30:05 Making our way to Pronouncer Paris' table.
30:09 Suspenseful, yeah?
30:11 Yeah, it is.
30:13 Now, ladies and gentlemen,
30:15 before I announce these final two names,
30:19 a round of applause to all of our contestants.
30:24 While everyone has been truly extraordinary,
30:30 the two to finish the fastest
30:33 and with the most correct answers and spelling
30:36 in terms of the words are...
30:39 Nazaria and Reghel.
30:41 Round of applause.
30:45 For those of you at home,
30:49 let's take a look at our stats board
30:51 for you to find out how we got here.
30:53 MUSIC
30:55 All right, guys, so to thank you again
31:07 for your amazing work today,
31:09 we're going to give you these goodies K2C Amco.
31:11 So go ahead and grab one.
31:13 Good job again.
31:15 Congratulations on all your hard work.
31:19 And these kids have had a spellbound in this arena
31:25 for this entire episode,
31:27 but now it's time for us to be spellbound
31:29 by none other than...
31:31 Kesley Lusionist!
31:33 What do you guys think is the oldest trick in the book?
31:37 I'm going to give you guys a hint, right?
31:39 At every magic show,
31:41 a magician always draws an item
31:43 and shows an animal coming out of it.
31:46 Correct. A rabbit out of a hat, right?
31:49 But trust me, it has never been done.
31:51 It's a fact.
31:53 I wanted to be the first person to get it done, right?
31:55 But after I thought about it,
31:57 this is what the magician does.
31:59 He shows you...
32:01 Let's see.
32:03 ♪ ♪
32:05 An empty hat, right?
32:09 He takes the hat, he shows that there's nothing inside of the hat,
32:12 and we all know that he's going to pull out a what?
32:16 Correct. A bunny!
32:19 But to be honest, I actually don't like this trick at all.
32:25 It's a bit cliche.
32:27 So I am not going to pull a rabbit out of a hat.
32:29 I don't have a rabbit and I don't have a hat.
32:32 But you know what?
32:34 I'm going to do something even better.
32:36 And you know what we call that at Spellbound?
32:38 Thinking outside of the hat.
32:41 This is your boy, Kestie Louzenich.
32:43 Thank you guys so much for watching.
32:45 ♪ ♪
32:47 It's the final round.
32:56 Listing.
32:58 Nazario, Regal, who's going to get there first?
33:01 Time for the fastest finger.
33:04 Once Pronouncer Paris has read out the word,
33:07 it's now up to you.
33:09 Pronouncer Paris.
33:11 Your word is...
33:13 Pompcité.
33:17 Regal.
33:19 Pomp...pomp...
33:22 Can you repeat the word?
33:24 Pompcité.
33:26 Pompcité.
33:28 P-O-C...
33:30 Double M-E-G-R-E.
33:34 Pompcité.
33:36 That means that Nazario now has the opportunity
33:43 to spell the word correctly.
33:45 Your word is Pompcité.
33:47 Pompcité.
33:49 P-O-M-C...
33:51 T-A-Y.
33:58 Let's try for another word,
34:00 and this time Nazario will lead.
34:03 Chagaramas.
34:07 S-H-A-G...
34:13 A-R-A...
34:18 M-O-U-S.
34:22 Regal, it's your turn.
34:27 Chagaramas.
34:29 C-H...
34:31 A-G...
34:34 E-R-A-M-E-S.
34:40 Mmm!
34:45 Things are... The plot is indeed thickening.
34:48 Let's try this one,
34:51 where Regal will lead
34:53 and have the opportunity to either spell or pass.
34:57 That word is...
34:59 Bacchanal.
35:01 Bacchanal.
35:04 B-A...
35:06 Double C...
35:09 H-A-N-N-A-L.
35:12 Bacchanal.
35:14 Nazario, this falls to you.
35:21 The word is back on up.
35:23 B-A-C-H-A-N-A-L.
35:29 OK, let's try something a little different.
35:37 We will veer away from home and try this.
35:42 Quadrilateral,
35:45 and this will fall on Nazario to spell or pass.
35:49 Quadrilateral.
35:51 Q-U-A-D-R-I-L-A-T-E-R-A-L.
35:58 Quadrilateral.
36:00 That is indeed correct.
36:03 Now, now that you've spelt that correctly, Nazario,
36:07 I would like you to use that word in a sentence.
36:11 This is a quadrilateral shape.
36:17 Quadrilateral.
36:19 That is a correct sentence,
36:27 which means that you, Nazario,
36:30 are the winner of this episode of Spellbound!
36:34 Congratulations!
36:36 [applause]
36:38 Our winner today receives their trophy, sponsored by KFC,
36:44 a gift card, a $500 voucher from thebesttoys.com,
36:48 and the chance to compete for the cup in the season finale.
36:52 Our runner-up also received a $300 voucher from thebesttoys.com.
36:57 And I want to say thank you to all of you at home for watching,
37:01 and to all of our students for keeping us spellbound.
37:05 Miguel, what a fantastic job you did.
37:09 I am so proud of you. Are you proud of yourself?
37:11 Yes.
37:12 Listen, that had to be the most intense fastest finger-rong I have ever witnessed.
37:18 I mean, I don't think I can even spell those words.
37:23 Miguel, you are a stellar person. Do you know that?
37:27 Yes.
37:28 Are you proud of yourself again?
37:29 Yes.
37:30 Yeah? Is there anybody out there you want to shout out to?
37:32 My best friend, Makai.
37:34 Best friend, Makai. Makai, you got that shout-out from Miguel.
37:37 Anything else you want to say?
37:40 Not really. Congratulations again, darling.
37:42 Here you have a lovely hamper from Amco for all the wonderful work that you did here today.
37:47 Spellbound is brought to you by title sponsor KFC, thebesttoys.com,
37:53 Shell, Trinidad and Tobago, Milo, RBL, KISS and Art Concepts Limited.
38:00 [Music]