Sarah Lopez critiquée pour avoir fêté les 4 mois de sa fille, elle sort de ses gonds

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Sarah Lopez critiquée pour avoir fêté les 4 mois de sa fille, elle sort de ses gonds

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00:00 On Instagram, on Monday, August 17, 2023, Sarah Lopez responded to her haters who criticized
00:14 her for having organized a party for her daughter Alia's 4 months.
00:17 If there are some who are not happy, don't look.
00:24 Why are you commenting?
00:28 You are going through haters, is it launched?
00:33 4 months already!
00:35 In April, Sarah Lopez became a mother for the first time.
00:39 After a difficult birth, she gave birth to a girl named Alia who makes her mother happy.
00:47 Sunday, August 6, on Instagram, Sarah Lopez celebrated her baby's 4th birthday, for which
00:57 she organized a nice party.
00:59 Happy 4th birthday my baby!
01:04 Another incredible day so cool party with my friends, she commented.
01:09 What attracted her to the critics of the Internet?
01:15 Nonsense, completely ridiculous, that's when you don't know what to do with your life and
01:20 your money anymore, we come to that, we will celebrate the days too?
01:24 Ridiculous, do that every month, it doesn't make sense, has anyone been able to read in comment?
01:29 Angry by the critics, Sarah Lopez responded to her haters, Monday August 17, in her Instagram
01:38 story.
01:39 I wanted to come back to something that is crazy, she said in a preamble, before adding,
01:47 I see in the comments.
01:49 There are some that still stand out, she just has to celebrate the hours now, but we don't care.
01:54 6 months, I want to celebrate my daughter's birthday every month, it's my first baby
01:59 and to be happy to celebrate that 3, 4 or 6 months ago, I gave birth to my little princess
02:04 and I'm proud of it, what does it do?
02:06 Isn't that your problem?
02:09 And she defended her decision to celebrate her daughter every month, I think it's super
02:15 good, it's going to be crazy memories for my daughter.
02:18 We had a blast.
02:22 Alia will have lots of memories, lots of photos, lots of videos.
02:26 Delete me now excuse me, but for me, if and if one day to celebrate because there are
02:35 4 months ago, I gave birth to my most beautiful gift in the world.
02:41 It's also Mom's birthday, because I gave birth to this beauty.
02:46 I want to celebrate it every month, to add Sarah Lopez, before throwing her detractors,
02:54 if there are some who are not happy, you don't look.
02:57 Why are you commenting?
03:02 You go for ragers.
03:05 She concluded, I prefer to warn for ragers and ragers because often, if Yesstide is
03:12 dead, I want to tell you that I am already thinking about the theme of the 5th birthday
03:16 word.
03:17 Delete me now because every month it's going to be the same thing.
03:25 It's said.
03:28 I'm going to be a rager.
03:40 I'm going to be a rager.
04:00 I'm going to be a rager.
