Lola Tung Gives A Tour Of The Summer I Turned Pretty Set #shorts

  • last year
Lola Tung Gives A Tour Of The Summer I Turned Pretty Set #shorts


00:00 I'm Lola Tong and I'm giving you an exclusive look behind the scenes of the summer at Jumpreet.
00:05 Okay, Chris, I just have some questions for you really quick.
00:07 What's been the highlight of shooting season 2?
00:09 Can I hold it? Is it okay?
00:11 You can hold it, you just gotta be careful.
00:13 It feels kinda cool, I feel like a rock star.
00:15 Don't get too close to it.
00:15 Thank you Lola, that was a wonderful question. I appreciate you asking that question.
00:18 There was a day when they had hot dogs at craft services two days in a row.
00:23 There was a day? Where did that happen?
00:24 Two days in a row. The second day was the only day that happened two days in a row.
00:28 The next day probably couldn't have happened. Thank you.
00:30 You're welcome. Thank you Chris.
00:32 Alright, I'm gonna show you around the set while they're setting up.
00:35 Look who it is, my pal.
00:36 Oh my god.
00:36 Happy graduation.
00:37 Hi Lola Tong, my pal.
00:39 Hello.
00:39 You wanna answer some questions?
00:41 I would love to answer some questions.
00:43 Which cast member can you always find making you TikTok?
00:46 David. David. I mean like me, but like David, you know?
00:49 Who's the number one artist on your summer playlist?
00:52 Um, Zach Bryan?
00:54 Okay, cool.
00:56 Shout out to Angry Bird.
00:58 And that's our time with Gavin Gasolino.
01:01 Bye.
01:02 Thank you guys. Thanks for having me. I appreciate it. Good luck on your tour.
01:04 Hey, rain.
01:06 Yeah, rain's going a lot.
01:08 You like moons?
01:09 What's your favorite snack to crack?
01:10 PB&J.
01:11 PB&J! There it is. There's PB&J.
01:14 Thank you very much for joining me on this lovely day on set.
01:17 Hope you had fun. I know I did.
