الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة "ماربل ديزاين" السعودية لـ CNBC عربية: مستمرون في زيادة الطاقة الإنتاجية.. ولا توجد ديون مستحقة على الشركة

  • last year


00:00 This is not a sign of a rise in the stock market, but it indicates the confidence of investors.
00:05 The direction of the company has come to more than one side, which is to enhance growth, stability and the company's governance.
00:12 The other side, which is not less important than the first one, is to mark the company and to introduce its products.
00:19 Today, tell us about your market share and what are your plans to expand in the coming period?
00:28 Regarding the market share, there are no clear numbers in the field of natural marble production.
00:34 But Marble Design is always striving to increase its market share.
00:38 And, thank God, we have recently expanded our production capacity to 160,000 m2 annually.
00:49 Tell us about the current situation of the company, and what are your plans to enhance the base of the customers in this direction?
00:59 We have a headquarter, which is a high-performance factory.
01:04 It is characterized by high production capacity and very modern equipment.
01:14 It is also characterized by a very large and diverse storage capacity, which is able to immediately connect the projects.
01:22 If we talk about the company's commitments today, tell us about the financial situation of the company.
01:28 How do you describe the current financial situation and the company's situation in this field?
01:34 The financial situation, thank God, is very special and is mentioned in the publications of the publications.
01:42 If you are asking about the company's debts, it is true that the company's debts are zero now.
01:48 The company's strategy was to build foundations and foundations on which the company built its future jumps.
01:57 If we talk about the book revenues, what will you benefit from it in the coming period, and where will it be directed in the coming period?
02:09 The revenues go to the owner after the publication is cut.
02:20 Do you also benefit from it in terms of the company's business development?
02:24 No, thank God, the company has just finished a major development, including the increase in production capacity, which has tripled in about a year.
02:32 This is one of the most important features of the company currently, the increase in production capacity.
