'Pretesto não adianta', diz Hugão sobre eleição no Cruzeiro

  • last year
Durente o programa Alterosa Esporte desta terça-feira (08), Hugão comentou sobre a insatisfação da torcida com as projeções das eleições para presidente do clube. Para Hugão os protestos da torcida não adiantam já que o estatuto do clube precisa de mudanças.

Leia mais: https://noataque.com.br/futebol/brasileirao-serie-a/time/cruzeiro/noticia/2023/08/08/gestor-que-ajudou-a-vender-a-saf-do-cruzeiro-deixa-a-xp/

Gestor de investimentos, Pedro Mesquita está de saída da XP. A empresa disse internamente que o desligamento foi “em comum acordo”. Ele trabalhou no processo de venda das ações da SAF do Cruzeiro ao empresário Ronaldo Nazário.

Acesse o site: https://noataque.com.br / https://uai.com.br


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#Cruzeiro #SAF #Associação


00:00 I don't know if I can explain this better
00:03 If it's not too long
00:05 Some employees came to me saying that if the association closes today, tomorrow is two days for me
00:12 And I was trying to be as literal as possible and say that you should leave your job
00:19 But what happens in reality?
00:22 I think it's worth any kind of fight, any kind of right
00:25 And they tried to distort my speech, including my friends
00:28 And I know that today there will be people in WhatsApp groups and on Twitter again
00:32 People that I considered my friends
00:34 Going on Twitter and putting the media as if I were in favor of the boards that are electing
00:40 What I wanted to say with this?
00:42 I think that any fight is valid, but the main fight of these people had to be for the change of the statute
00:47 So I ask you, Leopoldo, will you advance the fan to the door of the social club?
00:52 And shout that you don't want this, you don't want that, if they are well guarded by a retrograde, outdated, old, outdated statute
01:00 Politicized, that prioritizes totally those people that are inside
01:05 Will it be worth it to go to the door of the social club?
01:07 I went through this experience when Cruzeiro was still just an association
01:11 It's no use, because they are the same people voting for the same people
01:13 And there's no way, there's no way
01:15 But Algao, one question, because we are very involved with the clubs here
01:18 I think of the fans from the countryside that follow Cruzeiro from above
01:22 What is the situation? Just for the people at home who don't know what we are talking about
01:25 The situation is as follows, the argument that they are putting is that
01:28 Who is going to assume now, and their concern is that Ronaldo Granata assumes
01:32 Is that they can hinder at the moment the approval of the judicial recovery, which will not happen
01:37 The only thing that would hinder this approval would be, for example
01:41 If the creditors did not reach the necessary quorum to agree on the payment form
01:46 Then you see Sao Mano Menezes speaking, spitting, mumbling, African, spitting Asian dragon
01:53 Up and down, to be able to discuss, debate, say that it is vigorous and such
01:57 This is the guarantee, Sao Mano Menezes, that the people who worked there in the coffee shop, the workers
02:02 People who worked more humbly, will have the guarantee that they will receive from Cruzeiro
02:06 This is a priority for Cruzeiro to pay at this time
02:08 So you can only give a little hold, then you will receive, but you can give a hold
02:12 You also have to think about the financial health of Cruzeiro, of the institution
02:17 That I understand, you signed a contract back there, even very irresponsible
02:21 But then it's another bigger debate, and you receive 9 million, take 9 million from you
02:27 And then there is no money to pay the rest of the staff, so the share
02:30 So it's fair to do it like this, you know, so the priority is for the common worker, CLT, in that sense
02:37 So who will be elected there, can the fan intervene in this situation?
02:41 Unfortunately, you can't, so don't vote for the club
02:43 Is it almost an opposition to Ronaldo if this happens?
02:46 If it's an opposition to Ronaldo, let it be an interesting opposition, not Ronaldo Fenômeno, Ronaldo Granata
02:51 I was talking about Ronaldo Fenômeno's staff, if there are people who are still reactive to her
02:57 If they are saying inside, in that sense, in the association, only whoever is crazy to be in that sense
03:02 Obviously if necessary, I make some criticisms here, the staff, but at the moment, in terms of management, it's perfect
03:08 Now, about the association, and making it much clearer, I vote, my father votes, because my father is an associate
03:17 But he doesn't go to the club, I think since '93, if I'm not mistaken, but he pays his share
03:21 Including this thing of paying the share at the cashier, stop this nonsense, stop this thing
03:26 It has to be at the PIX, at the deposit, so we can see financial movement, and that worries me
03:31 To finish, I vote, the common fan votes, what is the possibility? I'm open to debate
03:38 What can be done? For the common fan to go to the door of the social club?
03:41 It won't help us, unfortunately, because the guys are safe, because everything is not over
03:46 (beep)
