Indiana Wide Receivers Coach Anthony Tucker Previews 2023 Season

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Indiana Wide Receivers Coach Anthony Tucker Previews 2023 Season
00:00 Coach good afternoon
00:02 Dequees Carter's coming in this this fall summer. He's was a very productive player over at Fordham
00:08 What does he bring to the room as a veteran and as somebody who has been through the wars of college football?
00:13 Maturity, you know again, you said he's a grad transfer
00:18 You know, so there's a he's got a great
00:21 Just mature presence about him really positive guy. He's he's really kind of
00:29 Really fit in with our team really fast, you know
00:32 you know, he's
00:34 Really smart obviously coming from Fordham you would assume that
00:37 But he's really kind of picked up what we're doing how we do things. He's perfect for for what our culture is here
00:44 And he's fit in our locker room really well
00:47 Hey coach
00:50 Obviously you can get to coach Kim camper last year and not really in the spring because he was still out
00:56 When you watch him on tape, I guess, you know, what did you like about him?
00:59 Then, you know, I know he's kind of on a pitch count a little bit limited right now
01:01 But what have you liked about how fall camp started for him? I think cams been great, you know, and I knew about cam
01:06 Before I got here just through recruiting, you know, I had an opportunity to evaluate him before he you know chose to come here
01:15 cams been
01:18 Great great leader great model in our room
01:22 Obviously, you know, he's made his way back and worked really really hard and he's looked great. I've been really pleased with cam
01:28 Yeah, I had to for you with EJ Williams
01:33 Was there anything that you saw from watching film of him?
01:36 You know
01:36 He had that breakout freshman year and kind of took a step back the next two years that that
01:40 Anything you saw that held him back and then how much the second question would be how much do you get to work with?
01:45 Jalen Lucas and how much do you think his skill set?
01:48 Kind of fits into what you guys want to do at slot receiver from him getting reps there. Well
01:53 Your first question about EJ
01:56 You know, I really wasn't that familiar with EJ before I got here
02:00 But I had opportunity to spend you know, the last eight months with him, you know going through spring ball pre spring
02:07 sat a great summer and
02:10 Somebody that's really really come along again. Another guy that's fit fits really well into into who we are as a program
02:18 really excited about about EJ and and where he is in his development right now and
02:22 You know what? I what we think his ceiling is
02:25 With J Lou, obviously J lose a really dynamic football player for us. So I mean whether it's lined up in the backfield
02:33 Spending time in in different, you know trying to find different ways for him to touch the football. We definitely we're definitely gonna do that
02:44 Like you talked about
02:45 EJ Williams and in ceiling being really high. What's exactly the process of getting him to reach that ceiling this season for you guys?
02:51 Say that last part again
02:53 What's the process of getting EJ Williams to kind of reach that ceiling that you talked about a little bit earlier?
02:58 Well, I think it was alluded kind of to him earlier as you know earlier in his career
03:02 He played a little bit more and so just you know in order to be to get good at football
03:07 You gotta play football, you know, and so
03:10 and he's
03:12 Got a ton of reps since he's been here
03:14 He's been you know, he's been in our offseason program. He's been through spring
03:19 And so I think he's in a really prime position, you know as you know in his development and what he's doing for us
03:27 you know to get kind of what he came here to do and that's just kind of the
03:31 Change gears and and and a new new scenery and go finish his career somewhere else, you know
03:37 I thought he's done. He's done a great job. I
03:41 Know you weren't here last year when cam was kind of talking about navigating new program figuring out his role all those things
03:48 but how have you seen him maybe
03:50 navigate the challenge of
03:52 You know personally trying to get healthy go through his rehabilitation do all that stuff, right?
03:56 Well, maybe trying to be one of those guys
03:57 That's obviously one of the more proven returning players
04:00 Maybe a guy that wants to be a little bit more vocal than he was a year ago and just kind of balancing
04:04 What the team needs from him while he's obviously getting healthy
04:08 Well, you know, like you said I wasn't here. So I wasn't a part of the beginning part of that, but I have seen
04:14 You know his investment, you know since I've been here
04:19 You know, he is he's highly invested in in our program
04:23 Highly invested in that room. He does have a voice and a presence on our team. Our team respects him
04:28 You know, he he is a leader in our room, you know in the receiver room
04:33 you know, but he had his own things that he needed to work through and
04:37 I mean he's been ahead of schedule on everything, you know, so that's a that's a great
04:41 You know that's attributed to who he is as a person and why he fits in our program so well
04:47 Because he's worked so hard
04:49 You know to make his way back through that and those are things that he had to deal with and and I you know
04:55 Just from my estimation. He's done a great job from what I've seen
04:57 He continues to do a great job
05:03 Cameron Perry is just a redshirt freshman, but his you know stood out spring and this fall
05:07 Just how much growth have you seen from him both on and off the field since you got here?
05:10 And how much do you feel like he'll be able to contribute this year?
05:12 Cam I mean cam is I mean every day every day. There's something that that that he's getting better at
05:20 There's a bunch of different things, you know when you're a young guy
05:22 There's a ton of different things, especially with what our defense does our defense challenges, you know, everyone
05:28 And especially if you're a young player
05:30 That the last real football that you played was in high school. So every single day is is
05:36 Has been great for cam and I again from the beginning
05:40 To now where he was when I got here to where he is now from what I'm seeing
05:44 I mean, he's he's just steady coming along more and more and he's just kind of you know stacking
05:50 But you know days on top of days good days on top of days and then you know again
05:55 He's a highly motivated guy. He's got really good work ethic. He's always doing things on his own
06:00 He's texting me and asking me questions about certain things because he's really inquisitive. He wants, you know, he loves being here
06:06 He loves being a part of this team
06:08 and you know
06:10 His his development from from when I got here to where he is now is to me is night and day
06:16 But every day is really important for those young guys
06:19 As it is everyone else
06:22 Yeah, go what two or three guys have really impressed you the most as you guys have gotten gotten into some more things in fall camp
06:29 I don't know if it's
06:31 Two or three guys. I mean we have a big group
06:35 A big group, which is good because we didn't have a big group in spring for a number of different, you know
06:41 Bunch of different reasons whether it's a you know, the quies coming here in this in the you know late in
06:47 early in the summer
06:50 but you know
06:52 Diving the Cully's had a you know, it's had a really good Springs had a strong fall camp
06:57 Anderson Kobe has done a great job for us
07:00 You know the quies has done a great job. Cam Perry's done a great job
07:04 You know camp campers coming along
07:07 You know Omar Cooper
07:09 I mean I can go down the list of guys and there's a ton of competition in our room and that's why you know
07:14 I can't narrow down to one or two guys that
07:16 Impressed me the most at this point because I feel like they're all showing up every single day and competing
07:22 And so when you have a big group like that, it's it's going to show, you know
07:26 Coming in and showing up and it's not just two guys that are emerging
07:30 Well, then that really bodes well for the group, you know collectively so
07:35 Yep. Thanks guys
