• 2 years ago
Dare 2 Fare - Episode 4


00:11 -Yes, sir.
00:12 Morning, morning.
00:12 What's going on with you there?
00:14 -Everything normal.
00:15 -Everything-- what's his name?
00:16 -Adrian.
00:17 -Man like Adrian.
00:19 Welcome to the thing, man.
00:20 So I'm going to give you a ride to where you want to go to.
00:22 However, this is not a normal ride.
00:24 This is not a normal ride.
00:25 This is called Dare to Fear.
00:27 This is where passengers get a chance to win up to $1,000 in
00:32 cash and prizes and a free ride all to this GT ride share.
00:36 So we have three rounds of gaming today, right?
00:38 The first round is four questions
00:40 valued at $25 each.
00:42 Each one of those questions that you get correctly, I am
00:44 going to match with an additional $25 in ride share
00:48 cash once you get them correctly.
00:50 And your website, browser, address, right?
00:54 www stands for what?
00:57 -World Wide Web.
01:00 -Ranking, Mike.
01:01 World Wide Web is absolutely correct.
01:03 $25 in cash and $25 in ride share cash already added to
01:07 your account.
01:07 Let's go.
01:08 Question number two.
01:09 Botany--
01:11 botany--
01:12 is the scientific study of--
01:15 -I'll make a random guess here, but buttons.
01:19 -That is absolutely incorrect.
01:21 Botany is the scientific study of plants.
01:25 Botanical gardens.
01:26 -Oh.
01:27 Ah.
01:28 -I don't know.
01:29 I can't show you, right?
01:31 Can you tell me what type of legume is China?
01:36 -I think it's chickpeas.
01:38 -Chickpeas.
01:39 -Chickpeas is correct!
01:40 Chickpeas.
01:41 -Oh my god!
01:42 -An easy question.
01:48 You already have $50 in cash, $50 in ride share cash as
01:50 well, we want to add another $50 here, 25 by 25.
01:53 Your question is a simple one moving out of this round.
01:56 Who played Neo in the Matrix?
02:00 -Anderson.
02:02 -No, no.
02:02 -You know what?
02:03 -Yeah.
02:03 -I'm asking the characters in the Matrix, eh?
02:05 -You know what?
02:06 I asked who played Neo.
02:08 -It was this man, Keanu Reeves.
02:10 -Keanu Reeves, boy!
02:12 That's what we're talking about.
02:13 You have $75 in cash and $75 in ride share cash added to
02:17 your account.
02:17 Now here's the thing.
02:19 Moving into round two, right?
02:21 You have three questions valued at $50 each, and that
02:23 sounds amazing.
02:24 I'm going to match that with another $50 in ride share
02:26 cash, which is amazing.
02:27 However, there's one catch.
02:31 If you get any of the questions wrong, I'm going to
02:34 have to put you out.
02:37 Now remember, you can phone a friend if you need that extra
02:40 saving, right?
02:41 But for now, let's move into round two.
02:44 Where is the largest pitch lake in the world found?
02:49 -The one in Trinidad.
02:50 -Which part?
02:51 -Avery.
02:52 -That's correct!
02:52 You've got yourself $50 in cash and $50 in ride share cash!
02:56 You're still in the car.
02:57 You're still in the car.
02:58 How many rings are there in the Olympic loo?
03:05 Think about it.
03:06 Take your time.
03:06 -I see like five rings.
03:09 -Five rings are absolutely correct!
03:10 Correct!
03:11 Oh my goodness!
03:12 You've got another $50 in ride share cash and $50 cash
03:15 added to your account.
03:16 Now we have one more question in this category, and we have
03:19 spelling questions.
03:20 So welcome to Spelling Bee.
03:22 Can you spell Rampanalgas?
03:27 -All right, repeat after me.
03:28 -Rampanalgas.
03:30 You're hating some of them.
03:32 Rampanalgas.
03:34 Your word is Rampanalgas.
03:36 -Your word Rampanalgas is R-E-M-P.
03:40 -Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
03:42 -A-N-A-L-G-A-S.
03:46 -Absolutely correct!
03:47 You've got another $50 in ride share cash, $50 in cash as
03:51 well, so that round you got $150 cash, $150 ride share
03:55 cash, you are looking gizzard!
03:58 -Welcome to the third round.
04:00 You either get this question incorrect, that doubles
04:02 everything, or I'm going to put you out with your $450 in
04:05 winning so far.
04:05 Are you ready?
04:06 -I'm ready.
04:06 -Are you ready?
04:07 -I am ready.
04:08 -Your question is, how long does it take the Earth to
04:12 rotate around the sun?
04:16 Careful.
04:17 -365 days.
04:18 -That is correct!
04:20 365 days is absolutely correct!
04:23 You just got yourself $900 in winnings, $450 in cash, and
04:28 $450 in ride share cash.
04:31 You did it, you did it, you believe in yourself, and you
04:34 did it, congratulations.
04:35 You're a winner, $450 in cash is yours just for riding with
04:38 us today, and you're getting an additional $450 in ride share
04:42 cash debited to your account.
04:44 So your next $200 date is already covered.
04:46 Here you go, my friend.
04:47 Hello.
04:48 That's what we're talking about.
04:50 That's what we're talking about.
04:51 And just like that, this is how we do it.
04:53 Dare to fear, all courtesy, Titi Ride Share.
04:56 Make sure and book your next ride today.
04:58 I might be your driver.