• 2 years ago
00:00 This is my son, José, and this is Durval.
00:02 But they're known as the Lima Brothers.
00:04 The Lima Brothers!
00:06 The Lima Brothers don't give a shit.
00:08 What is it, then?
00:09 Chitãozinho and Chororó!
00:11 Chitãozinho and Chororó?
00:12 Wasn't it José?
00:13 I don't want to have this name.
00:14 I just want to hear you say yes
00:18 Say it's true
00:20 Come on, the story of...
00:22 Chitãozinho and Chororó.
00:24 José and Durval's Adventures.
00:26 A series for you to say yes.