• 2 years ago
00:00 On this Minecraft server,
00:01 one of these Among Us babies is an imposter.
00:04 Me and my friends are tasked with taking care
00:06 of one space man each.
00:07 And if our little one is an imposter,
00:09 it's our job to help them carry out their objective.
00:12 But if we get caught,
00:14 our little guy gets ejected back into space.
00:16 Who will be able to take care of their baby imposter
00:18 the best?
00:19 Let's find out.
00:20 Okay, you guys stay here one second, okay?
00:22 You're so cute.
00:23 Oh my God.
00:24 Ian!
00:25 Ian, come here!
00:26 I have something to show you!
00:27 Come here, come here!
00:28 - What? What's up?
00:29 - Come here, come here.
00:30 All right, so, so, don't, don't, don't pee your pants.
00:33 Okay?
00:33 Because I don't want that to happen.
00:34 - Why would I pee my pants?
00:36 - Because there's something so cute over here, okay?
00:40 All right, come here.
00:41 Just follow me.
00:41 Follow me.
00:42 Follow me this way.
00:44 Close your eyes.
00:45 - Oh no.
00:46 I don't know how, okay.
00:47 (laughing)
00:48 All right, this is how I close my eyes.
00:50 - Okay, perfect.
00:50 All right, don't look.
00:51 Don't look.
00:52 Okay, over here.
00:53 - Over where my eyes are closed.
00:55 - Oh my God.
00:56 Here, there you go.
00:57 Look right there.
00:58 - Oh!
00:59 - What?
01:00 - Oh no!
01:01 - Hello little one.
01:02 Oh!
01:03 - I know, aren't they cute?
01:04 - Where did you get these?
01:05 - Found them.
01:06 Just roll me around.
01:07 You know, just pop them in here.
01:08 Just a little playpen.
01:09 Because I have a fun little game we can play.
01:11 - I like this one.
01:11 I like, I like little.
01:13 - I can tell you like that one.
01:14 - Did I hear a game?
01:16 - Come over here.
01:17 - Look at all this racket.
01:19 - I need to show you guys something too.
01:20 Come here, come here, come here, come here.
01:22 Look at this.
01:22 - Oh, let's see.
01:23 What is it?
01:24 What is it?
01:25 - Look at this.
01:26 - What?
01:27 - They're so cute!
01:27 - Dance in excitement!
01:28 - See, she's excited.
01:30 - Wow!
01:31 - Is that a thing people do?
01:33 - I don't know, but look at this.
01:35 Look how cute they are.
01:36 - Look at the little guy.
01:36 - Oh my goodness, I just want to squeeze him.
01:40 - All right, so here you go.
01:42 Here's how you tame them.
01:43 You have to have a cookie.
01:44 - So cute.
01:44 - There you go.
01:45 Give them a cookie.
01:46 - What is that?
01:47 - And you right click them like this
01:48 and you can tame them.
01:49 There we go.
01:50 Okay.
01:51 - Aw!
01:51 - Aw, they like them.
01:53 - Basically, we're playing Among Us,
01:55 but with our babies.
01:57 Isn't that cute?
01:59 - Aw.
02:00 - So, just so you know,
02:01 one of these babies is an imposter.
02:04 That's right.
02:05 - Mine's not an imposter.
02:06 - How do you know?
02:07 - Mine's totally innocent.
02:10 - Well, we don't know that.
02:10 - That's the way mine could be blamed.
02:12 - I know, but look, okay, so here's,
02:14 oh my God, you threw your baby.
02:15 So guys, one of these babies is an imposter
02:18 and it's our job as their parents to find out who it is.
02:21 And if your baby's the imposter,
02:23 obviously you know what you have to do.
02:25 - Oh, that's right.
02:26 - I know.
02:27 - So, so, so, I'm gonna take mine home
02:29 and just be really suspect of you guys, all right?
02:32 - Yeah, must protect the baby.
02:34 - Yeah, just make sure you take care of your baby
02:36 and they will take care of you, okay?
02:38 You're coming with me.
02:39 - Come on, Purple, we gotta be careful.
02:40 We gotta suspect everybody, let's go.
02:42 - All right, Purple, I got you a nice little bed.
02:44 Look at that, oh, it's so cute.
02:47 It's a big bed.
02:48 You don't get a baby crib, you get a big bed.
02:50 I got a little stuffed bunny right there.
02:52 Oh, there we go, so cute.
02:54 Oh, oh my God, okay, all right, all right.
02:56 So how's it going out there?
02:57 What do you got?
02:58 Oh, look, you guys have a grill going.
03:00 - Hang on, I'm trying to light a grill.
03:03 - Oh, that's your little suspect right there.
03:04 - How did you set sand on fire?
03:06 - Very carefully, first of all.
03:07 But I'm trying to make food for all of us, you know,
03:10 and all of us are having a great day.
03:13 - Oh, good, good, good, good.
03:15 - Maybe I should light a fire.
03:16 - Come on, let's go hop on the trampoline.
03:18 - Oh, look, you wanna go play on the trampoline?
03:20 So we'll play on the trampoline.
03:22 I'm gonna take a nap first.
03:23 I want you to be a good little imposter, you take a nap.
03:25 - Hey, Ian, what are we making on the grill again?
03:27 - We are having some steaks.
03:30 Do you have any food you wanna bring too?
03:31 - By the way, just so you guys know,
03:32 if you see something suspicious,
03:33 you have a little emergency button inside of your room.
03:36 I know it's super nice, so just putting that out there.
03:40 If you see something suspicious, be sure to do that, okay?
03:43 - Oh, I'm sure nothing suspicious will happen.
03:46 Come on, little guy, you have fun playing on the trampoline
03:49 and I'll be back with the money.
03:50 - Come on, let's keep making some steak.
03:51 - Oh, they're so cute.
03:52 - They are so cute, oh my God, okay, all right.
03:54 - A couple more steaks.
03:56 - Oh, oh no.
03:57 - Who's a hungry little space man?
03:59 - Oh no.
04:00 - And I got the meat, got the meat.
04:01 - I'm calling an emergency meeting.
04:03 - Hang on.
04:03 - I have something to report, I saw it with my own eyes.
04:06 - Whoa, whoa, whoa.
04:07 - What'd you see?
04:08 - What'd you see?
04:09 - Look, baby Arch.
04:11 (screaming)
04:11 - What happened?
04:13 - Look how they massacred my boy.
04:16 - I think you know.
04:17 - No, what happened?
04:17 - What do you mean what happened?
04:18 I know what happened, all right?
04:20 These, these, these, come flip these over here real quick
04:22 so I can talk to you because this is bothering me.
04:24 - I don't know, don't call a meeting,
04:25 they're gonna burn, goodness.
04:27 - All right, so someone's baby here is a, is a,
04:30 is an imposter and I know who it is, I saw it.
04:33 - It can't be mine.
04:35 - No, no, no, you're clear, you're clear, but you.
04:36 - It can't be mine, they were friends,
04:38 they were hanging out.
04:39 - Yeah, they were hanging out,
04:40 but they were the only ones hanging out next to each other.
04:42 I was putting Purple down for a nap
04:43 and Purple didn't wanna go down for a nap.
04:44 You better go down for a nap a little bit, Purple.
04:46 Get over here, go down for a nap.
04:47 All right, so, so I saw little blue, baby blue here,
04:52 take out baby orange, I saw it with my own eyes,
04:55 my own two eyes.
04:56 - That can't be true.
04:57 - How can it?
04:58 - How could you?
04:59 - No, it could have been, they were, they were having fun,
05:02 they were bouncing on the trampoline,
05:04 I was getting the food ready,
05:05 speaking of which meets up if any, anyone's interested,
05:07 but seriously, no, no, no, no, no,
05:09 it could not have been baby blue.
05:11 Baby blue's too adorable.
05:12 - I'm voting baby blue.
05:13 - Well, I'm gonna trust your word
05:16 and I'm gonna vote blue too.
05:18 - No, look at this face.
05:21 - How could you vote for this face?
05:22 - Look at this body.
05:23 - Ew, put that down.
05:25 - I think we've all agreed.
05:26 All right, baby blue, you gotta go into,
05:27 we gotta put you into space, come on, come on,
05:30 we're gonna put baby blue into space.
05:31 - You're gonna put baby blue in timeout?
05:33 - Yeah, in space timeout.
05:35 - Yeah, where else would he go?
05:36 - All right, go inside, baby blue, go inside.
05:39 - Hang on, hang on, baby blue, baby blue,
05:41 here's some steak for the road, I was cooking it for you.
05:44 - If I'm right, then baby blue's the imposter.
05:46 - Okay.
05:47 - Bye.
05:48 - Oh, timeout in space, oh.
05:50 - There we go.
05:53 - What, no, oh.
05:54 Baby blue, how could you?
05:58 - Timeout in space.
05:58 - I was making us dinner.
06:00 - Oh, look at you, you're not the imposter,
06:02 you're never gonna be, you're too sweet to be the,
06:04 oh my God, oh my God, oh no, you can't be right,
06:08 don't, tell me it's not true, tell me it's not true.
06:11 Oh no, put that away, you can't have a knife, just,
06:15 oh my God, okay, all right, all right, all right,
06:17 it's okay, it's okay, it's okay, all right,
06:18 so, this is bad, this is bad, this is bad,
06:20 you're gonna go after the other little crewmates regardless,
06:22 so, okay, all right, you know what, you know what,
06:24 maybe, maybe I can help you, okay, all right,
06:28 you gotta show me how I can help you, all right,
06:29 right here, here, take, there you go, there you go,
06:32 all right, show me, show me, show me where we have to go,
06:34 how do I help you, how do I help you, little imposter?
06:36 Oh, let's see, oh, you can vent, can I vent?
06:41 I can vent, oh, 'cause you're the baby imposter,
06:44 oh my God, this is so cute,
06:46 okay, where are we going, show me,
06:47 who are we gonna get first, who are we gonna get first?
06:49 Oh, oh, you little imposters get the little vent system,
06:54 that is so cute, you know what, that's okay,
06:57 because little baby blue, last time took out noise,
06:59 all right, like in cold, in cold daylight,
07:01 in cold blooded daylight, okay, it's fine,
07:03 oh, oh, gotta close this, make sure that you don't see,
07:05 you don't see this coming, all right.
07:06 - Okay, little baby blue, the thing to remember
07:09 about fishing is that you can fish all you want,
07:12 because remember, fish isn't real meat.
07:14 - Oh, look at that!
07:15 - Oh, hey, what's up, Aphmau, just getting some,
07:18 oh, do you want some fish, I got some fish
07:21 for the next grill, you know?
07:23 - Oh, that is so nice, look at this, thank you,
07:26 I appreciate this.
07:27 - Baby blue likes fish, too.
07:28 - Oh, he does, oh my God, you know what,
07:31 how about you go start up the grill,
07:32 and I will just, I'll help you,
07:34 all right, I want a fish, I want to show,
07:35 can I show purple how to fish?
07:36 - Oh, yeah, I am ready to do some more grilling,
07:39 yeah, come here, go fish.
07:39 - Yeah, yeah, yeah, all right.
07:41 - You are gonna love this fish, yeah!
07:42 - All right, all right, so I'm gonna teach you both
07:44 how to fish, I'm a bit, I'm a bit a little better
07:45 at fishing than Ian, okay?
07:47 So let's, let's go for it, go for it, go for it, go for it.
07:50 Okay, okay, all right, we did it, okay, let's get out,
07:53 let's go, hurry, let's go, oh my God, oh my God,
07:56 okay, all right, hurry, let's go, all right, hurry,
07:58 we gotta make, we gotta do this fast,
07:59 before they figure it out, so who are we going after next?
08:02 - Oh, look at you already on the hunt,
08:05 so devious, I like it.
08:06 - It's either them or you, okay, I don't want,
08:08 I don't want them to send you off into timeout space, okay?
08:10 Shh, be careful, oh, she's right there, okay, hey, hey,
08:13 you wait right here, okay, I have an idea,
08:15 you wait right here, I'm gonna go to the top, okay?
08:17 You wait right here, don't vent, don't let them see you vent
08:19 'cause I just saw her.
08:20 - Hello, Kawaii~Chan?
08:22 - Hi, what's going on?
08:22 - Hi, hi, hi, so I want to tell you something really quick
08:26 'cause I saw the cutest thing.
08:27 - Oh, okay.
08:28 - So come over here, come over here.
08:29 - All right, so what do you need to tell me?
08:33 - Okay, all right, so the little, the little crewmates,
08:36 right, they, they love little rabbits, all right,
08:40 they love little rabbits, stuffed rabbits,
08:42 I have one in the room, so there is a field of them
08:44 over there, all right, and if you get them,
08:46 like if you slay them, there's a mod that makes it
08:47 so you can get a little baby stuffed bunny,
08:49 so you may want to go check it out, it's super cute.
08:51 - There it is, okay, this way?
08:53 - Yeah, that way, that way, that way,
08:54 I'm going back home, but I just want to tell you
08:56 the kid's secret. - Okay, I'll be back,
08:57 take care of my baby!
08:58 - Okay, I will!
08:59 Purple, where did, oh my god, purple.
09:01 All right, all right, we got one more to go,
09:02 let's go to Noi's house, come on, come on, come on,
09:04 let's go, all right, let's be careful,
09:05 let's be very careful, Noi's outside, Noi's outside,
09:08 perfect, you stay over here until we find the sun.
09:11 So you take the hoe, and you go about,
09:15 gotta make sure all the ground is nice and level,
09:18 take your seats, oh, hi, Aphmau.
09:21 - I just want, oh, this is so cute,
09:23 look at you teaching your little, aw,
09:25 your little crewmate to farm, that's so adorable.
09:27 - Yeah, so that he can feed himself
09:29 and all the animals he wants to care for here on Earth!
09:32 - You know, while you're working so hard on the farm,
09:34 I was wondering, do you want me to watch baby Orange
09:36 so that way I can, you know, that way you can work here,
09:39 because Ian was just so mean last time,
09:40 I could watch him for you.
09:42 - Aw, that's so nice of you, Aphmau.
09:44 You wanna go with Aphmau for a little bit?
09:45 I'll take care of the rest of the planning,
09:47 and then you can help with the harvest.
09:49 - All right, I'm just gonna watch him inside your house,
09:51 I'll be right back, come on, let's go, bye!
09:53 - Bye, Orange! - Bye!
09:55 Here you go, inside the house, there you go,
09:56 all right, there you go, purple get him, purple get him!
10:00 (screams)
10:01 - Wait, what?
10:01 - Uh, uh, uh, what?
10:03 - Wait a minute, what?
10:05 - Oh, no! - Purple run, purple run!
10:08 - How dare, I was cooking food!
10:11 - Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh,
10:14 - Again!
10:15 (laughs)
10:17 - No!
10:18 - No!
10:18 - This is my son, oh my god!
10:20 - Aphmau!
10:21 - Your son wasn't ready to take his place
10:22 in the circle of life yet!
10:24 - Cooking some food, I know you did such a good job
10:26 with the impossible last time--
10:27 - Hey, Aphmau, Aphmau!
10:28 - Oh, no, go, okay, all right, hold on a second.
10:31 - Hi, Aphmau!
10:32 - Hi, come on in!
10:33 - What's up?
10:34 - So, I wanted to get your help with something,
10:36 'cause, well, it looks like this little guy's
10:39 the imposter this round.
10:40 - What?
10:41 - Since you managed to win-- - Oh, I'm closing the door.
10:42 Ooh, I'm closing the door.
10:43 - Yeah, so since you managed to win the last round,
10:45 I kinda wanted to see if you could help us
10:47 so that we can kinda not get caught this time.
10:49 - I'm gonna keep my son away, okay?
10:52 All right, so, so--
10:54 - That's okay, we won't hurt your son.
10:54 - Why would you tell me that he's the imposter?
10:57 - Oh, because I saw him go through the vents, like this.
10:59 - Oh, so you can go through the vents.
11:02 - Yeah.
11:02 - Okay, so I don't think, yeah, we, oh, darn it, we can't.
11:05 - He really likes burrowing.
11:06 - Yeah, I can't go in, darn it.
11:07 Okay, all right, all right, all right, fine, fine.
11:08 I believe he's the imposter, okay?
11:10 - Come on, little guy.
11:11 - All right, so I--
11:12 - We'll kill the others later.
11:13 - Oh, okay, no, no, no, no, no, I'll make you a deal.
11:14 All right, I'll make you a deal.
11:15 I will help you, because I understand.
11:18 Last round, I was just too good,
11:19 and I know, I know for a fact
11:22 that it's gonna be really difficult
11:23 for you to win Kawaii~Chan and Ian's trust.
11:24 So, I will help under the condition
11:26 that Orange doesn't kill Purple, okay?
11:28 - All right, cross my heart and hope to die.
11:30 - Cross his heart, too, cross his heart, too.
11:32 - All right, I'll give you a stake
11:33 if you cross your heart, deal.
11:34 - Okay, perfect, perfect, okay.
11:36 All right, so here, here's what we're gonna do.
11:38 Here's what we're gonna do.
11:39 We're gonna have a play date, okay?
11:40 Everyone's a little suspicious on the server, all right?
11:42 Everyone's a little sus.
11:43 So, we're gonna go have a play date with Kawaii~Chan.
11:45 Come on, come on, come on, let's go, let's go.
11:46 Oh, this looks like so much fun!
11:48 Purple, where'd you go?
11:49 - Oh, hey guys, yeah!
11:51 - Purple, you go have fun.
11:52 - I want how to bounce.
11:54 - Oh, this is so cute, look at that!
11:57 Oh!
11:57 - Boing, boing, boing.
11:59 - This is the cutest thing ever.
12:01 Oh my God, oh my God, it's nap time for these little guys.
12:05 You know what, you guys can take a sun bath nap here.
12:07 Come on, there you go, there you go, yeah.
12:09 - Aw, you're sleepy, come on.
12:10 - All right, Orange.
12:11 - All right, everyone's taking a nap, there we go.
12:12 All right, everyone's got a nap, there we go.
12:14 All right, guys, we should go over here
12:15 and talk about parent stuff, okay?
12:16 Come on. - Oh, okay, yeah, yeah.
12:17 - Yeah, let's do something like that, all right.
12:18 Oh, you know, I should go get Ian, too, real quick.
12:20 I'll be right back, you guys keep bouncing.
12:21 - Oh, yeah, he's the only one missing.
12:24 - I know, that's a little sus right there, don't you think?
12:26 - That is very sus.
12:28 - Oh, yeah, totally sus. - Oh, my goodness.
12:29 - Ian, where you at?
12:31 - I told you, you need to take a nap.
12:33 Now, get in your bed and just,
12:36 I'll tuck you in and everything.
12:38 - Hey, look at, why did you get, oh my God, what?
12:41 Hey, hey, hey.
12:43 - Baby Blue is going crazy again, you know,
12:45 just so energetic because they're so tired.
12:48 You know how kids can be.
12:49 - I know, I know, but you know what, you know what?
12:52 We're having a group nap outside.
12:53 Do you wanna have a group nap?
12:54 - Yes, please, come on, Baby Blue.
12:56 - Yeah, I got him, I got him, don't worry.
12:58 See, I'm a good babysitter, I'm a very good babysitter.
12:59 I can come over here, I'll take Baby Blue over this way.
13:02 - You weren't so great before, but I'm watching you.
13:04 - You go bounce.
13:05 All the parents are bouncing over there,
13:08 so you go bounce over there with Quiet Chan and Noy.
13:10 I'm gonna put Baby Blue over there, there we go.
13:12 - Come bounce with us, Ian, it's fun.
13:14 - Yeah, it's lots of fun, join us.
13:16 - All right, yay, we're bouncing.
13:19 - Oh my God.
13:20 - This doesn't seem like the most productive meeting,
13:22 but I'm having a good time.
13:23 - Yeah, that's true.
13:24 What are some parent things to talk about?
13:26 - I don't know.
13:27 - As it's ups and downs.
13:28 - Okay, yeah, so how's Baby Blue doing?
13:31 I'm gonna go check on him.
13:32 Baby Blue, Baby Blue.
13:35 - Yeah, I should go check on mine, too.
13:36 - Baby Blue!
13:37 - What happened?
13:38 - Oh no!
13:39 - One of you.
13:40 - Oh no.
13:40 - Aphmau?
13:41 - Yeah, one of you, which one?
13:44 - Oh, well.
13:45 - Well, Aphmau's baby has a proven history of being evil.
13:48 - Your baby does, too!
13:49 Your baby literally took out all the babies in the front.
13:52 It took out the first baby.
13:52 - Yeah, but look at my baby now.
13:53 - Yeah, but it's so blue.
13:54 - Look at this.
13:55 - Maybe it was blue.
13:56 - It's probably Baby Purple.
13:58 - No, no, no, you know what?
13:59 It was probably blue, and blue just did that,
14:01 just self-reported.
14:02 - It was not blue, it's not Baby, oh, Baby Blue, come here.
14:05 - Self-reported doesn't mean you in the dark.
14:08 - Baby Blue.
14:09 - I don't know who it was, but honestly, it probably.
14:12 (screaming)
14:13 - It was orange!
14:14 - Well, we have our answer now.
14:16 - No way!
14:17 - Oh my God!
14:18 (laughing)
14:18 Oh my God!
14:19 - Wow, I see, I see.
14:21 - Wow.
14:22 - Baby Orange, even.
14:23 - I'm so proud of you.
14:24 - We had a deal.
14:25 - No, no, have a seat.
14:26 - We had a deal.
14:27 - A deal, what?
14:28 - Okay, everyone, thank you for coming to my meeting today.
14:30 I want to have a discussion with every single one of you
14:33 because we obviously have a problem, okay?
14:36 All right, these are our baby little crewmates,
14:38 but I wanna have a meeting
14:39 because obviously someone is an imposter here,
14:42 and we need to talk about how to tell
14:44 if your child has become the imposter, okay?
14:47 - And that imposter is yours.
14:50 - No, it is not, okay?
14:51 I didn't get the--
14:52 - Mine would never be an imposter.
14:53 - I didn't get the--
14:54 - Right?
14:55 - Oh my God.
14:56 - Yeah, that checks out.
14:57 - All right, your baby could be an imposter
14:58 and you don't even know it, okay?
14:59 It could be happening right in your own home.
15:00 So let's talk about how we can tell
15:01 if the baby's an imposter.
15:02 One, there are vents around here, okay?
15:05 They can vent, all right?
15:06 Have you seen your baby vent today?
15:08 Any venting?
15:08 My baby has vented.
15:09 - I mean, Baby Blue had kind of a rough time earlier, so.
15:13 - Well, they can't go in the vents
15:14 unless they go in there, all right?
15:15 So if your baby has vented, someone's lying, okay?
15:18 - Stay away, stay away.
15:19 - It's okay, it's okay, Little Purple.
15:20 Just get out of my kid's face.
15:22 Get out, all right, so.
15:24 - Get out of my kid's face.
15:25 - Next thing is, has your baby held a knife?
15:27 - Um, I don't see a knife.
15:28 - Question, you bake cakes, so obviously,
15:30 you have to use a knife at some point.
15:32 So obviously, you're--
15:33 - Yeah, I use it, not my baby, come on.
15:35 - How do we know you didn't give it to the baby?
15:37 How do we know you're like, "Hey, cut the cake,"
15:38 and then you cut the cake?
15:39 - Well, 'cause I cut the cake for him.
15:41 - Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, likely story.
15:43 - My baby and I was just using a hoe earlier.
15:44 - You were a traitor last time.
15:46 I don't wanna hear it, okay?
15:47 And you, you're--
15:48 - I gotta hit the player, hit the game.
15:50 - Oh my goodness, okay, all right, all right, all right.
15:51 So, so, so, so, all right, so babies,
15:53 how 'bout you guys go jump on the trampoline,
15:55 just a little, you know, jump on the trampoline
15:56 just a little bit, here.
15:57 Let's get 'em, get them over there.
15:58 - Ooh, I don't know about that, be careful.
15:59 - Look at them, they are fine.
16:01 All right, so, so, how to tell if they're an imposter.
16:03 One, they will go after the other babies,
16:05 and you can vent with them, okay?
16:07 And then also, also they will have a knife.
16:09 Not this knife.
16:10 - Oh, um, question.
16:12 - Yes?
16:13 - Would there be little dead bodies around?
16:16 - Uh, yeah.
16:16 - You know, the imposter?
16:17 - Like the little bone?
16:18 Yeah, yeah, yeah, they will, why?
16:19 - Um, oh, little piece, you should go back home.
16:23 - What happened?
16:24 (screaming)
16:25 Oh my god!
16:26 - Go home, go home!
16:27 - Oh my god!
16:28 (laughing)
16:29 - Oh my goodness!
16:30 (screaming)
16:31 - We only looked away for a second!
16:33 - Okay, yeah, yes.
16:36 - I think that's another way to tell if it's a child's
16:38 imposter.
16:38 - That was a terrible pamphlet.
16:40 - I tried to help, I tried to--
16:42 - My baby did none of those things.
16:44 - Okay, you're just the only one alive.
16:46 Oh my god, Pink, I'm gonna put you back inside
16:49 of a spaceship.
16:50 Little baby purple, I come up with a great idea
16:51 to protect you and catch the imposter as well, all right?
16:54 So take a look at this, look at this, look at this.
16:56 See, looks just like you, right?
16:57 I know, it's so good looking, oh I know!
17:01 It's your little brother or sister, whichever one.
17:03 All right, so I made a few of those, all right?
17:04 So follow me, 'cause I have an idea.
17:06 All right, little baby purple, I'm gonna leave you
17:08 right here, okay?
17:09 You stay here by yourself, I'm gonna go get some cookies
17:12 'cause I know you love playing in the leaves,
17:13 it's just the best thing ever!
17:15 I'll be right back, okay?
17:16 I'll be right back.
17:18 There we go, perfect.
17:20 And now we wait, okay?
17:21 - Look, there is our first victim.
17:24 (gasping)
17:25 Are you ready for this?
17:26 Oh, that's good, baby, that's good.
17:29 Okay, let's go together, let's go together,
17:31 I'll watch you, make sure no one hurts my little baby blue.
17:34 - Don't worry, we got this.
17:36 - Okay, and ready?
17:38 One, two, three, go!
17:41 Purple, purple, purple, baby, what?
17:42 (laughing)
17:44 Baby blue, what was that?
17:46 Is this yours, is this yours?
17:47 Baby blue, what happened?
17:48 - Oh, did something happen in here?
17:51 Oh my gosh!
17:51 - Oh, whoa!
17:52 How about the imposter trapped us?
17:56 - Oh no! - Me and my baby!
17:58 - Let me put some blocks down, I'll help you get up, okay?
17:59 Hold on one second, hold on one second.
18:00 - Perfect, yeah, yeah, that'd be great.
18:02 - There we go, there we go.
18:04 - Perfect. - Wait, wait, I found,
18:07 that's not the kind of block, baby blue, dig out!
18:10 We gotta dig out of here!
18:11 (laughing)
18:13 - Okay.
18:15 - Hey, baby orange, did you hear something?
18:16 - Yay! - Oh, nice!
18:17 - Why? - Oh, what happened?
18:21 - Guys, we won! - We won!
18:24 - No! - Sound of victory.
18:26 - I just wanted a baby blue.
18:28 - Oh no! - I wanted a baby blue
18:29 to be the awesome imposter.
18:33 - We finally won, yay!
18:35 - Baby blue blew up.
18:36 - Perfect, oh my God.
18:38 Okay, I've come here today because don't even think
18:41 about pressing this emergency button, okay?
18:43 - No, I'm going to, I'm watching.
18:46 - Don't you dare.
18:47 Okay, all right, so look, look, look, look.
18:48 How about we team up and find the imposter?
18:50 Because my baby's not the imposter this round.
18:52 I believe you when you say your baby's not the imposter
18:54 this round, so what we're gonna do--
18:56 - My baby's not the imposter.
18:57 - All right, so what we're gonna do,
18:58 how about we disguise as them?
18:59 All right, so watch this, look at this!
19:01 All right, see, I just turn into this, there you go.
19:03 All right. - Oh, you're right.
19:05 - Exactly, all right, so we're gonna leave--
19:06 - Hey, hey, hey, which one's the real me, huh?
19:09 - I don't know, I don't know, look at that!
19:11 That is so cool! (laughing)
19:13 - It's me, yeah.
19:14 - Okay, all right, cool, cool, cool.
19:15 Let's go find the imposter, let's go.
19:16 - Stay here. - Yeah, yeah.
19:17 - Here, I'm gonna leave some cookies for you.
19:19 - You go, I'm gonna leave some cookies for you too.
19:20 There we go, there we go, all right.
19:21 Good, good, good, all right.
19:22 So let's go see what we can find as the imposter.
19:24 Oh, look, there's no way on his baby over there.
19:27 - Oh, bitch. - Shh, shh, shh.
19:28 Let's go bounce on the trampoline with them, okay?
19:30 - Oh, hey guys. - Oh, this is so nice.
19:32 (gunshot)
19:33 (record scratching) - Oh no.
19:34 - What?
19:35 - Oh my God, no, no, no.
19:37 Ian, we made a terrible mistake,
19:38 Ian, we made a terrible mistake,
19:39 Ian, we made a terrible mistake!
19:40 (gunshot) (screaming)
19:42 - Abo! - Nice work, Orange.
19:43 - Did we get like passively tricked?
19:45 - I don't know! - We're ghosts now!
19:47 - Okay, well, this is terrible.
19:49 Oh no, Orange went off, Orange went off, Orange went off.
19:50 (laughing)
19:51 - Oh no. - Oh no.
19:53 - He's going to my house!
19:54 - Oh no!
19:55 (screaming)
19:57 - Baby blue!
19:58 - That means Kawaii~Chan died, oh no, oh no, oh no.
20:01 - Oh yeah, Kawaii~Chan was long gone, I guess.
20:03 - Darn it!
20:04 (groaning)
20:06 - Now we're just ghosts, spacemen.
20:08 - Well, you know what?
20:09 - In space, no one can hear you in your size.
20:12 - Ugh, hate this game, I'm gonna go take a nap.