UPDATED HL Copa Libertadores - Boca Juniors vs. Nacional

  • last year
00:00 And we are underway.
00:06 Boca Negra straight to Barco.
00:09 Out wide for Cavani cutting in
00:12 overlap run.
00:13 Barco drives it for Cavani.
00:16 He tries to find the near
00:17 corner.
00:18 Good chemistry.
00:19 But not the fireworks he was
00:23 hoping for.
00:24 This is a great move here by
00:25 Barco.
00:26 Barco you see takes a look up
00:27 to see where Cavani is.
00:29 Maybe with the left foot.
00:30 Have the play crosses into the
00:36 area and get the numbers back.
00:37 That might help.
00:37 Wide of the target.
00:44 No problem for Romero.
00:46 Make those paces passes in the
00:48 space and Cavani with his
00:50 intelligence and experience will
00:52 make himself available instead
00:53 of trying to kind of purposely
00:55 feed him the ball.
00:55 In the middle of the park
00:57 springs at Vincula into the
00:59 middle the bouncing header goes
01:01 home and it is someone else
01:04 stepping up to the challenge.
01:06 Cavani's compatriot Miguel
01:08 Menendez.
01:09 L his first Copa Libertadores
01:12 goal and a huge one.
01:16 Well this is all a great pass
01:19 out wide on the right to
01:21 Advinca.
01:22 It's caught high up the pitch
01:24 here.
01:25 And I think it has wide open
01:27 space.
01:27 And then Rico finds that
01:28 Vincula.
01:29 And look what happens is
01:31 essentially two on one here
01:33 Vincula could have picked out
01:34 Cavani but he picks up
01:36 Medellin still.
01:36 Instead Bolenta has to go out to
01:39 cover that Vincula because Baez
01:42 is out of position and that
01:44 leaves a two on one situation in
01:45 favor of Boca Cavani or Medellin
01:47 again.
01:47 And that Vincula with a
01:49 magnificent pass.
01:50 Well placed.
01:52 And Medellin putting it over the
01:55 line into the net.
01:56 A turnover in the midfield and
01:58 Bartlett took advantage of it.
01:59 Great vision.
02:00 Great patience to find out
02:02 Vincula who had time to run
02:03 beautifully.
02:04 So very intelligent on that
02:05 Vincula's part also and just led
02:07 to the goal.
02:08 But not to not gambling by
02:09 pushing numbers forward and
02:11 Boca made the pay for it.
02:12 Overlap is on.
02:15 Sweeps to the spot just a little
02:20 hard to the touch and allows
02:22 national to poke it free.
02:24 And.
02:24 The.
02:24 Ball.
02:25 Here.
02:25 This is the man that has to.
02:26 Pull the strings.
02:28 For.
02:29 National.
02:30 White shirts in the box second.
02:33 He's the header.
02:35 It's Alfonso.
02:37 Dress up.
02:38 Sneaking in with the big.
02:40 And the young winger has knotted
02:43 it up.
02:44 And this time we mentioned bias
02:46 on the other end being out of
02:47 position.
02:47 Vincula is a little bit out of
02:50 position he's tracking back and
02:51 he pitches too far inside.
02:53 That gives plenty of space for
02:55 that cross to come in and dress
02:56 up.
02:56 Sneaking in behind everyone.
02:58 Looking to get inside a fiber.
03:01 To make.
03:02 That.
03:03 Goal.
03:03 And.
03:04 He's got it.
03:04 He's got it.
03:05 He's got it.
03:05 He's got it.
03:06 He's got it.
03:06 He's got it.
03:07 He's got it.
03:07 He's got it.
03:07 He's got it.
03:08 He's got it.
03:08 He's got it.
03:08 He's got it.
03:08 He's got it.
03:09 He's got it.
03:09 He's got it.
03:09 He's got it.
03:10 Looking to get inside a fiber to
03:12 make that header possible.
03:13 Fabra tracking back.
03:15 But he was also worried about
03:18 Leandro Lozano who was even
03:20 wider.
03:20 However.
03:21 You could argue he should have
03:23 let him go because you could see
03:25 today so with a clear path to
03:26 goal.
03:27 Giovanni still trying to figure
03:31 out who he's supposed to mark
03:32 launched into the area loose
03:35 Romano jumping on it and almost
03:38 sneaking it through.
03:40 Is that polenta or is that
03:42 Damiani.
03:42 I think it's Damiani.
03:43 Yeah it is Damiani.
03:48 It's.
03:48 Who.
03:50 Wanted to go.
03:52 Rodriguez having a go it would
03:53 not have counted.
03:54 Once the hands are on top of the
03:56 ball even one it is considered
03:58 goalkeeper possession.
03:59 In fact he was tempting a yellow
04:02 card but.
04:02 I think well played well ref.
04:05 And.
04:05 T.L. has a go deflected to the
04:08 back post taps to safety by
04:11 Chasso.
04:12 To bring it down in the air
04:16 cleared away to midfield.
04:17 Flying into the challenge a
04:20 little recklessly Allen but Ella
04:22 leading to a break the other way
04:24 and trying to chip it over
04:26 Romano.
04:27 But Savala never had the angle
04:29 and he's going to be able to
04:30 get it.
04:30 And.
04:31 He's going to be able to get it
04:33 but he never had the angle.
04:34 That's when ready to sweep this
04:41 one in from the corner flag.
04:42 Brilliant to the spot and an
04:45 open header that should have
04:46 been buried getting on the end
04:49 of a pass to run at the defense
04:50 and exploit that space.
04:51 That's where I learned about it
04:55 that has to be smart and kind of
04:56 track the movements there so
04:57 while in the middle.
04:58 Try to impede his progress.
05:01 From distance.
05:02 And just tie.
05:03 And Colo as they call him for
05:08 this red hair.
05:09 Under way to start this second
05:20 half.
05:20 Yet again land base.
05:22 The goal scorers in the opening
05:24 stands up.
05:25 Meiko we need eleven versus
05:27 eleven and go.
05:28 Meiko we need eleven versus
05:30 eleven against this national
05:31 outside.
05:31 Bring on Bruno Bruno but that's
05:33 what a lot of experience.
05:35 In the middle of the defense.
05:38 In the area Boca looking for the
05:41 go ahead deflected away clear
05:43 but only do it Vincula.
05:44 He screws it into the far
05:46 corner.
05:48 A laser that burns a path on the
05:51 grass at the Bomboneta.
05:53 Till it turns the net to fire to
05:56 one Boca.
05:58 And I wonder if maybe Cavani
06:01 gets a touch here with the back
06:02 heel.
06:02 We will see.
06:03 Look at the run he makes here.
06:05 Going forward attracting
06:08 defenders look at three men
06:09 surround him including the
06:11 lunging tackle there by Diego
06:13 Rodriguez.
06:13 That creates all kinds of chaos.
06:16 Maybe Cavani gets a touch on to
06:18 it.
06:19 But Barco linking up with
06:20 Fabra.
06:22 And he just so a little bit out
06:24 of position.
06:24 Does he get a touch.
06:27 Does he get a touch.
06:27 He definitely had the attention.
06:29 Yeah.
06:30 Here comes Boca again Cavani
06:33 finding a gap dummies it through
06:35 but Antiello back Barco down
06:38 blocked on the doorstep.
06:40 And it's pinching inside there a
06:42 little bit higher up it's
06:43 almost.
06:47 Wide for three three.
06:49 Little bit there with.
06:57 Looking for some insurance.
06:59 Good saddle left for Barco loose
07:03 for.
07:04 As it's dropped to his feet.
07:07 On the sloppy touch by Diego
07:10 Rodriguez and Cavani rolls it
07:13 just wide.
07:14 It would have been great for
07:16 Cavani because he would have
07:17 scored right in front of Lado
07:18 say.
07:22 Just a quick reaction there by
07:24 Cavani.
07:27 Playing 70 minutes in his debut.
07:31 Benedetto will step out onto the
07:34 field.
07:38 And then if he gets the goal
07:40 here today.
07:42 Since Benedetto will also get a
07:44 chance to play alongside Cavani
07:47 before too long.
07:48 Beto keeps him rolling out to
07:50 that far flank.
07:52 Scoreless the first leg in
07:54 Sanvidier three goals here
07:56 beyond one in favor Benedetto
07:58 with the cross settled near the
07:59 top of the box and the follow
08:01 up shot clangs off the crossbar.
08:04 Third try for Boca Juniors they
08:08 could have put this in the
08:09 books but Nassim Al hanging on
08:12 shot down gives his technique
08:14 leaning into it could be
08:16 looking at a third goal for
08:17 Boca.
08:17 But like I said you can can
08:19 understand the thinking there
08:21 can't.
08:22 Really be too upset with the
08:23 situation.
08:25 One of the way substitutes for
08:28 Nassim Al on that last restart
08:30 Barco drives it slapped away by
08:33 Shazo rebound.
08:37 The other way cleared into the
08:41 night by Fabra.
08:45 Trickles through maybe one
08:47 chance across the six slap by
08:50 on the doorstep and buried by
08:53 the substitute not show Ramirez.
08:56 Oh wow.
08:58 Sergio Romero being nearly
09:01 perfect in his return to
09:04 Argentina.
09:05 But a horrific decision here and
09:09 we are tied.
09:09 It's a lot.
09:10 Savala is the one with the pass
09:13 that unlocks the defense Fabra
09:15 out of position Barco hustling
09:16 back to try and prevent Lozano
09:19 from getting the ball into the
09:20 penalty area.
09:23 And Ramirez right place at the
09:25 right time.
09:26 Excellent technique.
09:27 Romero comes out to try to cut
09:30 the cross gets a contact on the
09:32 ball.
09:35 How important he is in creating
09:38 the plays and making those
09:39 passes again.
09:41 Fancy feet to the inside and a
09:44 roller low blue and gold but the
09:48 fans in the bomb and as well.
09:52 Benedetto having a blast not the
09:56 biggest man but he knows how to
09:58 use his Bob because of being a
10:00 referee and around all these
10:02 athletes.
10:05 Wide.
10:06 And Vinkula and another chance
10:10 point blank for Benedetto.
10:12 Well back to his feet quickly
10:14 and then launches it back into
10:17 the attack and a chance for
10:19 Benedetto in the 18 trying to
10:22 slice through Poland lays it
10:24 across driven down goes he
10:27 shots to make the stop play
10:29 through he was going to go
10:30 toward goal but he noticed he
10:31 didn't have the angle and
10:32 Poland closing him down so he
10:34 very very wisely holds up the
10:37 play turns around wait for his
10:39 teammate to come through and
10:41 this is a good chance here by
10:42 Vigont in a good save by
10:43 Chasso.
10:44 Does Polka have a chance and the
10:47 answer is no at least not.
10:51 And again full time we've got
10:55 penalties to come given or
11:00 against Salaios from 12 and he
11:03 goes the other way.
11:04 It's Chasso diving to his left
11:07 and Volker draws first blood
11:10 toes on the line for Romero.
11:15 A good kick to the corner but
11:19 Romero launches himself to slap
11:21 it away.
11:25 You mentioned the goal the
11:27 penalty kick record in the saves
11:29 by Romero.
11:30 This is not a terrible penalty
11:34 toes on the line.
11:35 Benedetto curls his run blasts
11:38 it behind the dive.
11:39 He's also diving to his right
11:42 this time but Benedetto in his
11:44 wake the Volker fans
11:47 serenading Polenta steps drives
11:50 it under Romero with power the
11:52 captain getting Nassim Al on the
11:55 board.
11:57 He needs to come up with one.
11:59 What will Barco do and again
12:02 behind the diving.
12:03 He's Chasso not many
12:05 fingernails left Romero in a
12:07 crouch.
12:08 Volker Negron Oh tried to sneak
12:12 it in the post but so slow
12:15 Romero takes his time and slaps
12:18 it around the corner and Boca
12:19 Juniors have the chance to win
12:20 it here.
12:22 To his left to deny Ramirez to
12:26 his right to stop Boca Negra and
12:29 Boca Juniors with a ticket.
12:32 Now the pressure on Fernandez in
12:34 many ways but he can see the
12:37 ticket to the quarter.
12:38 Oh wow.
12:39 And he sends it over the cross
12:42 bar.
12:42 Nassim Al still alive.
12:47 Just has to keep the shot down.
12:49 He could have done the same
12:51 thing that Benedetto and Barco
12:53 did a yard outside the 18.
12:54 The veteran approaches drives it
12:59 who sit into the back of the
13:00 net.
13:15 He's got a chance to advance.
13:17 And he does.
13:19 Cooley sticking a dagger into
13:24 Nassim Al behind the diving
13:28 Shazo who went the other way.
13:30 Boca tested but responds.
13:35 Cavani and Boca move on.
13:40 Well this kid Barco has got a
13:42 lot of mojo of swag of
13:44 confidence.
13:45 He's got a lot of mojo of swag.
13:46 He's got a lot of mojo of swag.
