« À la maison, c’est mon compagnon qui s’en charge »  Aurore Bergé fait de rares confidences sur sa

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« À la maison, c’est mon compagnon qui s’en charge » : Aurore Bergé fait de rares confidences sur sa vie de couple

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00:35 Hergé was ready to make a family recipe, Thursday August 10, 2023.
00:41 More precisely, the preparation of the chocolate cake from his childhood, for the Minister of
00:48 Solidarity and Families, who rolls cakes and pastries.
00:51 It was during this workshop that the member of the 36-year-old government confided to Paris
01:00 Maths on different aspects of her personal life.
01:06 Exercise she had already carried out in September 2022 during an interview with
01:10 Gala, and during which, the political woman had expressed herself on her meeting with
01:15 her companion, Gregory Besson-Moreau.
01:19 "My companion, Gregory Besson-Moreau, was a deputy with me in the previous mandate.
01:26 It was like that that we met.
01:30 Nothing very original, really.
01:33 We spend a lot of time together.
01:38 It sometimes creates beautiful stories.
01:40 He is salty and it is a bit his territory.
01:45 Parisian cuisine had also spread over his family life.
01:49 He already has two little girls, 5 and 7 years old, who live with us part of the week.
01:54 This time, with Paris Maths, the former president of the Renaissance group at the National Assembly,
02:04 she just confided in her report to the kitchen.
02:06 "I'm not a great cook, and I don't have too much time.
02:10 I cook a little on vacation, in the summer, for big tables, with friends.
02:15 But above all, on the talents in this field of the one who shares his life, at home,
02:23 it's my companion who takes care of it.
02:24 He is salty and it is a bit his territory, the cuisine.
02:31 We moved near Rambouillet and it is the room that we took the most time to furnish.
02:38 A talent that is inevitably not negligible for the former French deputy aged 41 years old.
02:46 "I'm not a great cook, and I don't have too much time.
02:53 I cook a little on vacation, in the summer, for big tables, with friends.
02:59 But above all, on the talents in this field of the one who shares his life, at home, it's
03:06 my companion who takes care of it.
03:09 And just keep it here and make him an enemy.
03:18 Your lips next to my nose, so pay your eyes.
03:24 They make things right, but I still walk, keep on.
03:32 I have a few, keep it up, I have a remake, it's alright."
