Vanessa Lawrens en deuil après la perte de son papa, elle pleure sa deuxième étoile

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Vanessa Lawrens en deuil : après la perte de son papa, elle pleure sa "deuxième étoile"

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00:00 "If this is a very sad news, what to announce Vanessa Lorenez on her Instagram account on Monday, August 17, 2023? ".
00:15 Devastated, the former reality TV star seized his phone to reveal the death of a very dear person to his heart.
00:25 More than a month ago, Vanessa Lorenz let her grandmother's health condition fly by posting a photo and a text already very poignant.
00:38 Yesterday, Monday, August 17, 2023, the former reality TV star seized his Instagram account to officially confirm the death of the old lady, without revealing the exact date of her departure.
00:54 Devastated, former companion Julien Giraudoux ceased to reveal as never before by letting himself go to some confidence on his grandmother.
01:04 This August 7, 2023, if this is a particularly sad and fragile Vanessa Lorenz who spoke on her Instagram account.
01:15 Murdered by the absence of her grandmother, the sublime Brune sister commemorates childhood memories with a lot of emotion.
01:24 "I remember every moment spent with my grandmother as if it were yesterday.
01:31 Whether it's our annual holidays at the beach or the afternoons spent on her couch listening to her incredible stories, every memory is precious.
01:42 When I think about it, I feel the warmth of her love and her comforting presence.
01:50 I see her beautiful smile again, I hear her little voice.
01:56 "She first wrote in a legend of a photo where you can see her next to her mother and grandmother.
02:05 The three women are very smiling. My grandmother had a profound faith and a remarkable inner strength that inspired us all.
02:15 She taught us to enjoy the present moment and to appreciate simple things, watch a butterfly fly, feel the wind on her cheeks, be misted by the twilight, contemplate the sky and its countless stars.
02:30 Her look at things made them magical. She also taught us to love people and the world for what it really was, to continue with a lot of nostalgia and sweetness the one that was hospitalized in 2021.
02:45 A few years ago, Vanessa Lorenz was already losing her father.
02:52 A very difficult absence to which now adds that of her dear grandmother.
02:59 Today, during a family meal, we brought a toast to her memory and paid tribute to her by sharing our happy memories together.
03:10 "I love you and I know it's going to be complicated, but you will be my second star, after dad," she concluded.
03:25 "I love you and I know it's going to be complicated, but you will be my second star, after dad," she continued.
03:35 "I love you and I know it's going to be complicated, but you will be my second star, after dad," she continued.
03:44 "I love you and I know it's going to be complicated, but you will be my second star, after dad," she continued.
03:57 "I know I still want to keep up, I have a few, keep it up, I have a remake, it's alright."
