• 2 years ago
A bored and overworked corner shop employee has a monotonous night shift suddenly broken... | dG1faVJKblFEOUpNUzQ
00:00 [music]
00:28 [phone rings]
00:30 [music]
00:46 Nice. That's a fine vintage.
00:50 35p.
00:55 [music]
01:02 We haven't got any 5p's. Are you alright if I give you...
01:05 [music]
01:10 Wow. Thanks for the tip.
01:13 [music]
01:35 Big up my night shift warriors. The time is 4.36. The temperature is a cool, cool 2 degrees and we are bringing you sweet, sweet island rhythm.
01:47 [music]
02:03 Nobody fucking move or I swear to Daniel you're dead.
02:07 Oi you, hands up. I'm going to need you to do exactly what the fuck I tell you to do, yeah?
02:20 Cool.
02:21 What the fuck do you mean cool, bruv? I'm in the fucking 2, innit?
02:24 Bruv, obviously you can put your fucking hands down. Come on.
02:31 [door opens]
02:33 What the fuck? Empty it then.
02:39 Stop fucking smiling, man. You're being robbed.
02:44 Not my shop.
02:45 Alright, well, allow it, man. It's creeping me out still.
02:48 Sorry.
02:57 What the fuck? I said empty the fucking till!
03:00 I'm sorry. That's all we've got, man.
03:02 Don't chat shit. I always see bad people coming into this shop.
03:04 I know. I'm sorry. It's just... it's really bad timing, that's all.
03:07 What the fuck? Are you trying to take the piss out of me, bruv?
03:09 No, no, no. I'm really not trying to take the piss. It's just... well, we empty out the till every Sunday after we lock up.
03:16 What? Every week?
03:18 Yeah.
03:21 Why?
03:25 Well, in case we get robbed.
03:28 Shit!
03:31 I'm sorry. Look, you can take the money. Take anything you want from the shop.
03:35 Fucking knee fingers, Karl.
03:37 If I come back next Sunday, there'll be money in that fucking till, innit?
03:45 Um, yeah.
03:48 Okay. Calm.
03:52 Calm?
03:53 I'll just see you next Sunday, then, innit?
03:59 Just remember, big man. I know your face. I know where you work.
04:09 And if shit don't go smooth next Sunday, I'm going to have no one else to blame except for you. You get me?
04:19 Pussyhole! I'm taking these fucking jelly beans as well. Dickhead!
04:23 Shit!
04:48 And once your mind is clear, pick up your tea and take a small sip.
04:54 Think about the feel of the tea. The flavours of the tea.
05:05 Peach.
05:08 Whoa, whoa, whoa! What are you doing back here?
05:13 There's something I've got to tell you. There's a...
05:14 Whoa, whoa, whoa! Sorry, I'm confused. Have these shop chains owned us recently?
05:18 No.
05:20 Oh, so we've had a change in policy, then?
05:22 No, but it's quite...
05:23 So what the shit are you doing back here?
05:25 You know I've got one rule, and that's if you're on the till, you're on the till.
05:29 You're alert, and you're keeping an eye out for those thieving little kids.
05:33 Well, that's what I wanted to talk to you about.
05:34 See, you're trumping as well!
05:35 Are you trying to make this worse for yourself?
05:39 Firstly, you leave my shop empty. Secondly, you come in here uninvited and to top it all off,
05:45 you come to work dressed like absolute shite!
05:48 Well, that's... Hold on, that's not fair. I'm just...
05:50 Well, you're just saying my own crap thing!
05:52 Sorry.
05:55 Good. Now, what are you going to do?
06:02 Get back behind the till.
06:07 And...?
06:09 Keep an eye out for thieving kids.
06:15 Very good.
06:18 Oh, yeah.
06:26 Was it that you wanted to tell me?
06:29 I need to take the day off on Sunday.
06:35 [MUSIC]
06:37 I'll be scott!
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