• 2 years ago
How cute is this sighting of the king of the bush being defeated by a lonely little fly?


00:00 Yeah, when it rains they tend to go underneath the bushes or shrubs.
00:07 He's got a lot of flies bugging him out of there.
00:11 This is just amazing.
00:14 He's just a 300 kilogram pussycat.
00:21 Yeah.
00:22 He's playing around.
00:24 Yeah, he is.
00:26 He's just so cool.
00:31 He looks like the new Sam on Wall Street.
00:36 Yeah.
00:37 It's like he's looking at us.
00:41 Are you seeing what I'm seeing?
00:43 I think he is.
00:44 Hey, Andreas.
00:54 Andreas and Christiana, you're seeing a message on watchable.
00:59 Oh, that's so good.
01:02 Yeah.
