• 2 years ago
A tourist visiting the usually-picturesque Indian Ocean paradise island of Bali was shocked by the sheer amount of plastic waste floating in the sea.

Sara Walsh, 25, was on a snorkeling boat trip with her brother Shane Walsh, 21, when they came across large amounts of rubbish floating off the sun-kissed beaches.

Swimwear designer Sara and brother Shane decided to go on a snorkeling trip while on holiday on Bali's Nusa Penida

But the pair were horrified by the amount of pollution in the water at the popular tourist hotspot.

Sara, from Stow, Massachusetts, USA, said: "This was our first stop on the snorkelling trip. They took us to an area where you could see Manta Rays.

"The ocean surface was very obviously covered in trash and plastic. But the tour guides seemed to see no issue with this and automatically started getting people in the water.

"I believe most people from our boat did jump in, but they very quickly got back on the boat because of how disgusting the water was."

Sara was in Bali on business, as the factory that produces her swimwear brand, is based on the island.

She added: "I believe we stopped at three more places to snorkel and the rest of the places seemed much cleaner and had less trash.

"I know that Bali has heavy ocean pollution, which is why I work with a sustainable factory that is trying to help clean their waters.

"I was disgusted. It is truly terrible that we are the cause of all this trash being in our oceans.

"It felt gross jumping into the water. I stayed in for maybe 30 seconds.

"But I mostly feel for the animals in the ocean that are being subjected to all our trash."

The footage was captured on April 11.


00:00 Can you believe that this is what the oceans look like in Bali?
00:03 88% of the sea's surface is currently polluted by plastic waste.
00:07 My brother and I went to Bali to see what it was like and decided to go snorkeling.
00:11 And this is what our experience looked like.
00:13 Every time I dive down I gotta see if I can pump something that's not...
00:17 Trash?
00:18 Yeah.
