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Bethany Joy Lenz (Les Frères Scott) : elle raconte son quotidien dans une secte durant le tournage de la série

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00:00 The public knows Bethany Jo and Ellen Pseu for her role of Halle in the Scott brothers.
00:12 Today, the actress is preparing the writing of a book in which she is about to tell the
00:20 life she lived within a cult for 10 years.
00:25 The story of Hollywood has been marked by many dramas and scandals, some of which
00:30 involve sects.
00:31 We remember of course the atrocious murder of Sharon Tate by the members of the Manson family,
00:39 stabbed 16 times while she was pregnant for 8 and a half months.
00:45 A tragic story that inspired Quentin Tarantino his film One Suppon a Time in Hollywood,
00:52 in which Margot Robbie plays Sharon Tate.
00:56 Recently, it is the Nkatrum sexual sect that was at the heart of a scandal.
01:02 In 2018, actress Alison Mack, known for her role as Chloe Sullivan in the Smallville series,
01:11 had been arrested for being part of the sect.
01:13 In 2019, the actress admitted to being part of the secret group as a master of slaves.
01:22 Today it is the turn of the actress Bethany Jo and Ellen Pseu to talk about the 10 years
01:30 she spent within a sect, in an interview for Variety.
01:35 "It's a shame to be tied to it.
01:38 The first time Bethany Jo and Ellen Pseu confided in her belonging to a sect was during
01:44 her podcast drama Queens, in which she confided to have spent 10 years within this cult.
01:49 "An experience that the actress is about to tell in an autobiographical book.
01:56 Before that, she offered Variety a magazine an interview in which she tells in detail
02:04 what she has experienced.
02:05 Bethany Jo and Ellen Pseu say that it was a year after the start of the Scott brothers'
02:13 shoot that she began joining a sect.
02:17 She confides to have been raised in a very religious family and to have gone through
02:22 several groups of study of the Bible before entering a sect little by little.
02:29 "The person who ran it was a sociopath, and most of us got into it at the age of 20,"
02:37 she explains.
02:38 She admits that on the set of the series, she often repeated, "I would rather be there."
02:47 She then explains the shame she felt about being part of the sect, but also the psychological
02:53 impact of this situation on her.
02:56 "Some of me knew I was involved in something abusive, there is shame in being attached
03:02 to it.
03:03 But also a shame to leave it."
03:06 In her interview, Bethany Jo and Ellen Pseu did not mention the name of the sect, an information
03:12 that she will reveal in her autobiography, which should teach us more about the calvary
03:17 that the actress has experienced over these 10 long years.
03:19 "I've been a Christian for a long time, and I've been a Christian for a long time.
03:37 And I've been a Christian for a long time.
04:01 And I've been a Christian for a long time."
