• last year
La Russie s'oppose à une intervention militaire au Niger, craignant une déstabilisation régionale. Dans un communiqué du ministère russe des Affaires étrangères, Moscou a mis en garde contre les conséquences d'une utilisation de la force, affirmant qu'elle pourrait entraîner une confrontation prolongée et une déstabilisation de la région du Sahara et du Sahel. Cette position diverge de celle de l'Union africaine (UA), de la France et des États-Unis, qui soutiennent l'activation de la force de la CEDEAO pour rétablir l'ordre constitutionnel au Niger. La Russie estime que les problèmes africains nécessitent des solutions africaines et encourage un dialogue national pour rétablir la paix civile et l'ordre.
La prise de pouvoir par la junte militaire au Niger suite au coup d'État a suscité des réactions contrastées sur la scène internationale. Bien que la Russie condamne la rupture de l'ordre constitutionnel, elle insiste sur l'importance d'éviter une nouvelle dégradation de la situation dans le pays. La question de l'intervention militaire étrangère divise les acteurs internationaux, avec des manifestations de soutien à la junte à Niamey et dans d'autres villes du Niger. La situation reste tendue et incertaine, tandis que la Russie met en avant les risques de déstabilisation régionale et appelle à une solution pacifique. L'avenir du Niger et de la région dépendra des prochaines étapes prises pour rétablir la stabilité et l'ordre constitutionnel, avec la communauté internationale qui suit attentivement l'évolution de la crise.
#Niger #Russie #CEDEAO #putschniger #nigerputsch #junte #crisepolitique #ordreconstitutionnel #manifestations #stabilité #dialoguenational #déstabilisation #Sahel #Sahara #coupdÉtat #paixcivile #acteursinternationaux #solutionpacifique #risques #évolutiondelacrise #ebenemediatv #mgm
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00:00 In a statement published on Friday, August 11, 2023 by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
00:14 Moscow firmly pronounced itself against any armed intervention in Niger, putting
00:17 in check against a major destabilization both for the country and for the sub-region.
00:21 Russia thus opposes the decisions taken by the Economic Community of the States of West
00:27 Africa, the CDAO, the day before, regarding the activation and deployment of its force
00:31 in the wait to reestablish the constitutional order in Niger.
00:34 This divergent position of Russia contrasts with the African Union, the United Nations,
00:39 France and the United States, which have supported these measures.
00:42 The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stressed in its statement that the military path to
00:47 resolving the crisis in Niger could lead to an extended confrontation in this African
00:52 country, as well as to a strong destabilization of the situation throughout the Sahara and
00:57 the Sahel.
00:58 This position of Russia is not new, since it had already expressed its opposition to
01:02 any foreign military intervention in Niger after the seizure of power by the military
01:06 junta, the National Council for the Preservation of the Country, CNSP, following the coup d'état
01:11 of July 26, 2023 overthrowing the regime of President Bassem Mohamed.
01:16 Although the Kremlin has condemned the breakage of the constitutional order in Niger, it has
01:20 called for a rapid restoration of legality in the country and the retention of all parties
01:25 in order to avoid human losses.
01:26 However, faced with the threat of the CDAO using force to restore the constitutional order,
01:33 Russia has put on guard against the consequences of an armed intervention and has insisted
01:36 on the need for a national dialogue to restore civil peace and law and order.
01:41 According to the spokesman of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zakharova, African
01:46 problems require African solutions, emphasizing that the threat of resorting to force against
01:51 a sovereign state will not help to ease tensions and resolve the situation in the country.
01:56 Moscow hopes that the African Union and regional organizations will play a central role in
02:00 the efforts to resolve the crisis.
02:02 Since the beginning of the political crisis, protests of support for the junta have burst
02:08 in Niamey, the capital, as well as in the main cities of the country.
02:12 The situation remains tense and uncertain, with divergent international actors as to
02:17 the best approach to restore stability and constitutional order in Niger.
02:22 Russia firmly opposes any foreign military intervention, highlighting the risks of
02:27 regional destabilization.
02:28 The next steps of this complex political crisis will be decisive for the future of Niger
02:33 and the Sahel region, while the international community continues to closely follow the
02:38 evolution of the situation on the ground.
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02:45 Like the video if you haven't already.
02:47 Also leave your point of view in the comments.
02:50 (air whooshing)
