Zahra catches prince Henry in Alexs closet RED WHITE and ROYAL BLUE Scenes 2023

  • last year
Zahra catches prince Henry in Alexs closet RED WHITE and ROYAL BLUE Scenes 2023
00:00 Oh, shit.
00:02 [Door opens]
00:04 Good morning.
00:06 [Chuckles]
00:08 [Door opens]
00:10 [Grunts]
00:12 [Panting]
00:14 Zara? Breathe.
00:16 Don't you tell me what to do.
00:18 [Panting]
00:20 Do you want to sit? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:22 Okay. Where do you want to go?
00:24 [Panting]
00:26 Here? Yeah. Oh, there? Okay.
00:28 Fine, fine. I'm fine!
00:30 [Panting]
00:32 How long has this been going on?
00:34 Since New Year's.
00:36 Oh, God. And who knows about this?
00:38 Literally no one but you.
00:40 And the Secret Service.
00:42 And Percy. Right. And Nora.
00:44 Oh, and I told my sister.
00:46 Oh, I didn't know that. Yeah, she was really happy for us.
00:48 Oh, I can't wait to see her again. She's really -- Okay.
00:50 Shut up, okay? The both of you.
00:52 I need to think.
00:56 [Dramatic chord]
00:58 So, Alex, what do you think of jolly old England?
01:08 I really love it here.
01:10 I've been a few times since my mom was elected.
01:12 I love the people.
01:14 The beer. The dogs that wear the sweaters.
01:17 Yeah. Well, actually, we say jumpers.
01:20 Alex has very strong opinions,
01:23 and he shares them loudly.
01:26 What three words would I use to describe Henry?
01:29 White, blonde, and...
01:32 British.
01:34 One thing I most admire about Alex
01:36 is his willingness to admit when he's wrong.
01:39 Wonderful. Wonderful trait to have.
01:45 You don't know this, but Henry does the best freestyle raps.
01:49 Well... Come on. Do a little for me.
01:52 No. That's not why.
01:54 She wants to hear it. Remember when it was just like...
01:56 [Hums]
01:58 Don't you do an incredible Barbra Streisand impression?
02:01 [Laughs]
02:02 Voice of an angel, this one, really.
02:04 I love hanging out with this guy.
02:06 I sent you to London with some pretty simple instructions.
02:19 Represent the family at the royal wedding
02:21 and don't cause an international incident.
02:23 Henry shoved me.
02:25 An urge I currently share with the prince.
02:28 We have spent the last three years
02:30 negotiating a new trade deal with His Majesty's government.
02:33 Thousands of hours. Gallons of tea.
02:35 Before this weekend, I had a higher approval rating
02:37 than the prime minister.
02:39 Hell, I was out polling the Spice Girls.
02:42 And overnight, you've managed to undo all that.
02:45 Ma, you know by next week,
02:47 no one will be talking about this anymore.
02:49 And really, no reasonable person
02:51 is gonna even pay attention to that.
02:53 We just got a call from the royal family.
02:55 ♪♪
03:05 ♪♪
