Russian Orthodox priests face persecution from state and church for supporting peace in Ukraine

  • last year
Since the beginning of the military operation, at least 30 Orthodox priests have faced pressure by religious or state authorities over the war in Ukraine.
00:00 Reverend Koval leads one of his first services in Turkey after the Russian Orthodox Church
00:05 decided to defrock him last September following his prayer for peace in Ukraine.
00:11 President Vladimir Putin ordered Russia's clergymen to pray for victory in the war,
00:16 but Reverend Koval replaced the word "victory" with "peace".
00:20 "With the word "victory" the prayer has gained a propagandistic meaning.
00:27 I think that by forming the right thinking among the clergymen, it is going against my
00:40 conscience."
00:41 In February, Reverend Kordoshkin was suspended for three months in Madrid for his stance
00:46 against the fighting.
00:47 "I think that we have a duty to speak out whatever the cost, but of course I cannot
00:53 call my brethren who are in Russia to put themselves under threat."
00:59 The Russian Orthodox Church explains the repressions as punishment for their so-called engagement
01:04 in politics.
