New Ukrainian Drones CATCH RUSSIANS COMPLETELY OFF GUARD | War in Ukraine Explained

  • 11 months ago
First of all, today, multiple sources confirmed that Ukrainians advanced in the Luhansk region. If previously, Ukrainians just localized the Russian breakthrough and pushed them from the most recently taken positions, then right now, Ukrainians cut the Russian bridgehead into 2 halves and are predominantly focused on eliminating the norther group. Ukrainian fighters that operate in the vicinity of Tverdokhlibove released a video showing one of the storming operations. The fighters reported that they were conducting reconnaissance in the region when they spotted a well-fortified Russian position. The commander of the unit evaluated the situation and decided to engage. The element of surprise played a major role, as Russians failed to organize a coherent response. As a result, Russians lost 10 soldiers killed in action and had dozens wounded. The Ukrainian reconnaissance unit, in turn, had no losses. It seems like Ukrainians successfully capitalized on the Russian problems with logistics and almost completely eliminated the Russian bridgehead in front of Karmazynivka. Judging by the reported intensity of Ukrainian artillery strikes on the Russian bridgehead in front of Raihorodka, Ukrainians are aiming to reduce this salient next.