American Bootstraps

  • last year
American Bootstraps by Rebecca Canales

In the land of dreams, where hope abounds,
Where resilience echoes with resounding sounds,
A tale emerges, a narrative untold,
Of Americans, bold and brave, mighty and bold.

With sleeves rolled up, they face the dawn,
Their spirits unwavering, never withdrawn,
Through hardships endured, they stand upright,
For they believe in the power of their might.

They speak of bootstraps, those leathered bands,
Symbolic of the strength within their hands,
For they know that greatness isn't handed free,
But earned through labor, through grit and decree.

From coast to coast, a diverse tapestry,
Of dreamers and doers, they strive to be,
Creators of destiny, authors of fate,
They seize every opportunity, never to wait.

In fields of toil, under the sun's blazing gaze,
They sow seeds of ambition, unyielding in ways,
Through sweat and sacrifice, they forge ahead,
Defying the odds, where others may dread.

In factories humming with the hum of dreams,
They build a nation, from its seams,
Piece by piece, they assemble the might,
Their passion, the sparks igniting the night.

In classrooms where knowledge takes flight,
They seek education, a beacon of light,
For they know that wisdom, like gold refined,
Is the cornerstone on which they're aligned.

In cities bustling with dreams of gold,
They find solace and strength in stories untold,
Strangers turned neighbors, diversity thrives,
Together they flourish, where hope survives.

Through valleys and mountains, rivers and plains,
They pave their own way, in sunshine and rains,
Their hands calloused, their spirits unswayed,
Americans, forever undeterred, unafraid.

So, let us raise a toast, to these women and men,
Who epitomize courage, time and again,
For they embody the spirit, that never-say-die,
Americans pulling themselves up, reaching the sky.
