Day By Day | movie | 2023 | Official Trailer

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Tom Osborne's chase for a National Championship began in 1973 when he was named the head coach of the Nebraska Huskers o | dG1feGFDRXJOUHRERXM
00:00 (crowd cheering)
00:02 - I just say that in the 90s, without a doubt,
00:07 what Tom did at Nebraska was the most dominant thing
00:09 in college football.
00:11 One of the greatest ever.
00:14 His programs at Nebraska, I mean, they were so strong.
00:18 - Dear Lord, the battles we go through life.
00:26 - Everybody said, "Well, he can't win the big one."
00:30 - I never won a national champ.
00:31 He can't win the big one.
00:33 - I always thought Coach got a bad rap.
00:35 You know, he's Tom Osborne, he's a legend.
00:37 - There was a lot of angst.
00:42 There was a sense of urgency.
00:44 We had a lot to prove.
00:45 - The chance to equal our strike.
00:47 Our chance to do it again.
00:49 If we should win, let it be by the code.
00:57 - And he hooked and left, Florida State wins.
01:00 - If we should lose, we'll stand by the road
01:02 and cheer as the winners go by.
01:04 - It was hard.
01:07 We lost it all, man.
01:09 That game, it took from everybody.
01:11 - We started to make much more select choices
01:15 with our recruits.
01:16 - We gotta go out there and show everybody what we can do.
01:20 - The players that we recruited were the type of players
01:26 that you're gonna have to kill them to beat them.
01:29 - You talking about one of the most reckless classes ever.
01:34 - And there was times where I even thought about leaving.
01:39 - Tommy had to sit on the sideline and watch Brooke.
01:42 - Touchdown by Brooke Barringer.
01:44 - Wait a minute, this is more serious than I thought it was.
01:47 I can die from this.
01:48 Let's talk about the elephant in the room on that team.
01:52 It was some racial separation between the team.
01:55 - Lawrence Phillips turned himself into Lincoln Police.
01:59 - We were worried about Tom, the stress he was under.
02:01 - Then the day that changed everybody's life.
02:06 - She'd have burnt down playing the office.
02:11 She knew the results.
02:13 - We went out there to the crash site.
02:15 So we called his mom.
02:16 That was probably the hardest call I ever made.
02:19 - Having the moments where everybody doubted us
02:24 that we weren't gonna make it back.
02:25 It's what you do next after that.
02:27 - Nobody thought we had a chance to win.
02:31 - We silenced every critic out there.
02:33 - Touchdown.
02:36 - We're flying to the 30, 35, to the 15, the 10.
02:39 - This isn't a story about the straight and narrow.
02:41 At times it was downright nasty.
02:43 But this is our story.
02:46 - Day by day.
02:47 We get better and better.
02:49 We can't be beat.
02:51 Won't be beat.
02:52 Won't be beat.
02:54 (siren wailing)
02:56 (whooshing)
