My Thinking is Stinking : Exit Strategies Part. 2 -- Dr. Dharius Daniels

  • l’année dernière
00:00 What's up family you are about to watch part two of exit strategies listen to me
00:04 It's one of the most important messages in this series. It's called my thinking is
00:09 Stinking how do you make an exit out of thinking patterns that aren't serving you? Well, you're gonna learn today
00:15 Enjoy the message. Take care
00:23 Clap your hands for that and man, we're grateful to God. Well, listen, I'm in a series called exit strategies and
00:30 And I want to jump right into this lesson on today
00:36 exit strategies and
00:39 we're going through the book of Exodus and
00:42 Some of you got an email and text from me this week if you're on our list
00:46 Because we're gonna be in the book of Exodus all month
00:50 So I had our team create a Bible reading plan that we could go through as a church
00:54 So that we can read Exodus together all month. I got so excited last week. I didn't even tell you about it
01:00 So
01:03 If you want the plan they're gonna put some information on the screen that way that you can get it and it's better late
01:11 Than never that's all I can tell you. It's my fault
01:13 But if you want to join us on this journey, it's gonna be incredible Exodus chapter number 15 verse
01:19 20 says then Miriam the prophet Aaron's sister took a timbrel in her hand. I
01:26 Would bother that a little bit
01:29 But I'm not I'm not gonna bother it I'm just gonna read it again and then you think about it
01:36 Miriam
01:38 the prophet
01:40 Aaron's sister
01:43 Okay, I'll leave it alone
01:49 Yeah
01:51 Aaron's sister a woman prophet
01:54 I'm not even New Testament. I'm Old Testament
01:59 Okay
02:06 You got it
02:07 Okay
02:07 Then Miriam the prophet Aaron's sister took a timbrel in her hand and all the women followed her with timbrels and dancing
02:13 Miriam sang to them sing to the Lord for his highly exalted both the horse and the driver
02:18 He's hurled into the sea then Moses led Israel from the Red Sea and they went into the desert of shore for three days
02:24 They traveled in the desert without finding water and when they came tomorrow, they could not drink its water because it was bitter
02:32 So the people grumbled against Moses saying what are we to drink?
02:39 I want to tag a title to this text and talk from this subject in our time together. I'm not talking about you
02:45 I'm not talking about me. I'm just talking
02:48 about you
02:50 Here's the subject my thinking is
02:53 stinking
02:56 My thinking is thinking clap your hands if you're ready to receive God's Word I
03:03 Want to ease into this introduction with an axiom that is relevant to this revelation
03:12 I think God wants us to receive from the book of Exodus and the axiom for my note-takers is as follows
03:19 Here it is family. You don't change your life by changing your life
03:23 You change your life by changing your mind
03:27 I'm gonna say it one more time. I think I need a better a man than that
03:32 You don't change your life by changing your life. You change your life by changing your mind
03:40 The
03:42 First step in getting out of anything is getting your head out
03:49 And
03:52 If you can get your head out
03:55 Then everything else has to follow
03:59 and I want to pause even in this introduction and make what I believe to be a
04:05 Prophetic proclamation and that is your head is getting ready to come out
04:10 Now some people are going to assume that that's just religious rhetoric that that's just some church
04:19 Colloquialism that's that that's just some phrase that's being used to try to elicit a response and make people
04:28 Enthusiastic in the sanctuary, but I'm not saying that just to say it
04:33 I'm saying it because I believe I got to eavesdrop on a
04:38 Conversation that God had with a prophet Isaiah and he told Isaiah to tell his people that my word
04:45 Does not return to be void
04:47 But it
04:52 Accomplishes all that I send it out to do and it prospers the thing
04:57 Wherein I sent it. So in other words when God is speaking a word come on
05:03 God is not just
05:06 Articulating what he wants you to know God is announcing what he's getting ready to do
05:12 He doesn't talk about exits just to talk about exits
05:17 He starts talking about exits because it's your season to make one
05:21 He starts talking about exits because he's getting ready to part the Red Sea so you can walk through he starts talking about
05:29 Exits because he's getting ready to knock down Jericho walls so that you can walk through and I don't know who this is
05:36 for but this is your time to
05:41 bust a move and
05:43 If you are willing to walk out of what God wants you to walk out of
05:49 Then you are getting ready to walk into what your eyes haven't seen and your ears haven't heard
05:57 I'm looking for somebody that's on your way out to shout. I'm out
06:01 Don't call me I'm out don't text me I'm out don't try to bring me back. I'm out
06:08 I cried too long to get out to stay in if you want to stay in stay in
06:14 But as for me and my house, I'm out
06:17 I
06:19 Know I'm not confused. I may not be out physically. I may not be out
06:30 Relationally, I may not be out financially. I may not be out professionally, but because I'm out mentally
06:42 Everything else is getting ready to come out - I want to know am I talking to anybody that
06:49 Will say I refuse to wait until everything else get out to shout. I'm a shout
06:55 Cut my mind out
07:09 The quality of our life is
07:11 Dependent upon the quality of our mind and all throughout scripture. We find
07:17 Examples that substantiate what I'm saying
07:20 One of the most important ones is found in Romans chapter 12 when the apostle Paul says to believers in Rome
07:26 He says do not conform
07:28 Come on am I in the book I
07:34 Said am I in the book?
07:36 Do not conform to the pattern of this world
07:39 But be transformed by working hard
07:47 Be transformed by striving harder
07:54 He says be transformed by the renewing of your mind
08:01 Listen to what he says now the transformation of my life is connected to the renewing of my mind that word renew
08:09 simply means renovate
08:12 Did you hear what I just said
08:17 Just as a building might need to be renovated to replace old
08:22 worn out structures with new fresh materials our
08:27 Mind needs to be renovated to replace old
08:32 unhelpful ways of thinking with new godly thinking patterns
08:37 Did you hear what I just said you see when there's a renovation
08:43 Sometimes watch this sometimes when there's a renovation
08:47 There's there are some things that get upgraded
08:55 But then there are some things that also get demolished
08:59 And renovation looks messy before it gets beautiful
09:10 But if you are willing to survive the messy season
09:23 Then God will bring you into a
09:26 Beautiful season see some renovation requires demolition
09:34 And there are times where God allows demolition of things on the outside
09:44 Because he's really trying to demolish a way of thinking on the inside
09:52 We might think the devil is destroying something externally
09:56 But God is using what the devil is destroying externally to demolish a way of thinking
10:04 Internally, are you hearing what I'm saying in other words? I don't know if y'all can handle this
10:10 I said, I don't know if y'all can handle this
10:12 God's like sometimes if that wasn't destroyed
10:17 Then your way of thinking regarding that thing wouldn't be demolished
10:22 So I had to let some relationships be destroyed
10:26 So that your way of thinking about relationships could be demolished. I
10:32 Had to let some friendships be destroyed
10:37 So that your flawed way of thinking about friendships could be demolished. I had to let some aspects of your career
10:47 Be destroyed
10:49 Because you would have settled for the wilderness
10:51 When I've called you to Canaan
10:54 So trying to demolish
11:03 some thinking the weapons of our warfare are not carnal
11:08 But they're mighty through God for the pulling down of strongholds
11:15 constructive thinking patterns
11:17 coming down
11:20 But that's not all Paul says when their scriptures quoted that's often where people stop
11:25 But that's not all Paul said
11:29 PD what he say it says don't be conformed to the pattern is where it will be transformed by the runner of your mind then
11:37 Then you will be able
11:45 See this you not able until the then
11:48 Some people are trying to be able but they not on the other side of the den
11:55 And we're like God where you at on the other side of the day
12:01 Where's my blessing yet on the other side of the dead? Where's my breakthrough on the other side of the dead?
12:13 Then you will be able to test and approve one translation says prove
12:19 What God's will is?
12:23 It says when you have a transformation
12:28 The transformation is going to be the result of a renovation and
12:35 the transformation that comes from the
12:38 Renovation is going to allow you to be a demonstration
12:44 Of all this stuff you talk about God
12:47 Y'all miss it
12:52 Paul is talking to believers in Rome at this point
12:57 Christianity is a new religion and so people in Rome are worshiping all sorts of stuff so they don't understand
13:04 Some of the things Paul is saying so Paul is telling believers in Rome these people need some proof
13:12 You
13:14 Telling these people God opens doors that no man can shut prove it
13:19 You're saying no weapon that's formed against you shall prosper
13:23 Proof it you're saying what the enemy meant for evil God
13:28 Will work it for good prove it
13:32 I don't know who I'm preaching to but God is getting ready to make you a demonstration
13:38 You're about to be proof
13:42 That he will do exceedingly I
13:45 Feel something ready to break out. Give me a real mic
13:49 Somebody give me a real mic. I feel something getting ready
14:09 I feel that there it is right there
14:11 God is getting ready to use you to prove some stuff about him
14:19 Here's our problem our problem is we're trying to prove stuff to people about us
14:36 and
14:38 God says what I'm getting ready to do is not to prove some stuff to people about you, but I'm about to use you
14:46 To prove some stuff to people about me
14:50 Touch not mine anointed to my servant no harm
14:56 I'm proof I'm proof
15:03 I'm proof I'm proof
15:06 I'm proof if you want to know how good God is I'm proof if you want to know can you bounce back?
15:13 I'm proof if you want to know can you recover I am
15:18 Proof
15:20 I
15:22 I
15:24 I
15:52 But you can be seated you can be seated the
15:54 But the interest entrance into this kind of life where your proof
16:02 Requires an exit and
16:07 Exodus
16:12 Out of your proverbial mental Egypt
16:20 Now last week I unpack Egypt I can't unpack it again for the sake of time
16:25 But one of the truths we talked about in terms of what Egypt represents scripturally is not just that which is evil
16:32 But that which is irrelevant
16:34 It's not that Egypt is wrong it's just wrong for me now
16:40 Let me go to this side
16:46 It's not that something's wrong with that if you like that god bless you I
16:51 Don't mind you liking that have added enjoy that
16:56 But for me that represents Egypt
16:59 It represents that which satisfied a version of me that no longer exists
17:06 Because my evolution impacts my appetite
17:13 That
17:15 Was some stuff I had an appetite for when I was an inferior version of me
17:26 But now that I've leveled up
17:29 So has my appetite and there were some things that
17:36 Satisfied me that no longer said you got to come correct in this season
17:41 That
17:43 Old version of me didn't have boundaries that old version of me didn't have self-respect
17:50 That old version of me didn't know who I was so I took stuff. I shouldn't have took but in this season
17:58 I
18:00 But we've got to make a mental exodus because Egypt is not always evil
18:27 It's just irrelevant
18:29 It served its purpose for that season
18:35 So we're not saying that the mindset is wrong we're saying it's not relevant for you now
18:44 And
18:49 if you're comparing
18:51 The mindset God's calling you to have with the mindset other people have you will be satisfied
18:59 Because you are gauging your success
19:02 Based on the stagnation of somebody else
19:05 Hi, yeah
19:08 See just because you're better than others
19:11 Doesn't mean you're growing it may mean they stuck
19:15 But you got to ask yourself based on what God's trying to do with my life
19:20 Based on what's trying to do with my life
19:27 What mindset is required?
19:30 For his mission for my life not is it better than others?
19:37 And I don't know if y'all ready for this I don't want to get ahead of myself, but sometimes leaving a certain mindset
19:45 also
19:47 Necessitates leaving other people who had it
19:50 Because some of us the only thing we have in common is
20:02 Is reminiscing over a version of us we no longer want to revisit
20:07 All we talking about is our dysfunction
20:11 All we talking about is the dumb stuff we used to do I?
20:16 Don't want just people in my life that have a common past I
20:21 Need some people in my life
20:24 That I can't get past
20:27 Have a common past I need some people in my life who have a common future
20:33 And
20:42 Israel is an example of this they make a physical exodus out of Egypt
20:48 their location changed
20:51 But their mentality didn't
20:54 So what does this mean Darius it means they are out of Egypt, but Egypt is not out of them
21:02 Egypt that season of suffering
21:09 that season of stagnation is
21:12 A season that also molded their mind in a way
21:16 That even when they came out of Egypt physically
21:22 They survived, but their mind didn't
21:25 See here's the way Jesus pussy in John 10
21:32 14 minutes here it is here it is I
21:36 Got 14 minutes
21:42 I
21:44 Jesus said the thief comes
22:05 To steal kill and destroy now most time when people are are interpreting that passes they just focus on the kill and destroy
22:13 But Jesus emphasizes
22:16 Calling Satan a thief
22:20 The first thing he calls him is a thief because what he does most is steal
22:33 And here's what's crazy about a good thief a good thief steals, and you don't know you've been stolen from
22:40 A good thief steal something in your past you don't even know it's gone
22:53 Until you reach for in your present, and you realize I don't have it and some of us
23:01 Can relate to this a good thief cannot only steal and you not know you're being stolen from
23:08 Sometimes they steal and you don't know where it got stolen
23:12 Some of us have been in Egypt so long we don't know what season stole something from us
23:21 See when we don't understand that the enemy is a thief
23:30 We can be celebrating simply surviving Egypt
23:34 We can be shouting I survived and high-fiving
23:39 I survived and sometimes while we're celebrating survival the enemy saying, but I didn't send that to kill you
23:45 You survived, but your dream didn't you survived, but your optimism didn't you survived
23:55 But your focus didn't he stole, but I want to know I got to go I
24:01 Want to know am I talking to anybody?
24:05 That's got a attitude with the enemy. I want to know if I got anybody that's got a little kingdom
24:13 Look if you bucking you
24:16 That's gonna tell the devil you're not gonna steal from me
24:21 And I just sit here and have a pity party. I will everything the devil stole from me
24:30 Somebody tell the devil don't play with me
24:38 I'm not one to be played with I'm coming after everything God's got
24:45 I
24:47 Got ten minutes and 43 seconds here it is
24:57 They come out of Egypt, but it takes a lot longer for Egypt
25:10 Did you hear what I just said
25:12 It takes a lot longer for Egypt to come out of them because just because I'm out of the season
25:19 Doesn't mean the season
25:21 It doesn't mean that the season is out of me
25:28 Just because I'm out of the relationship
25:31 Doesn't mean the relationship is out of me just because I'm out of the church
25:38 Doesn't mean that toxic abusive exploitive church experience. It's not out of me
25:44 It's in the text
25:50 because Israel literally
25:52 just experience a
25:54 series of events where God uses Moses to convince Pharaoh to let
26:00 Israel exit out of Egypt, but I want y'all to notice something to happen because I think sometimes we tell the story but there's
26:08 The Bible calls the Bible says that the Bible will you be about the Bible does I believe what the Bible says about the Bible?
26:13 And it says that his riches are unsearchable. So that means I can read the same thing a million times and get a million different lessons
26:19 Right. All right. So watch this
26:21 it says when the king of Egypt who's Pharaoh was told the people had fled they changed their mind and
26:27 his officials
26:30 Fled and his officials changed their minds about them and said what have we done?
26:33 We let the Israelites go and have lost their services
26:38 We've
26:40 Lost their services
26:43 So the reason they're chasing them is not because they want them J. They want their services
26:51 Because some people don't get a revelation of your value until you go
26:57 Did you hear what I just said, yeah once they were gone they were like, wait a minute
27:06 We just lost
27:08 So when we was together, you couldn't text me back
27:12 You couldn't take my call
27:14 You couldn't make time for me
27:16 But now that I'm gone you blowing up my line and you want to talk you don't miss me
27:23 You miss my services
27:25 (crowd cheering)
27:27 So Pharaoh
27:47 chases them
27:49 And Pharaoh represents whatever has held you hostage or oppressed
27:55 Or stuck in a certain season Pharaoh can represent habits or behaviors
28:02 That pursue you
28:08 I'm just looking for the honest section now
28:12 That's honest enough to say some Pharaoh
28:17 Chase me every now and then
28:22 You think you through with that you think you over that you think you beyond that and then here comes Pharaoh again
28:28 Cuz the new seasons will keep feeling like old seasons when you're dealing with the same Pharaoh
28:36 But God said
28:50 Moses tell the people
28:52 Even though he's chasing you
28:54 I'm getting ready to bring this 400 year cycle to an end and
29:00 The enemy you see today
29:03 Is an enemy you will see no more
29:07 You get to a point where God
29:11 knows how to break the cycle and break the pattern and say your season of
29:18 Fighting that Pharaoh is coming to an end
29:20 I'm not saying you aren't gonna have any more problems, but it's time to stop having that one
29:27 Tech says
29:37 They're pursuing them
29:38 But notice what happens Exodus 14 verse 19 says then the angel of God who had been traveling in front of Israel's army
29:43 Withdrew and went behind them y'all missed it
29:48 The angel of God who had been traveling in front of Israel's army withdrew and went behind them
29:55 There's the repositioning of divine presence
29:58 The angel was in front
30:02 Until Pharaoh got behind him and once Pharaoh got behind him the angel got behind them
30:08 to get in between
30:11 Pharaoh and Israel
30:13 Now if you've had a perfect past be quiet
30:17 But if there's some things in your past that God kept
30:21 From showing back up in your future
30:25 You ought to give him praise for getting in between you and your Pharaoh
30:34 So Texas Texas
30:44 They get to the edge of the Red Sea and Moses like Lord what we're gonna do guys like I got you
30:51 verse 21 Exodus 14 says Moses stretched out his hand over the sea and all that night
30:57 The Lord drove the sea back with a strong east wind and turned it in the dry land
31:03 I want you to see cuz don't misinterpret this miracle
31:07 The key word is all that night
31:11 So when we think of the Red Sea story very often we assume it was an immediate miracle
31:16 That's not the text
31:19 The text says it took God all night to do it
31:23 Did you hear what I just said
31:28 All that night so it didn't just turn into dry land
31:32 Instantaneously all that night the wind was blowing so the wind was blowing before the waters were parted
31:40 This is only for my prophetic praises here
31:43 The Red Sea may not be parted yet, but can you praise him because the wind is blowing?
31:50 It hadn't happened yet, but the wind is blowing the door hadn't opened yet
32:06 But the wind is blowing the way hadn't been made yet, but the wind is blowing I feel the wind blowing in my direction
32:13 So text says
32:23 Israel walks through on dry ground
32:25 Pharaoh and his army try to walk through on dry ground
32:29 Israel walks on dry ground all they have is feet
32:33 Pharaoh has horses and chariots
32:35 Israel makes it through
32:39 Pharaoh doesn't make it through Pharaoh should have been able to make it through because he's got horses and chariots
32:44 Israel don't have what Pharaoh has but they still can go where Pharaoh can't go because that's the way favor work
32:52 You don't have to have a chariot, but you got favor. You don't have to have a horse, but you got favor
33:01 And
33:03 the Bible says
33:04 They try to walk through Pharaoh and his army try to do what Israel did and the Red Sea collapsed and they drowned
33:12 Because you drown when you try to follow a word
33:16 God didn't give you
33:19 What a stepped out and lost a business God told them to do that
33:23 He didn't tell you to do that. Well, they stepped out and they moved God told them to do that
33:30 So
33:32 God Tario has just worked this miracle with water
33:41 And so we read in the text when they get on the other side, they have this praise break
33:46 I mean in chapter in chapter 15 verse 20 Miriam
33:50 I mean she gets a tambourine and they're celebrating their Exodus. That's verse 20
33:57 Four verses later they go from celebrating to complaining
34:00 They were celebrating how God walked brought them through water
34:07 Now they're complaining because they haven't had water and now when they run into water the water is undrinkable
34:14 They wrote go from celebrating to complaining in four verses
34:17 It took that little to take your faith
34:20 (crowd cheering)
34:22 The complaining is not the problem I'm done Tario the complaining is the symptom
34:30 It's a symptom of a mind that's been molded in Egypt
34:36 Because they're complaining about
34:43 Water when they just experienced a water miracle
34:49 (crowd cheering)
34:51 You should know from the Red Sea God can fix the water stuff
34:56 But they had a mind
35:02 that was molded in Egypt and
35:05 That mind that was molded in Egypt had a few traits and I'm gonna share these traits with you and we'll go home
35:10 One of the traits of this mind that's molded in Egypt is a short memory
35:17 And I'll have time to unpack this but this is what some of you are dealing with with your friends and your family
35:22 They got short memory
35:25 Israel is celebrating in verse 20 complaining in verse 24 because it only took them four verses to forget and
35:34 Some people that's complaining about what you're not doing in your 24 have forgotten what you just did in your 20
35:45 But Israel has a short memory
35:47 Like guys like hey, I I literally I just I just brought you out
35:52 Their short memory caused unnecessary anxiety because the current crisis they were facing
35:58 paled in comparison to what they had already gone through
36:01 So if God can part the Red Sea
36:05 Certainly he can make
36:08 undrinkable water drinkable
36:11 Like they weren't even really dealing with real adversity comparatively speaking. This is just an aggravation
36:17 Compared to what they went through
36:19 But how's your God memory
36:25 Is it short
36:32 Have you forgotten that what you're currently facing?
36:35 pales in comparison
36:38 To what you previously come through when you compare what you're in to what you've come through. It's not even adversity
36:45 It's just agitation
36:47 Lord deliver me from a short memory
36:54 Here's number two they had a suffering mentality
37:03 They were so embedded with suffering in their past that they accepted it as normal in their present
37:08 Pharaoh made them a victim in Egypt, but they made themselves one in the wilderness
37:15 They were so accustomed to suffering they didn't know how to live without being a victim
37:27 So even when they really weren't a victim they made themselves a victim
37:32 Because
37:34 They expected to suffer
37:37 Can you enjoy the fruit of God's goodness in your present
37:43 if
37:46 You're expecting something to go bad in your future
37:51 Some of you an amazing season right now you can't even enjoy it
38:00 Because you're expecting something to go you're waiting on something to go wrong
38:04 God deliver me from a it's too good to be true mentality
38:15 I
38:21 Feel this I just heard heaven on this
38:23 Some of you feel this way even with your success. I hear you father
38:28 You are uniquely successful, but you're still dealing with high levels of anxiety because you don't believe it's gonna last I
38:36 heard that
38:39 It's not gonna last
38:46 And God's like the rest of your life is your season
38:55 You
38:57 Not just in a season the rest of your life is your season
39:04 It's gonna last
39:17 He gave them shoes that didn't wear out in the wilderness it's gonna last
39:23 He didn't give him new shoes, but he gave he he gave the shoes that they had a lifespan
39:30 God says I put creative I talked to you all about this last week creative abundance is on the inside of you
39:40 So when this brook dries up Elijah, I'm a senior to Zarafath
39:45 I'll use what I need to use in the season you in to feed you
39:53 I'm
39:54 your source and
39:56 The same way I gave you this idea I hear you the same way I gave you this idea. I'll give you another one
40:04 You cannot have a lack mentality regarding creative abundance
40:13 I'm attached to the God
40:16 Who is infinite when it comes to ideas?
40:21 He does not have an idea shortage
40:23 He will not run out and as long as I am connected to him neither will I?
40:29 I'm done. Thank you father. Here it is short memory suffering mentality number three suspicious of Moses
40:38 The pain in Egypt made them so paranoid now, they're suspicious of the one that's been assigned to help them
40:48 They
40:50 Are so used to being used they don't know how to manage somebody that wants nothing from them
40:59 Pharaoh
41:06 Had so abused and misused them
41:08 That now they are suspicious of the one that God sent to help them that doesn't need them
41:15 My
41:17 Question is are you punishing your Moses's because of your Pharaoh?
41:24 Moses says I didn't do that
41:33 Pharaoh did I
41:37 Am here because I love you not because I'm using you
41:43 Moses is like I am here because God sent me
41:45 Not because I sent myself
41:49 Who are you not letting in that is God sent
41:56 Who are you keeping at arm's length that is God sent
42:04 What relationship should you be
42:08 nurturing differently
42:11 That you are not nurturing differently
42:14 Because of what happened with Pharaoh I'm gonna stop there guys
42:21 Because God wants to to release you of this
42:29 Before this next season of your life
42:36 Because the Moses is that he's getting ready to send you are
42:39 Not just people to help you be who he's called you to be I hear this but to help you build what he's called you to build
42:47 God's like what I put in you is not all in you
43:01 What you need to do what I put in you it and all only in you I put some of that in a Moses
43:06 And I'm gonna start sending them, but you need to be ready for them
43:12 Because you're in a season where you don't have enough time to take Moses through your proof test
43:21 You don't have seven years figure this out
43:29 You don't have to discern spiritually and quickly God's gonna have to talk to you about them
43:34 And I said this last week
43:41 All that God is is all that we need. He is nothing that we are not and if he
43:48 Discloses himself in Exodus as the God who delivers and sets us free
43:53 What self from what self-help and self will cannot set us free from then that is a God?
44:00 He wants us to experience
44:02 Sometimes prayer is a strategy
44:04 Lord I got my mind stuck by myself, but I can't get it unstuck without you
44:21 So here are three things you got to do
44:23 Number one feed
44:27 Somebody say feed
44:31 What does that mean Darius you must intentionally feed your mind that which aligns with Scripture?
44:37 Just as the body thrives off what you put in it so does the mind
44:47 Jesus describes the mind as a field and he says when people asleep the enemy came in and sowed wheat so tears
44:55 among the wheat when you're asleep when you're not conscious seeds are being planted in your mind and
45:00 They're choking out that which God wants to grow
45:03 Because of what's being fed
45:07 Number two filter
45:10 You must limit and filter out that which is unhealthy unhelpful and unholy
45:15 It means that you've got to be way more
45:19 resistant and
45:21 boundary
45:23 When it comes to what comes into your mind regardless of who it's coming from
45:30 It means you even it doesn't mean the elimination of relationships always but sometimes it means the limitation of certain conversations
45:39 It is sometimes
45:43 Y'all not ready for this
45:45 See when you have a messianic complex
45:47 You think you always have to be their shoulder to lean on because you think you the only one God can use to help them
45:54 Sometimes you in a season where your faith is so fragile
45:57 That you can't handle people who are in a season of cynicism even though you love them
46:03 So they start spewing how bad things are for them on you and they mean well
46:08 You just not in a season where you can hear it and not carry it
46:13 You
46:15 Face too fragile now, you don't need help being discouraged
46:27 And number three fight
46:34 You must push past passivity
46:42 You've got to arrest apathy
46:45 Because acquiring and maintaining a kingdom mindset requires intentionality
46:51 Mentally you catch sickness you don't catch health
46:56 Health requires intentionality and it requires fighting
47:09 Even when you feel like I'm losing
47:11 I'm a fight
47:14 Follow after those who through faith and patience
47:20 inherited the promise
47:24 Look at me Callie's ariah and and trade
47:30 You can't stay here mentally
47:39 You're not allowed to it's not your choice
47:43 He's chosen for you
47:48 You're not allowed to stay here
47:53 You gotta fight
47:57 And today I'm praying that God gives you the grace to fight
48:06 Father I thank you
48:08 It may look like I'm surrounded
48:11 But I am surrounded by you. I thank you for grace being released
48:17 To fight the good fight of faith. I pray that over your people now
48:23 deliver us
48:26 from thinking
48:28 That is stinking
48:30 in Jesus name
48:32 Amen
48:35 Clap your hands. Come on give him praise
48:38 We gotta go it may look like
48:43 I'm surrounded by you. We gotta go it may look like it may look like I'm surrounded
