• il y a 2 ans
00:00 [Music]
00:10 I just dropped off Marzia at the hospital.
00:12 We think tomorrow it will happen, so she's gonna stay overnight and tomorrow I'll be a dad.
00:20 I'm very nervous. I'm nervous for Marzia, but I know she's gonna do super well.
00:24 I know she's really good at this kind of thing.
00:26 She's obviously a bit scared, but I know she can totally handle it really well.
00:32 Yeah, I feel bad I'm leaving her alone, but I will be there hopefully when Bjorn is born.
00:37 I'm just gonna hang with the puggies for the time being, and she's gonna let me know how it goes in the hospital.
00:43 It's such a strange day because obviously we had nine, ten months now leading up to it,
00:50 but you just can't... I just can't imagine, like, there's gonna be a baby.
00:55 Like, I've thought about it hundreds, thousands of times, but it's just like, I can't imagine there's gonna be a baby.
01:02 I don't know. I have no experience to relate that to, so it's all so new.
01:08 So it's very exciting to say the least, but come on Marzia, you got this.
01:14 [Music]
01:25 Anytime you mention it's hot, everyone just goes, "It's hotter where I am. It's way hotter where I am."
01:31 41 degrees and humidity, it's just, it's just bad.
01:35 It's so disgusting to be outside.
01:39 Even for a sec, my top of my head is cooking. I was out for like a minute.
01:44 I hope they have AC at the hospital for Marzia, otherwise...
01:48 [Music]
01:52 [Laughter]
01:56 [Music]
02:13 Oh, it's now 5.30. The doctor woke up Marzia at 5.
02:18 I look destroyed. Look at me. And I called Marzia and she looks so beautiful and perfect.
02:24 She's having more contractions now and stronger contractions, so I think any point today,
02:30 I'll get the call to get over there when it's time to deliver the baby, but I think it really is happening today.
02:38 Everything's looking great. Marzia's doing amazing.
02:41 I'm gonna give these sleepy guys a little walk before it gets too hot out, because it's super early anyway.
02:48 Today's the day. Let's go guys.
02:52 [Music]
02:59 I just had a nap. Marzia's been at the hospital for almost 24 hours now.
03:04 Her body's 100% ready. It's hard to understand, but I think he's laying in a position that kind of blocks him from coming out,
03:11 or dropping down rather. Right now Marzia's sitting in a pose that will hopefully make him move.
03:18 If that doesn't work, she will have to do a C-section, which she's fine with.
03:23 Yeah, I'm fine with it obviously too. I'm C-section.
03:26 It just kind of feels like she's gone through so much to get her body to this, to be fully ready,
03:32 and now she is ready, but it's like she can't because, yeah.
03:36 So I hope that this pose will work, and if not, there'll be a C-section.
03:43 So no matter what, he's coming out today. You have no choice, Bjorn. You're coming out today.
03:49 Apparently that was a bit of a scare while I took a nap. It's all fine now, so that's good.
03:54 And I'm kind of glad I slept through it. I feel bad, like Marzia's been at the hospital so long, and I'm just here.
04:02 We're obviously talking on the phone, but.
04:04 Just chilling with you, Iggy, the best nap buddy of all time.
04:07 So yeah, I'm heading to the hospital pretty soon, as soon as I get the call. I think within an hour at least.
04:12 It's very exciting. What a crazy experience. I can't imagine what it's like for Marzia.
04:17 Like I said, I'm just here.
04:19 Alright, this is it. Bjorn moved. He went in the right position.
04:29 I'm just waiting to be called into the hospital, and my time is limited there.
04:34 Oh god, I'm freaking out. I just hope she's okay.
04:38 I'm freaking out.
04:40 [Music]
04:42 [Music]
04:44 [Music]
05:13 [Music]
05:15 Little bear. Aww, look at you.
05:32 Finally, you're feeling good.
05:35 Aww, he's so happy with you.
05:39 [Music]
05:41 Bjorn is born. It all went great. He's so cute.
05:50 I am officially a dad. So strange.
05:54 I have to go now, because I was only alive for two hours and a half, actually.
05:59 They extended it a little bit. Marzia was feeling a little sick afterwards.
06:03 She has a bit of a fever. She lost a lot of blood.
06:06 But everything went really well. Bjorn is great. Marzia is doing well.
06:11 I'm just very happy and thankful it all went so well.
06:15 Unfortunately, I have to go back. But I will visit them tomorrow, and we'll talk over phone.
06:22 [Music]
06:24 Say hi to Bjorn, everyone. Bjorn.
06:34 Hello.
06:36 Marzia was the biggest warrior on the planet. That was such a long labor.
06:42 And look what you made. Best thing ever.
06:47 I'm back home. I am so tired. I can't imagine Marzia.
06:57 And it hasn't even started yet. First day, and I'm already so tired.
07:03 But Bjorn seems really chill. I don't remember if I talked about the delivery, but it all went really well.
07:09 Marzia did amazing. Seriously, she was such a champion.
07:14 It was so nice when I came in, and I got to see her, and we were both so happy.
07:19 And then, she had already been pushing a little bit, so I came in for the last bit.
07:26 And then he was born.
07:28 Today, I got to spend more time with him, which was really good. It felt so weird just leaving him.
07:35 But I'm glad I got to spend time with him today, and we changed his diaper, and fed him, and stuff like that.
07:41 So it really felt like, "Oh, this is my baby." A lot more.
07:46 So he's coming home in two days, because Marzia needs to recover and stay with Bjorn.
07:54 And I'm not allowed to stay more than two hours, so I have no right of saying I'm tired.
08:00 Marzia has gone through so much, and she still has to look after Bjorn.
08:05 The nurses are helping a lot, obviously.
08:07 The name is Bjorn, which is an old Viking name. I always really liked the name Bjorn.
08:13 Even as a kid, I thought it was such a cool name. It means "bear" in Swedish.
08:18 And I remember as a kid, I was like, "You can be named that? That's so cool."
08:22 So I think it's a really fitting name.
08:25 It kind of works in Japanese, too, like "Bjorn." It's not too strange.
08:30 And there's a really big, popular baby brand in--it's Swedish, obviously, BabyBjörn.
08:37 So people recognize it from there, even here. So that's good.
08:42 And he's so cute. I think it fits him perfectly. It's a soft and hard name.
08:48 So yeah, it's pronounced "Björn," like "uh." It's usually hard for foreigners to say that word.
08:55 The letter, I mean. Usually people say "Bjorn" like an "o," but it's an "uh," like "Björn."
09:03 I don't know how to explain how to say it better than that.
09:06 It's only 9, but I'm going to bed. I'm just so tired.
09:11 I'm going to feed you guys, and then we'll go upstairs, huh?
09:14 What do you say, Amy? You missing Marzia? She'll be home soon. Don't worry.
09:20 I set this up for Marzia and Bjorn, because tomorrow they're coming home.
09:25 I don't know. I thought it was cute.
09:27 And apparently it's a tradition in Italy--so Marzia's parents sent us, very nice--
09:33 to put up one of these. If there's a new baby, you put up one of these on your door.
09:40 So I'm going to do that.
09:42 And tomorrow they're coming home.
09:44 It'll be the first time that we get to feel what it feels like to be parents.
09:48 So I'm a little nervous, but I think it's going to go well.
09:52 Today's the day. I've sat so many times outside the hospital waiting,
10:02 and I always see so many mothers coming out with their babies,
10:06 but today, it is our day to do that.
10:10 I always thought, like, "Oh, we have such a long journey ahead, and it's going to be so difficult."
10:15 I mean, it just started, really, but we did it.
10:20 Bjorn is here, and we get to go home. I'm very, very happy.
10:24 Hello.
10:31 Hello.
10:33 What a weird-smelling guy.
10:35 [Music]
10:51 Check this out. This has been here for nine months.
10:54 And my little 3D cat.
10:57 So you paint one eye before you have a wish,
11:01 and then you paint the other eye when the wish is completed.
11:05 I don't know exactly what it is. It's a Daruma.
11:08 But it's time to paint the eye, and then we burn it at New Year's.
11:12 I never completed one before.
11:14 That was a terrible eye.
11:17 Sorry, Daruma-san.
11:19 [Farting]
11:21 [Farting]
11:24 [Music]
11:34 We survived our first night.
11:36 Masa stayed up so late.
11:38 I didn't even realize.
11:40 So she's still asleep, and I'm trying to take care of him as much as I can this morning.
11:44 You pooped a lot last night.
11:46 You sprayed all over.
11:48 Proud of you.
11:49 It was like 4 a.m. or 5 a.m.
11:52 I'm feeding Bjorn, and then I drop one of the glass bottles,
11:56 and he gets on the floor, and the dogs run over it,
11:58 and Bjorn is crying because he wants milk,
12:00 and is like, "Oh, God. I can already feel the chaos."
12:04 But I think we're doing good.
12:05 He's fine. He sleeps a lot.
12:07 Seems happy.
12:08 As long as he gets milk.
12:10 [Kiss]
12:11 Which seems to be the time soon.
12:13 [Laughter]
12:16 [Dog growling]
12:18 [Dog growling]
12:21 Oh.
12:22 How did that happen?
12:24 Momma, you got it.
12:26 [Dog growling]
12:28 Get off me, woman.
12:30 [Music]
12:38 [Laughter]
12:41 You're supposed to keep him out a little bit,
12:43 but he didn't like it's too bright for you.
12:45 Huh.
12:46 What if I cover a little bit?
12:48 [Music]
12:53 What if I want...
12:54 Emergency maid cupcakes.
12:57 Would you like one?
12:59 Mmm.
13:01 Uh-oh.
13:02 So good fresh.
13:04 Love it.
13:05 You're not supposed to do housework.
13:07 We're on our third day.
13:10 Taking care of the little one.
13:11 I feel a lot less tired today.
13:13 Can only improve from here.
13:14 The sleep is the worst part, really.
13:16 He's easy to take care of.
13:17 He just poops and eats and sleeps.
13:24 It's not a bad one.
13:27 We're going to give him a little stampy.
13:33 Yeah.
13:34 [Laughter]
13:35 [Music]
13:42 Just wanted to show our baby sleeping.
13:45 So cute.
13:50 Nice hair, my dude.
13:52 What is mommy doing to you?
13:54 There you go.
13:56 Oh, so proper.
13:58 [Music]
14:10 Sleepy dad here.
14:12 Sleepy boy here.
14:14 He's been about three weeks since he was born.
14:17 Being a dad has been...
14:19 I don't think anyone says it's easy.
14:21 In a lot of ways, it has been easier than I thought
14:24 because he's just been sleeping, pooping,
14:28 pooping some more, and then eating,
14:31 then pooping again.
14:32 And he likes to do it right after I change his diaper.
14:35 Don't you, Baron?
14:37 But I think me and Marzia have been doing really well.
14:39 I'm really proud of how well we work together
14:41 and could do with a little bit more sleep, though.
14:45 Baron is very cute, as you can tell.
14:48 I think he looks just like me.
14:50 Looking at old photos of myself and comparing to Baron,
14:53 it's almost creepy.
14:55 Sometimes I look at him and I'm like, "Did I clone myself?
14:58 Is this some weird sci-fi movie?"
15:00 And then you're like, "Oh, yeah.
15:02 That's how babies work."
15:03 He's got Marzia's hair color, though.
15:05 So much hair.
15:06 Man, it's been really cozy.
15:08 Mainly just been reading, playing video games, working out.
15:13 We've been advised here in Japan
15:15 you're not supposed to bring your baby out for a month,
15:17 but it's been too--he's pooping.
15:20 It's been too hot, and the sun is too strong anyway.
15:23 But yeah, we can soon take him out, which will be fun.
15:27 I can't wait to leave the house.
15:28 I mean, I have been, but we're eager to do stuff with you, Baron.
15:33 Aren't you, too?
15:34 And hopefully we can share some of that as well.
15:36 And I just want to say I really appreciate everyone being so nice
15:41 and just happy for us.
15:44 It feels amazing that so many people feel that way.
15:47 And I'm so happy everything went well, obviously,
15:50 and Baron is doing great.
15:53 I couldn't ask for more, really.
15:55 Some more sleep would be nice.
15:57 But yeah, that's the end of the vlog.
16:00 Say hi to Baron, I guess.
16:02 Who wants--
16:04 What can I do for you?
16:07 Bionce says hi back.
16:09 All right.
16:11 (upbeat music)