সারা দেশের সঙ্গে আমিও চন্দ্রযান ৩-র সাফল্যের দিকে তাকিয়ে রয়েছি: দ্রৌপদী মুর্মু

  • last year
সারা দেশের সঙ্গে আমিও চন্দ্রযান ৩-র সাফল্যের দিকে তাকিয়ে রয়েছি: দ্রৌপদী মুর্মু
00:00 This year ISRO has launched the Chandrayaan-3, which has entered the Moon's orbit.
00:08 And according to the program, its lander named Vikram and rover named Pragyan will land on the Moon in the next few days.
00:19 For all of us, it will be a great honor and I am also waiting for that moment.
00:27 The Moon's orbit is just a step for our future space program. We have to go far.
00:37 Not only in space, but also on Earth, our scientists and technologists are making our country proud.
00:47 To increase the level of research and innovation, in the next five years, the government is establishing the National Research Foundation with a grant of Rs. 50,000 crore.
01:04 This foundation will provide the basis for research and development in our colleges, universities and research centers. It will develop them and take them forward.
01:19 Dear citizens, it is not our goal to achieve excellence in science and technology, but it is a means of development for humanity.
01:30 A field that should be given more attention by scientists and policy makers around the world is climate change.
01:44 In recent years, a large number of extreme weather events have occurred.
01:50 In some parts of the country, we have faced unprecedented floods. Some places have suffered droughts.
02:00 One of the main reasons for all this is global warming.
02:06 Therefore, it is necessary to make efforts locally, nationally and at the regional level for the benefit of the environment.
02:14 In this context, it is important to note that we have achieved unprecedented goals in the field of renewable energy.
02:23 India has led the international solar energy initiative.
02:29 Our country is playing a key role in meeting international requirements.
02:37 We have given the mantra of "Life for Environment" to the global community.
02:44 Dear citizens, the events of this season affect everyone.
02:50 But they have a greater impact on the people of poor and deprived communities.
02:57 It is necessary to make special efforts to face the climate change in cities and mountainous areas.
03:10 I would like to say that the culture of profit removes the world from nature.
03:16 And now we are realizing that we should return to our roots.
03:25 Even today, many communities are close to nature and are in harmony with nature.
03:35 They teach valuable lessons in the areas of life values and climate action.
03:43 The secrets of maintaining one's existence through generations can be expressed in one word.
03:54 "Compassion"
03:56 People of the community consider nature to be their mother.
04:00 And they have compassion for all its children, i.e. plants and animals.
04:10 Sometimes we feel the lack of compassion in the world.
04:15 But history shows that such times only come for a short time.
04:22 Because corona is our nature.
04:25 I have experienced that women feel more compassion than ever.
04:33 And when humanity goes astray, it shows the right path.
04:40 Our country has entered the age of immortality with new resolutions.
04:45 And we are moving forward towards making India an advanced nation by 2047.
