Injured Lions After Fighting For Territory and What Happened Next The Last Fight Of Bob Junior...

  • last year
00:00 For male lions, their territory is sacred.
00:09 Their primary territorial defense is the maintenance of the food source and the hunting area they
00:15 inhabit.
00:17 War will break out when strange male lions appear on their territory.
00:23 If you're curious as to how male lions are going to defend their territory, join us for
00:28 this video.
00:30 The Lion King's last war to defend his territory.
00:34 This video shows a very violent scene where a coalition of four male lions brutally attack
00:53 an intruder in their territory illegally.
00:57 [Lion Roaring]
01:00 Taking advantage of a large number of attacks on a male lion from all sides, the battle
01:10 is raging.
01:12 [Lion Roaring]
01:34 Male lions are finally successful in driving the intruder out of their territory.
01:40 The intruding lion is forced to leave with severe wounds.
01:44 This is another battle for territorial gains from male lions.
01:53 A male lion enters the territory of three other lions and a fierce battle ensues.
02:00 Will the female end of the male look the same as the video before?
02:05 They attack each other with sharp bites and claws, which can cause severe injury to the
02:10 opponent.
02:11 The intruder shows his power over the three adult lions.
02:21 Perhaps, they also felt that their enemy was not weak.
02:34 Finally, they left.
02:35 The war ended there and no one knew whether the war would continue tomorrow.
02:40 In the African savannah, the lion is the only big cat species in the world that lives in
02:55 a community.
02:57 [Lion Roaring]
03:10 In the female lion herd, they prey on animals such as antelopes and zebras and a number
03:16 of other mammals.
03:17 [Lion Roaring]
03:40 [Music]
03:50 Male lions do not participate in predatory missions, but they do have a very large task,
04:05 which is to protect the colony's territory and safety.
04:09 They mark their territory with urine and will send out loud growls to warn intruders into
04:22 their territory.
04:24 [Lion Roaring]
04:35 Young male lions will leave the pride when they reach maturity.
04:39 They may ally with other young male lions and begin their journey to conquer new territory.
04:45 [Lion Roaring]
04:53 In this newly formed group, there will be three or four male lions, one male lion leading
04:59 the others.
05:03 [Lion Roaring]
05:25 [Music]
05:35 On the African steppes, territorial wars between animals are frequent.
05:40 [Lion Roaring]
06:03 These fierce battles only end when the loser accepts a retreat and gives control of the
06:09 territory to the other opponent.
06:20 [Lion Roaring]
06:49 [Lion Roaring]
06:51 There are also male lions that actively break away from the pride for some reason.
06:56 [Lion Roaring]
06:57 [Music]
07:04 They often wander in search of their own territory or take over the territory of another flock.
07:11 [Music]
07:20 When a new male lion takes over a pride, the male and male lions in the pride will be evicted
07:26 or even killed.
07:29 [Music]
07:49 I hope this information is useful for you.
07:52 Please leave your thoughts on a battle to defend your territory in the comments below.
07:57 If you see a video or not, don't forget to share and subscribe to the channel to support us.
08:03 Goodbye and see you in the next video.
08:07 [Music]
