Be Prepared To Scream Bloody Murder_ Ridge Makes The Mother of All Mistake Bold

  • last year
Be Prepared To Scream Bloody Murder_ Ridge Makes The Mother of All Mistake Bold
00:00 Sheila seems to have mastered the art of being the 'it' villain you know what I'm talking
00:03 about.
00:04 She escapes prison and justice faster than you can say 'Flash'.
00:08 And this point, just like most of you guys, I too think the LAPD in 'Bold and Beautiful'
00:13 should just give up and get some other work done, if they can.
00:17 But it's not just us viewers frustrated by how Sheila seems to always escape her punishment.
00:22 Recently, Ridge has voiced his concern and frustration about Sheila more.
00:27 Especially since he sacrificed being with his family for months so that he could capture
00:31 her for good with the FBI and Bill's help.
00:35 Now we all know how much Ridge loves his family, especially his daughter.
00:40 So Sheila's return and her impact on Steffi's marriage is already a lot for Ridge to take
00:44 in.
00:45 It's safe to say that if he could, he'd kill Steffi without giving any warning.
00:50 Recently, when Ridge confronted Finn, he labeled Sheila as an imminent threat to their family
00:55 and asserted their resolve to address the situation in their own way.
00:59 But what could this own way potentially mean?
01:02 Ridge has a temper, we know that, but he isn't an evil man so could he really push his own
01:06 boundaries if it means saving his family?
01:09 What if Ridge does end up killing Sheila by the end of this ordeal?
01:13 Who knows, maybe he will draw inspiration from Sheila's own playbook and might concoct
01:18 a meticulous alibi in advance.
01:21 He could just slip a sleeping pill on Sheila's drink and do his job, when anyone asks, the
01:25 two of them were together and rested early after dinner.
01:29 Alternatively, Ridge might align himself once more with his unlikely partner in crime, Bill.
01:34 With Bill's assistance, they could just dump Sheila in a desert, making sure no one
01:38 finds her ever.
01:40 At least not until she is long gone and all that's left is her bones.
01:44 But Ridge may be in big danger if anything potentially close to this case emerges.
01:49 Bill might help hide Sheila, but his hands are clean as far as he is concerned.
01:53 The one who actually killed and even thought about disposing of her body would be Ridge,
01:57 so if the truth gets out, it may be possible for Ridge's downfall to be on the horizon.
02:03 Which would be nice, because honestly, Ridge needs a lesson and it would be a different
02:07 shift in dynamic given that he has never been in trouble aside from cheating scandals.
02:13 So well, what do you think?
02:15 Let us know in the comments and make sure to subscribe for further updates.
