দেশের সর্বনাশ করেছে পরিবারবাদী, ভাইপোবাদী দলগুলি : নরেন্দ্র মোদী

  • last year
দেশের সর্বনাশ করেছে পরিবারবাদী, ভাইপোবাদী দলগুলি : নরেন্দ্র মোদী
00:00 I am saying this with the confidence of my mothers and sisters.
00:03 But if there is any obstacle in front of it,
00:08 some distortions have been made in the past 75 years.
00:16 They have become such a part of our social system
00:20 that sometimes we close our eyes.
00:27 Now is not the time to close our eyes.
00:31 If we want to achieve our dreams,
00:35 if we want to cross our limits,
00:38 then we have to close our eyes,
00:43 and fight against three evils.
00:49 At the root of all our problems,
00:53 corruption has completely destroyed all the systems and capabilities of the country.
01:04 Liberation from corruption,
01:07 war against corruption,
01:09 is prevalent in every area.
01:12 And I, the citizens of the country, my dear family,
01:17 this is the commitment of Modi's life.
01:20 This is the commitment of my personality
01:26 that I will continue to fight against corruption.
01:30 Second, our country has been destroyed by family ties.
01:36 The way this family ties have held the country,
01:43 they have taken away the rights of the people of the country.
01:47 And the third evil is corruption.
01:51 In this corruption, the country's fundamental thinking,
01:56 the country's entire social system,
01:59 has stained our national character.
02:03 They have destroyed it.
02:05 And that is why, my dear citizens of the country,
02:08 that is why, my dear family,
02:11 we have to fight against these three evils with full capability.
02:18 Corruption, family ties, corruption.
02:23 These challenges are the foundation of our country,
02:31 which destroys the aspirations of our people.
02:37 It destroys the small capabilities of our people.
02:43 These are the things that bury the aspirations of our people.
02:51 Whether we are poor, Dalits, backwards,
02:58 backwards, our tribal brothers and sisters,
03:03 our mothers and sisters,
03:07 we have all been freed from these three evils for their rights.
03:14 We have to create an atmosphere of hatred against corruption.
03:18 Just like we hate filth,
03:20 we don't like filth,
03:22 there can be no filth greater than this in the life of the people.
03:26 And so we have to give a new turn to our cleanliness campaign,
03:30 that we have to be freed from corruption.
03:33 The government is trying hard to free us from corruption with technology.
03:39 You will be surprised to know that in this country,
03:43 in the last nine years,
03:45 I did one thing,
03:47 if you listen to the statistics, you will say that Modi does this.
03:50 Like, around 10 crore people,
03:54 who took wrong advantage,
03:57 I stopped them.
03:59 So someone will say to you, you have done injustice to the people.
04:02 No, not at all.
04:03 Who were these 10 crore people?
04:05 These 10 crore people were those who were not even born.
04:10 And in their name,
04:14 they would become widows,
04:16 they would become old,
04:18 they would become divine,
04:20 they would take advantage.
04:22 10 crore such infamous things that used to happen,
04:26 the holy work of stopping them,
04:29 the wealth of corrupt people,
04:32 which we have seized,
04:34 compared to the previous times,
04:36 it is 20 times more.
04:39 My dear family,
04:42 these people took your money and ran away.
04:46 Seizing 20 times more wealth.
04:49 And it is very natural for such people to be angry with me.
04:53 But I want to continue the fight against corruption.
04:58 Our government system,
05:02 earlier,
05:04 something used to happen in front of the camera,
05:07 but later things would get stuck.
05:10 We have done many times more in the court than before,
05:18 and now we do not even get bail.
05:20 We are moving forward with such a firm system,
05:24 because we are fighting against corruption with honesty.
05:28 Today, family violence and corruption,
05:33 it has made the country very unfortunate.
05:36 Now, in the democracy,
05:39 how can it be that the political party,
05:43 and I am giving special credit to the political party,
05:47 has come to such a turn in the democracy of my country,
05:51 which can never give strength to the democracy of India.
05:54 And what is that disease?
05:57 Family parties.
06:00 And what is their mantra?
06:03 Party of the family,
06:07 by the family,
06:09 and for the family.
06:12 Their mantra is that
06:15 their political party,
06:18 their political party,
06:21 by the family,
06:23 by the family,
06:25 and for the family,
06:28 family and brotherhood,
06:32 are enemies of the character.
06:35 They ignore the ability,
06:38 they do not accept the capability,
06:41 and that is why family violence,
06:44 for the strength of the democracy of this country,
06:47 its liberation is necessary.
06:49 "Sarvajan Hitaaye, Sarvajan Sukhaaye"
06:52 Everyone should get their rights,
06:55 and for social justice,
06:57 this is very important.
06:59 Similarly, corruption,
07:01 corruption has caused the biggest loss to social justice.
07:05 If someone has destroyed social justice,
07:10 then the thinking of corruption,
07:12 the politics of corruption,
07:14 the methods of corruption,
07:16 the government schemes,
07:18 have destroyed social justice.
07:23 And that is why we should stop this corruption.
07:27 Corruption is the biggest enemy of development.
07:32 If the country wants development,
07:35 if the country wants to realize the dream of a developed India in 2047,
07:43 then it is necessary for us,
07:45 that we will not tolerate corruption in the country at any cost.
