History ¦ Answering the Questions¦ What Language was the Gospel written ¦

  • last year
History ¦ Answering the Questions¦ What Language was the Gospel written ¦

The Gospel's place and date of composition are also uncertain; many scholars suggest that it was written at Ephesus, in Asia Minor, about 100 ce for the purpose of communicating the truths about Christ to Christians of Hellenistic background.

Actually the Gospels was written in four deferent language. Matthew in Hebrew, Mark in Syriac, Luke in Greek and John in Aramic. Matthew's Gospel targeted Jewish Messianic Believers in Antioch. Mark the Christian Gnostics in Damascus, Luke to Greek speaking jews and Gentiles in Ephesus, Irconia and Listra. John's Gospel was written to the None Believing Jews in Judea.


