• last year
Lioness Episode 5- Cruz Falls In LOVE With a Terrorist!


00:00 Now that we reach episode 5, I feel like it is official that this is blatant military propaganda.
00:04 At this point, I feel like I've been watching an 8 episode long CIA commercial.
00:09 Well, I personally believe that there is nothing wrong with it, as long as we are aware of what we are consuming.
00:14 The key is to be a conscious TV consumer, rather than demanding cancellation on anything that does not suit your personal ideas or taste.
00:20 So I have no complaints about lionist existing.
00:23 I just wanted to let this out so that we would all be aware of what we have been watching so far.
00:27 Other than that, the show feels more intimate finally as I feel like I know these characters pretty well.
00:32 That being said, there are only 3 episodes left for the season to come to an end, and I don't know how we will reach that point.
00:39 But I will elaborate more on that later.
00:41 First, let's see what happened in this episode.
00:44 I feel like we should divide this episode into two parts.
00:47 The first part focuses on the terrible life-work balance of a CIA agent, and it is basically a family tragedy.
00:53 The second part, on the other hand, is a counter-terrorism operation that has lots of action and little to no drama involved.
00:59 The first part in question is about Jo and her family, as you can imagine.
01:03 Her daughter is still in hospital, and had to go through a massive surgery that can have a lasting impact on her body.
01:08 It can even limit her growth, that's how serious that surgery is.
01:12 And yet, Jo could be there for her for only 2 hours.
01:15 Even though Caitlin was also there to see the tragedy with her eyes,
01:18 she wasn't nice enough to give at least a day for the family to go through this massive incident together.
01:22 This scene is handled in a way that you would think Jo isn't working.
01:25 But she is devoting her life to a noble cause, and that's why I'm very vocal about the fact that this is military propaganda.
01:31 I mean, come on.
01:33 We all know that a soldier's life is far from being simple.
01:36 It demands a lot of hard work, dedication, and emotional labor.
01:39 However, I feel like it is a stretch to expect people to leave their families in case of a tragedy for the sake of work,
01:45 claiming that work is more important than any kind of family issue.
01:48 This is just too much.
01:50 I'm not sure how realistic this portrayal is, so I'm talking strictly about the show here.
01:54 I just feel very sorry about these people, and feel like this is too much to sacrifice.
01:59 And to be honest, the show isn't very good at explaining why this common cause is so noble exactly.
02:04 Thus, you are left with a person constantly being forced to go to work while her family is suffering, which feels very much brutal.
02:10 In the next scene, we see Jo basically trying to justify her actions to her daughter, which was also a bit odd.
02:16 She says that she has to work a lot, her job is so demanding, etc., and again, there is no explanation for why exactly.
02:23 The entire sequence was lacking in my opinion.
02:25 Even though I still prefer watching Jo's family drama over the operation scenes,
02:29 I feel like her situation could have been delivered much more successfully through better and more compelling writing,
02:35 rather than empty confession scenes.
02:37 In the second part, we watch our liamess team hitting a terrorist house,
02:41 killing all the terrorists while they were sleeping.
02:43 Then the FBI comes to the scene and blows the house up to clear the evidence.
02:47 Now, the scene was pretty good in terms of action and the intensity of attention.
02:51 However, naturally, there are a lot of moral questions when it comes to killing people at night while they are sleeping.
02:57 I won't go into detail about these questions, as I am neither a morality police nor an expert on how these things work in real life.
03:03 Nevertheless, it is clear that this is an issue even for the families of these CIA agents,
03:08 as we see Neil asking Jo whether he has married a hitman or not.
03:11 And I believe this is a valid question.
03:13 I can't help but hope to see the trajectory of the show revolving more toward these moral dilemmas.
03:18 That would save the show from being a one-dimensional propaganda piece,
03:21 and make it much more interesting than it is now.
03:24 In the last scene, we saw Cruz calling Aaliyah, who seems to be on the beach at all times.
03:29 And it is clear now that Aaliyah has a romantic interest in Cruz.
03:32 I mean, you can cut the sexual tension with a knife between the two.
03:35 I hope Cruz would fall in love with her so we can watch a fun romantic drama that involves lots of moral dilemmas.
03:42 That would be truly fun.
03:43 Do you think Cruz would choose Aaliyah over Lioness?
03:46 Do you think Jo does the right thing by leaving her family alone at all times?
03:50 Let me know what you think in the comments below and don't forget to like, subscribe, and share the video.
03:54 Thank you for watching. See you soon.