• 2 years ago
On a cotton plantation in Puerto Rico, the slaves are growing restless and rebellious, and attempts to crush the resista | dG1fSDBPVGczYVpjLVk
00:00 You can control a man for a period with brute violence,
00:04 but you cannot truly own a man
00:07 unless he thinks your word is law and that he must obey
00:11 and is virtuous for doing so.
00:14 [music]
00:15 We are losing money a little more every month that goes by
00:19 with no end in sight.
00:21 They can sense weakness
00:23 and they are going to smell blood like a gator to chum.
00:26 They're going to kill us both.
00:28 Mr. Scott said this man is a miracle worker.
00:32 I think he can help us.
00:35 You're a nigger.
00:37 Good people, good people.
00:39 My name is Mr. Smith.
00:41 As of this very moment,
00:43 you are now all free.
00:46 Free at last!
00:47 We're free!
00:48 [music]
00:50 From now on, we fall in this together.
00:54 This plantation will run on equality.
00:57 I have created something called Jones Plantation Credits.
01:02 We're going to keep them up to their ears in debt.
01:05 Jimmy Jack will now be in charge of our new security team
01:09 to protect this plantation and to serve all of you.
01:12 You two are going to have a little contest
01:15 to see who can win the hearts and minds of the human livestock out there.
01:19 Vote Jones!
01:20 [applause]
01:21 Most people are weak-minded, but to wield real power,
01:24 you must be willing to do what most consider unthinkable.
01:29 What most people consider to be unthinkable
01:32 is that men like you even exist.
01:37 That's our greatest advantage.
01:40 [music]
01:42 As free people,
01:44 we work together for mutual benefits,
01:48 pledging our love and equality
01:51 to the Jones Plantation.
01:54 We are not free.
01:55 I ain't no slave!
01:56 [laughs]
01:57 They have tricked you into thinking that choosing your own master
02:01 is the same as being free.
02:03 You offer them a truth that they don't want.
02:05 They want to feel safe.
02:06 There's a dark thing going on in this plantation.
02:10 Justice!
02:12 We're about to get it!
02:13 Every man deserves freedom,
02:15 but freedom isn't free.
02:17 [music]
02:18 [gunshot]
02:20 I'm Nathaniel Jones,
02:22 and I approve this message.
02:24 God bless you,
02:26 and God bless this glorious--
02:29 [explosion]
02:31 [music]
02:34 Toot-a-loo!
02:35 [laughs]
02:37 (laughing)
