LEGO Jousting | movie | 2019 | Official Clip

  • last year
The annual jousting competition occurs where many compete to take home the trophy and be titled the best jouster. | dG1fenlmd1Z2TWgzR2c
00:00 *Music*
00:04 *Crowd cheering*
00:10 Sire, I wish you the best of luck.
00:13 Thank you, Nathanson. I will sure give it my best.
00:18 Sire, I believe it is time for you to mount your steed.
00:25 Indeed it is, Jacobson.
00:28 *Music*
00:31 Ready...
00:32 Set...
00:35 Joust!
00:39 *Horse galloping*
00:49 *Horse neighing*
00:51 Well, at least he tried.
00:56 Do try to not get impaled.
00:58 I'll be sure not to.
01:00 I don't see this ending well.
01:14 Agreed.
01:15 *Music*
01:35 Go get 'em.
01:36 Go get 'em.
01:37 *Horse galloping*
01:47 Well, this was a bad idea.
01:52 Well, I think you got this in the bag.
01:55 Thank you, Charles.
01:57 Ready...
02:06 Set...
02:07 Joust!
02:12 *Horse galloping*
02:20 Well, that ended better than expected.
02:24 *Crowd cheering*
02:26 *Crowd cheering*
02:27 *Credits*
02:29 *Credits*
02:31 *Credits*
02:33 *Credits*
03:01 Alright, good news is, it's just a scratch.
03:04 What's the bad news?
03:06 Bad news is, it's just a scratch.
03:08 AHH!
