Mum and housemate charged with abusing seven-year-old boy

  • last year
A 27-year-old woman and her housemate, Singaporean Awiin Chua, 30 have been charged at the Sessions Court in Johor Baru on Wednesday (Aug 16) for abusing and neglecting a seven-year-old boy.


00:00 A 27-year-old woman and her housemate have been charged at the Sessions Court in Johor
00:07 Bahru for abusing and neglecting a 7-year-old boy.
00:11 The boy's mother, Noro Ashikin Mohamad Zahir, and her 30-year-old Singaporean housemate,
00:17 Alwin Chua, were brought to court on Wednesday morning where the charges were read to them.
00:22 Noro Ashikin was accused of abusing her son, who was under her care, resulting in his physical
00:28 injuries in a house located at Jalan Wah Kikik 7, Bandar Layang Kasai in Pasir Kudang from
00:34 July 1 until August 9.
00:38 She was also charged with neglecting the child at the same place and time.
00:43 The charges were framed under Section 31, Subsection 1, Subsection A of the Child Act
00:47 2001, which provides for a maximum fine of RM50,000 or a maximum imprisonment of 20 years
00:54 or both upon conviction.
00:57 Chua, a factory technician in Singapore, also faces the same two charges.
01:02 Both waymen pleaded not guilty.
01:06 Deputy Public Prosecutor Nordiana Zubir offered bail at RM30,000 with one surety and ordered
01:12 them to report to the nearest police station once a month, as well as prohibiting them
01:17 from contacting the victim and prosecution witnesses.
01:21 Lawyer Abdul Rahim Ali, representing both accused, requested a lower bail amount, citing
01:27 that Noro Ashikin lost her job two months ago and is currently unemployed.
01:32 He added that Chua had been residing at the same address as Noro Ashikin for over two
01:36 years and posed no flight risk.
01:40 Sessions Judge Fatimah Zahari granted Noro Ashikin bail at RM15,000 with one surety and
01:45 Chua's bail at RM20,000 with one Malaysian surety.
01:50 It was reported earlier that the boy's cries had worried a group of neighbours who decided
01:54 to act by visiting the house and asking to see the child.
01:59 When the mother and her friend gave excuses for not allowing them to see the boy, the
02:03 neighbours contacted the police.
02:05 The women were subsequently arrested at 12.30am on Sunday.
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