Mathieu ADP en froid avec Karine Le Marchand  Ce reproche que lui a fait l’animatrice

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Mathieu (ADP) en froid avec Karine Le Marchand ? Ce reproche que lui a fait l’animatrice

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00:00 Mathieu, former candidate of Love and in the Pre, is he still close to Karine Lemarchand?
00:13 In an interview with Gala revealed on August 16, 2023, Alexander's ex-partner confided
00:18 in their relationship.
00:19 While the 18th season of Love and in the Pre will land on N6 on August 21, Mathieu, who
00:29 had participated in the 2020 edition, gave an interview to Gala.
00:34 Remember, the bull farmer had lived a passionate story with Alexander, which had given
00:41 rise to a marriage in June 2021.
00:46 Karine Lemarchand, the host of the program, was one of the guests.
00:54 However, a few months later, the couple had announced their separation.
00:59 And the news had not frankly surprised the host, as Mathieu had made her know
01:06 on TV Le Loisir.
01:07 "I told her right away and she told me she felt it.
01:13 That the last time we ate together, she had felt it.
01:24 She told me she had already felt Alexander gone.
01:26 While I hadn't felt it but I was in the middle of the thing, "he had confided.
01:34 When you love someone, you call him in June last, on Instagram, Mathieu had made it known
01:43 that he was very close to Karine Lemarchand, but that their relationship sometimes knew
01:47 sparks.
01:48 What's good about my Karine is that this afternoon we got a little head on a subject,
01:57 like two strong-willed friends, and that five minutes later, we were kissing because
02:02 we simply love each other, "he had written.
02:05 This time, it was with Gala that he mentioned his ties to the host.
02:12 He thus remembered a reproach made by the friend of Stéphane Pladezat, who was then
02:19 very angry.
02:20 "One day, she called me on a Sunday morning and she told me, 'Now, that's enough,
02:29 Mathieu.
02:30 If you love someone, you call him.
02:35 I call you all the time because I love you.
02:39 So now, you're going to call me and get my news, ' "the former candidate reported.
02:44 A reproach that shows their great complicity.
02:50 It remains to be seen whether Mathieu has been able to modify his behavior to maintain his
02:58 friendship with Karine Le Marchand.
03:19 "I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
03:39 I'm sorry."
03:56 ♪ Tonight ♪
