Indiana Football Coach Tom Allen Talks Midway Through Fall Camp

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Indiana Football Coach Tom Allen Talks Midway Through Fall Camp
00:00 when you got the whole install that you're dealing with,
00:04 that's going to be a little bit... I think it's hard, I really do.
00:07 But I think as you kind of zero in on what you're going to be actually calling for,
00:11 that individual person, it helps them a lot.
00:14 So we'll see more of that in the next few practices and into Saturday's scrimmage.
00:18 But to me, they both have had things that they've done well
00:22 and things where they look good and things where they're still growing and learning.
00:25 So that's expected.
00:27 But I think at the same time, as they just continue to handle the pressure
00:33 of having this hanging over them, I think that's also a good thing
00:36 because that's part of preparing them for the role they're going to be in,
00:40 which is loaded with pressure and loaded with expectations
00:43 and loaded with things that you have to handle as being a quarterback at this level.
00:47 So I think as they go through this process together
00:50 and learn to lean on each other, they're going to need each other throughout the season
00:54 and they're going to need to lean on each other on a weekly basis now.
00:58 And so I want to see that continue.
01:00 So I think they've both shown that they can do a lot of good things
01:04 and they've also shown that they've got to keep working.
01:08 How would you assess some of those other position battles that were going on,
01:11 maybe wide receivers and defensive backs or offensive line, defensive line,
01:15 in a scrimmage setting like that?
01:17 How would you evaluate how those reps were?
01:19 Yeah, I think that if you start up front, I think it's becoming a little more clear
01:25 on some of those guys, both sides.
01:27 Obviously, from an offensive perspective, we've got a lot of guys that have been here
01:30 and are playing and we're kind of going through,
01:33 and even these last couple practices, mix some guys from tackle to guard
01:37 and guard to tackle just to continue to create that depth.
01:40 Because the other day you're always trying to play your best five,
01:42 so I do feel like we're seeing the ability to have Kulil Benson
01:46 can play guard and tackle, Josh Sales can play guard and some reps there.
01:51 Matt Bedford can play guard and tackle.
01:54 So just trying to find the best combination.
01:56 And with Max in the rotation, Max Longwind,
01:59 so just being able to get those guys.
02:01 And we've had Mike Kadyk play center at times and Carpenter can play guard.
02:05 So just that position flexibility, we're working through that right now
02:08 and I think that's important.
02:10 And defensively, we do have more bigger bodies that we can rotate
02:16 and keeping those guys fresh is going to be a priority.
02:19 So I think you're kind of getting those eight, nine guys you're going to rotate
02:22 there that we feel good about.
02:24 And those guys that you saw in the scrimmage,
02:26 and just kind of continue to develop and keep those guys healthy, number one,
02:31 and then keep growing that group.
02:33 But I do think that we as a staff are kind of getting closer into the ones
02:38 and the twos, who those guys are and who the rotational guys will be.
02:41 But the defensive line is one of those you just got to play a lot of guys.
02:44 I think that position demands that and the way we want to play
02:47 and how we're going to do things and we rotate them.
02:49 So that's pretty consistent there.
02:51 And the receiver, I think you still got -- I thought Omar Cooper's really,
02:56 these last couple practices, continues to make more plays and showing up.
03:00 EJ is showing up and making plays.
03:04 D-Mac is continuing and DQ those guys.
03:07 And Anderson.
03:08 So just it's a lot of guys there that we're counting on.
03:11 Obviously Cam Camper continues.
03:13 He's obviously a special talent and continued to build and bring his rep base
03:17 along and allow him to continue to grow and develop.
03:20 But we're going to play a lot of guys at receiver.
03:23 And Cam Perry's another one, too.
03:25 So all those guys are going to play, and we expect them to play.
03:27 So I don't know that we have it all fleshed out of who the starters are.
03:31 I really don't think of it like that in a lot of ways.
03:33 It's just who's going to be out there on the field to help us win.
03:37 As you've kind of gone through camp, have you -- you know,
03:40 I know you kind of review each phase.
03:41 Have you changed your plan based on kind of where the team's been at at each point?
03:46 And then kind of a second part of that,
03:48 has anything surprised you or kind of been unexpected,
03:51 either player or position group,
03:53 as you've kind of gone here through the first couple weeks of camp?
03:56 I would say as far as the first part, you know,
03:59 sticking pretty much to the plan in regards to where we're at.
04:02 You know, big emphasis these next few days on, you know,
04:05 end of game situations and, you know, true situations over time.
04:09 You know, how you finish out games from A.
04:12 We're going to put our guys in this position, you know,
04:14 or even the coming out part of it and how you manage that.
04:18 The four-minute, two-minute mode, we did that yesterday,
04:20 and going to do that again.
04:21 And what that creates, you know, and how you teach those parts of the game.
04:25 So that to me has kind of gone from the scheme emphasis
04:28 in that whole installation to now more situational things are growing in number.
04:34 And then, you know, to me, one guy that sticks out to me
04:39 that's been a pleasant surprise is Lonel Carr.
04:42 You know, he's really shown a really just very,
04:48 very instinctual knack for getting to the quarterback, you know.
04:52 And so I think that's a huge thing that we brought him here for,
04:56 which is no question.
04:58 I think he's just been able to, as he's bought into the training,
05:02 bought into, you know, the disciplines of what we think it takes
05:06 to be a special player here and in the Big Ten,
05:09 just used to seeing him grow in his knowledge of the defense.
05:12 And you need that, you know.
05:14 And he and Miles have really sharpened each other in a huge way.
05:18 I think Anthony Jones is really starting to come on.
05:20 You know, he's now getting into, you know, several days of playing, you know,
05:24 the ball in the wolf position, different things we use him for.
05:27 And so just to really have seen a lot of growth from him there, which is good.
05:31 And I think Nick Toomer is another one that sticks out to me that has been,
05:35 you know, just really, really growing and elevating himself
05:39 these last few practices, you know.
05:41 So then offensively, you know, I'd just like to see, continue to see,
05:44 you know, our guys up front.
05:46 I just think that our ability to be able to, you know,
05:50 emphasize running the football and throwing the football effectively
05:53 and taking some pressure off those.
05:55 We got two quarterbacks that I know they're young,
05:57 and I know they got things they got to learn.
05:59 I get all that.
06:00 But you see signs of them being able to do some really good things, you know.
06:04 And I like our running back room, I really do.
06:06 So a guy that jumps out to me is, you know, Christian Turner.
06:11 You know, he hasn't been out there full bore as much as he will here
06:15 as he's continued to get healthier.
06:17 But we know what we got in Jalen and Josh, you know.
06:22 And I just think having the third, fourth guy in Trent's really come along as well.
06:27 So David Holliman, missed a little bit, you know, the last couple of days,
06:31 but he's back now and has been at his best camp.
06:34 So just I feel like those are spots that have been what you want them to be.
06:39 You want guys to elevate.
06:41 And we got several guys that we feel like can help us be successful.
06:46 Ed Kicker, how did you feel like Alejandro and Chris handled the game-like
06:50 situations in the scrimmage on Saturday?
06:52 And I know Nico was out, but just, you know, where's he at?
06:54 How has he been stacking up to those guys and where do you stand with that?
06:57 Yeah, so he's been slowly brought back this week,
07:00 so should be fully kicking tomorrow.
07:03 So I get a chance to get a better evaluation on him
07:06 and expect him to step up and compete.
07:09 Did not feel like that we got what we wanted out of that on Saturday.
07:13 You know, it's an area that definitely is an area of emphasis for us right now.
07:18 But Nico was expected to be in the competition,
07:21 and he will be here this week.
07:24 So definitely is an emphasis without question.
07:27 So not to our standard this past weekend, and those guys know that.
07:31 And so excited to get Nico back in that competition and see how he responds.
07:39 Yeah, I don't think Aaron Steinfeld played in the scrimmage.
07:41 I think he's been off to the side in some practices.
07:43 I guess what's he been dealing with and how's he doing health-wise?
07:46 Yeah, it's nothing long-term.
07:48 So he will be back and should be able to scrimmage this weekend.
07:53 That is the expectation.
07:54 So he'll practice tomorrow in a limited way, but he's getting himself back.
07:59 So we need him.
08:01 He's a guy that's made plays for us
08:02 and thought he made some really good games over the spring.
08:06 Had a really good spring camp for us there and now into the fall camp.
08:10 So expect to get him back this week.
08:13 Coach, with the quarterback race, it doesn't matter who it ends up being.
08:16 They're both going to be a young quarterback, as you said,
08:19 and they're getting thrown to the wolves right off the bat
08:22 against one of the top teams in the country.
08:25 What can you do to try to minimize what they're going to go through?
08:30 Because obviously Ohio State will throw everything at them for that very reason.
08:34 Correct.
08:35 So, yeah, that's the challenge, right?
08:38 And so you've got to be able to have enough in your arsenal
08:42 to be able to be effective,
08:44 but you also have to do a good job of taking some pressure off of them
08:48 from a decision-making perspective
08:50 and being able to allow them to be able to be effective in a hostile environment.
08:55 Fortunately, it's at home.
08:56 That's a huge plus without question.
08:58 But the intensity of the opponent and the speed
09:01 and the power that they're going to see
09:03 and how fast things are going to happen is going to be at a high, high level.
09:06 So that's on us as coaches.
09:08 We've got to do a great job of getting them
09:10 and putting them in positions to be able to maximize
09:12 whoever is out there on the field
09:14 and to be able to play to their strengths
09:16 and allow them not to have to feel like they have to have the weight of everything,
09:21 that they've got to be carrying all that themselves.
09:24 They've got to rely on their teammates, and we've got to do a great job up front.
09:27 We've got to run the football very well.
09:30 We've got to be able to throw the football
09:32 and take the pressure off so they can't get any strong indicators
09:36 on what we're going to be doing.
09:37 So that's our responsibility as coaches.
09:39 Because you're trying to put them in the best position to be successful.
09:43 But there is one way to learn, and that is being thrown in there,
09:47 and that's how it's going to be that case.
09:50 So I'm excited for their opportunity to be able to showcase it.
09:54 There's no doubt that they'll be tested to the highest level you can think of
09:59 this early in the season, but that's how you grow.
10:02 And so I think when you have the right mindset
10:05 and you've got the right plan,
10:07 our guys are going to have a chance to be able to be successful.
10:10 Next question.
10:15 We've asked you kind of about this in different ways,
10:17 but we're about to talk to Matt Guerrero, Coach Guerrero, calling plays.
10:21 How collaborative is that with you in terms of you talked about in the past
10:27 wanting a defensive play caller to have maybe the freedom
10:32 to put his own stamp on it, but you still want some of the principles
10:35 and fundamentals to be what you want out of that defense.
10:38 So I guess what's the balance for you, both in terms of maybe holding on
10:41 to some of those principles and also as you've talked about,
10:43 not wanting to be so involved that you're over-committing yourself there
10:47 with just kind of week to week talking through his game plan,
10:52 maybe not literally actual play call by play call, but just that process.
10:56 Yeah, I think that first of all it starts with trust,
10:59 and me trusting him to come in here and learn our system.
11:04 And which he's done.
11:06 And also just add things to it that we feel make us better.
11:11 Because on game day I'm not going to tell him what to call.
11:15 I'm not going to second guess it.
11:17 Whatever happens, and you've got to know what I've learned,
11:21 they're going to call what they believe in.
11:23 They're going to call the things that they have developed trust in themselves
11:26 to be able to be called.
11:28 So I want him to be free to do that.
11:30 But I'm very involved with the day-to-day of watching everything in practice
11:35 and the scheme and how we're going to do things,
11:37 how we're going to communicate things.
11:39 But the calling of itself comes down to him and what he feels is the right call
11:43 and the right situation based on his film preparation
11:45 and what he feels is best in that moment.
11:48 So I'm going to do a great job of supporting that.
11:51 But I think it's just getting somebody that is on the same page with you're on
11:56 and calls things the way that the system is built for.
12:00 And I think that's the key, is to be able to play to the strength of our system
12:03 that our kids believe in and we're built for.
12:06 So I totally trust him and have enjoyed working with him
12:10 and feel like we're very aligned in how we do things and aggressive mindset.
12:15 I believe in that and being able to apply pressure.
12:18 And it comes in different ways.
12:20 And the disguise is a big piece.
12:22 So that's always been that way for us here and the way we do things.
12:25 It's definitely different for me because that's the area that I am involved in
12:29 and have called and have heavy, strong opinions about.
12:33 But I also want him to be able to be free to make those decisions
12:38 and not feel like he's not going to get second guess on game day.
12:42 We're going to sit there and evaluate it at halftime and then at the end together.
12:46 But at the same time, he's a guy that I definitely am really, really excited
12:51 he's here with us and has done a really, really good job with our defense.
12:55 Awesome. Have a great day. L-E-O.
