Back on the Strip Movie Featurette - A Look Inside (2023) - Plot Synopsis: After losing the woman of his dreams, Merlin moves to Las Vegas to pursue work as a magician, only to get hired as the front man in a revival of the notorious Black male stripper crew, The Chocolate Chips. Led by Luther -- now broke and broken -- the old, domesticated, out-of-shape Chips put aside former conflicts and reunite to save the hotel they used to perform in while helping Merlin win back his girl.
US Release Date: August 18, 2023
Starring: J.B. Smoove, Tiffany Haddish, Wesley Snipes
Director : Chris Spencer
US Release Date: August 18, 2023
Starring: J.B. Smoove, Tiffany Haddish, Wesley Snipes
Director : Chris Spencer
Short filmTranscript
00:00 - So you think about putting a band back together, huh?
00:02 But I don't think that group will work out bad.
00:04 Stop acting like you don't miss it.
00:06 I mean the women, the cheers, the tips, the tips.
00:10 I do, but how you gonna do that with your leg?
00:12 My dancing days is over, but I got a ringer.
00:15 - Merlin is blessed from the waist down.
00:19 - She supports his dream and she's like,
00:21 go live it in Vegas.
00:22 You've always been talking about it, go do it.
00:24 And he goes to do it and she comes to support
00:27 and finds out that he's, you know.
00:29 - Wait, wait.
00:31 - Where you are?
00:32 - Are you seeing what I'm seeing?
00:34 - We back in business.
00:35 - These guys, they play off of each other
00:37 and they're always trying to top each other.
00:38 They go at each other all the time.
00:40 - Eric and I wrote the movie with those guys in mind.
00:42 These dudes are goats, you know what I mean?
00:44 Including Tiffany.
00:45 - Quadruplets.
00:47 - We had fun back then.
00:52 - What I hear is Wesley Snipes said he wasn't doing
00:57 the script unless I was in the movie.
01:00 Faison was my instructor, actually.
01:03 He taught me everything I know.
01:05 - Let's give it up for Dr. Xander Pipe.
01:07 - You don't really gotta prepare.
01:08 I just tell the other guys, keep up.
01:11 - Xander's pipe.
01:11 - Thus the mask.
01:13 - In the flat ass.
01:14 I read the script, I laughed, I enjoyed it, I saw the guys.
01:18 - You got four kids.
01:19 Amos is a preacher.
01:20 - I'm a damn good preacher.
01:21 - I know, I know.
01:22 And Des Des.
01:23 - I came to smidgen the weight.
01:24 - You gotta smidgen the weight, exactly.
01:26 - No, look, look, it's all or nothing, okay?
01:28 You got the face, bumping heads with Dr. X, you know.
01:33 You got Des bumping heads with Amos, you know, sexy slam.
01:38 And that is smart.
01:39 - Five, six, seven.
01:42 - I can't do the left five if he moving right.
01:44 - This is not a little nonsense.
01:47 - Making it rain.
01:49 You can make it rain, you can make a flood.
01:52 Without further ado, ladies, the chocolate chip.
01:56 It's showtime, brother.
01:57 - I've been laughing my ass off for the past hour and a half.
02:00 - You got the young energy,
02:02 you got the old school versus new school.
02:04 - Comedy everywhere.
02:06 It's wedding going on, there's love going on,
02:09 it's strippers going on, it's craziness.
02:12 - Hey, that's not what the bang guys.
02:14 - Bang, bang.
02:14 - Beat this.
02:16 - Bang, bang or bang, bang, bang, bang?
02:19 Your bangs are, your bangs up too high.
02:21 - Yeah, he over-banging.
02:22 - Beat this.
02:24 (upbeat music)
02:27 (upbeat music)
02:30 (upbeat music)
02:32 (upbeat music)