Désaturation, tachycardie… Amandine Pellissard donne des nouvelles de sa petite Maéna

  • last year
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Désaturation, tachycardie… Amandine Pellissard donne des nouvelles de sa petite Maéna

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00:00 After a short break from social media, Amandine Pellissare reappeared on Instagram Story
00:13 to give news of Maena, her little daughter born prematurely on August 6.
00:19 She was desired, but was not expected by the Pellissare family until November.
00:28 Maena, the last child of the tribe, finally landed with more than three months ahead of her mother's eldest, hospitalized in emergency on the night of August 2-3.
00:41 Determined to fight to keep her daughter warm, Amandine finally had to give her life on the evening of August 6.
00:50 She is determined and calm that since Amandine Pellissare met the world of great prematurity, which she had never known.
01:01 She shows admiration for the efforts deployed by her daughter to live, she who was only thirty centimeters and weighed only 810 grams by coming to the world.
01:13 Since the evening of her birth, Maena being a young mother, was born for their outing only to fight the youth that struck her or for the skin-to-skin that her mother regularly organizes and which helps them to create a bond.
01:26 Electronics is doing well but it's a bit boring. For a few days, the mother of many families had stopped the updates, exhausted by the very stressful situation, but also by the malicious criticism of some Internet users who ended up reaching her.
01:42 She came back to Instagram story this December after taking a little time to breathe.
01:50 "Yesterday we went at the end of the day with Alex, we spent the whole evening there.
01:57 She's doing well, she was at 23% oxygen last night, knowing that in the morning when I called she was at 27%, they had increased a little because she was disturbing.
02:10 Last night, she was talking a little so he had to give her a blood gas last night and call me if there was something.
02:20 But he hasn't done it, so if she's not doing anything she's happy.
02:27 For her, the problem comes from the cover. The operation of the machines imposes its rhythm on the girl.
02:36 Electronics is doing well but it's a bit boring," said Alexandre's wife who ensures that Maena's troubles disappear as soon as a skin has been put in place.
02:48 "At that time, she reveals, the baby is super good, super stable.
02:56 If I could keep her like that 24 hours a day, I would, but if it's not possible, unfortunately, she regretted it.
03:07 Soon.
03:12 "I'm not sure if I can keep her like that 24 hours a day.
03:19 I'm not sure if I can keep her like that 24 hours a day.
03:26 I'm not sure if I can keep her like that 24 hours a day.
03:33 I'm not sure if I can keep her like that 24 hours a day.
03:41 I'm not sure if I can keep her like that 24 hours a day.
03:49 I'm not sure if I can keep her like that 24 hours a day.
03:57 I'm not sure if I can keep her like that 24 hours a day.
