• last year
Sabata HD 1969
00:00:00 (ominous music)
00:00:02 (ominous music)
00:00:05 (ominous music)
00:00:33 - You better put on that lamp too.
00:00:35 100,000.
00:00:42 You can believe me, the bank had died.
00:00:45 He never had that much cash and it's safe at any point.
00:00:48 - Don't worry about it.
00:00:49 - Good night.
00:00:49 - You and Ed, you stay inside.
00:00:54 - All right.
00:00:55 - Take it easy, Bill.
00:00:59 - Hey, Stafford, send two guards to the back
00:01:01 and put two on Main Street.
00:01:03 - And make it fast.
00:01:04 - Okay.
00:01:05 - Close the door.
00:01:14 (ominous music)
00:01:21 (thunder rumbling)
00:01:25 (ominous music)
00:01:27 (ominous music)
00:01:31 (glass shattering)
00:01:34 (ominous music)
00:01:36 (ominous music)
00:01:39 (ominous music)
00:01:42 (ominous music)
00:01:44 (ominous music)
00:01:47 (ominous music)
00:01:50 (ominous music)
00:01:52 (ominous music)
00:01:55 (thunder rumbling)
00:02:22 (ominous music)
00:02:25 (thunder rumbling)
00:02:31 (upbeat music)
00:02:36 (singing in foreign language)
00:02:53 (upbeat music)
00:02:55 (singing in foreign language)
00:03:07 (upbeat music)
00:03:10 (singing in foreign language)
00:03:14 (upbeat music)
00:03:17 (upbeat music)
00:03:19 (upbeat music)
00:03:22 (upbeat music)
00:03:25 (upbeat music)
00:03:44 (upbeat music)
00:03:46 (singing in foreign language)
00:04:04 (upbeat music)
00:04:07 - You enjoy sitting up there.
00:04:20 I'm like a piece of crap in the road, huh?
00:04:22 (speaking in foreign language)
00:04:26 I dare you.
00:04:27 Big noise sitting there, aren't you?
00:04:30 And I, Carincha, I say the Holy Virgin and all the saints,
00:04:35 they know the truth, that at the Battle of Richmond,
00:04:38 that took nine days, I killed how many?
00:04:40 Ah, what's the difference?
00:04:42 At least 20.
00:04:43 What do you want?
00:04:48 Don't you believe what I say, huh?
00:04:50 I was a trumpeter in the 7th Regiment, that's who.
00:04:54 I could blow up an elephant with the breath in my body.
00:04:57 (yells)
00:04:59 But the regiment took my trumpet from me, I don't know why.
00:05:02 Like my bottle of whiskey.
00:05:04 That aliquot up there thinks they were right.
00:05:09 And all I have left,
00:05:10 was my medal, which I thought was enough to buy me a bottle.
00:05:16 But they said it was no good.
00:05:18 (yells)
00:05:20 What are they good for, medals?
00:05:23 In war, they're all (speaking in foreign language)
00:05:27 Then, when they get home, they aren't worth a dime.
00:05:31 Not you, though.
00:05:37 You're a man who knows, huh?
00:05:40 (laughs)
00:05:42 (upbeat music)
00:05:46 (laughs)
00:05:52 (laughs)
00:05:54 How are you?
00:06:03 (yells)
00:06:12 (laughs)
00:06:17 (laughs)
00:06:19 (laughs)
00:06:25 (yells)
00:06:41 (laughs)
00:06:43 (laughs)
00:06:45 Now watch.
00:06:51 It's heaven again.
00:06:55 Let's go.
00:06:58 You know what to do, hurry.
00:07:01 Evening.
00:07:09 (footsteps)
00:07:11 (gunshot)
00:07:20 (grunts)
00:07:22 (gunshot)
00:07:24 (grunts)
00:07:25 (footsteps)
00:07:27 Get him out of here.
00:07:35 (footsteps)
00:07:37 Stafford?
00:07:40 Stafford?
00:07:44 Sergeant, where are you?
00:07:46 Bill, Jones!
00:07:47 (footsteps)
00:07:51 (door slams)
00:07:52 Hey, Ed.
00:07:55 Can you see the others?
00:07:57 No, not from here.
00:07:58 (footsteps)
00:08:03 (footsteps)
00:08:05 (gunshot)
00:08:08 (grunts)
00:08:09 (dramatic music)
00:08:11 (gunshot)
00:08:13 (dramatic music)
00:08:15 (grunts)
00:08:22 (grunts)
00:08:23 (dramatic music)
00:08:31 (footsteps)
00:08:33 (dramatic music)
00:08:39 (horse neighs)
00:08:45 (gunshots)
00:08:57 (dramatic music)
00:08:59 (gunshots)
00:09:05 (gunshots)
00:09:09 (dramatic music)
00:09:11 (gunshots)
00:09:25 (dramatic music)
00:09:27 (grunts)
00:09:35 (footsteps)
00:09:37 (footsteps)
00:09:41 Another seven.
00:09:45 Seven?
00:09:46 Nichols, didn't you lose enough?
00:09:49 Forget it, Nichols. Don't bet that.
00:09:54 Make up your mind.
00:09:56 This isn't worth anything.
00:10:05 Hmm.
00:10:10 Now, that's a different thing.
00:10:12 I'll buy it from you as long as you throw her in, too.
00:10:15 That's a good watch.
00:10:16 I paid a lot of money for it.
00:10:18 Okay.
00:10:19 (gunshot)
00:10:22 What was that?
00:10:23 (gunshot)
00:10:24 Sit down.
00:10:29 Sit down and eat.
00:10:32 Your dice are loaded.
00:10:41 Try those.
00:10:52 (gunshot)
00:10:53 (grunts)
00:10:54 He told you to eat, didn't he?
00:10:58 (laughs)
00:11:00 (upbeat music)
00:11:03 Quiet!
00:11:14 Don't you like music with your supper?
00:11:19 Just don't try it again!
00:11:22 I'm sorry.
00:11:23 (bell rings)
00:11:26 Five.
00:11:34 (chatter)
00:11:35 It's your turn, stranger.
00:11:38 You sure, my boss?
00:11:44 That's it!
00:11:47 Seven!
00:11:48 (chatter)
00:11:50 (laughs)
00:11:51 You won.
00:11:53 Thank you.
00:11:54 (laughs)
00:11:57 He's a friend of mine.
00:11:59 And he's generous, too.
00:12:00 No one can beat him to the draw with dice or with pistols.
00:12:03 At Quinkle one night, you couldn't see her hand in front of your face.
00:12:06 And he got 20 men in 10 seconds.
00:12:08 Liar.
00:12:09 (laughs)
00:12:11 There is nothing to laugh at.
00:12:13 You're always talking big.
00:12:14 I'm telling the truth.
00:12:15 Maybe there were 20 of them, but there were at least 10.
00:12:18 If you couldn't see, how could you count them?
00:12:20 I can't count.
00:12:21 It can see in the dark.
00:12:23 (clatter)
00:12:35 (upbeat music)
00:12:36 (panting)
00:12:43 (grunts)
00:12:44 (grunts)
00:13:05 (panting)
00:13:06 (grunts)
00:13:09 Okay.
00:13:14 Good job for you, Ferguson.
00:13:16 The wagon's gone already.
00:13:17 The bank.
00:13:24 They killed him.
00:13:26 Everybody.
00:13:28 The safe.
00:13:30 They took it away.
00:13:34 Get the doctor here right away.
00:13:35 (crowd murmuring)
00:13:38 (gunshot)
00:13:54 (gunshot)
00:13:57 (gunshot)
00:13:59 Calm down, calm down.
00:14:01 You can't get in here.
00:14:03 Now stand back, everybody.
00:14:04 It's impossible until the sheriff gets here.
00:14:07 You did a thorough job.
00:14:08 Professionals for sure.
00:14:09 What did you expect?
00:14:10 You'd take a small change,
00:14:11 line around outside the safe?
00:14:13 I know, but where does that leave all of us?
00:14:15 Huh?
00:14:16 Get back, all of you.
00:14:18 What is it?
00:14:20 They took the safe.
00:14:22 Come in here.
00:14:23 I didn't hear a thing when it happened.
00:14:25 Oh, come on, Jane.
00:14:27 Let's take a walk.
00:14:29 You never give a damn about anything, do you?
00:14:33 And I chose you out of the crowd.
00:14:35 Now don't take it to heart.
00:14:37 I'm just passing through.
00:14:38 Quiet, quiet, quiet, please.
00:14:44 I'll explain.
00:14:45 Mulligan, you go to the commander of the regiment
00:14:48 and tell Colonel Rafferty to come here to see me immediately.
00:14:51 All right.
00:14:52 Look out, look out.
00:14:53 Let me through.
00:14:54 We'll need volunteers.
00:14:55 I know, Harriman's already rounding them out.
00:14:58 It's a cross into Mexico.
00:14:59 It's over, huh?
00:15:00 They must have called the commander of the regiment in.
00:15:02 That safe had $100,000 in it.
00:15:05 It belongs to the army.
00:15:06 Great.
00:15:07 Hold it, hold it.
00:15:13 Collins, you head for Los Palos.
00:15:17 You others ride with me to the border.
00:15:19 They cleaned out their bank, eh, Jane?
00:15:27 Yeah, that's right.
00:15:29 I wish I had the money.
00:15:31 I'd drink whiskey until I drowned.
00:15:33 Hey, you, on the wagon.
00:15:46 Turn back.
00:15:47 Turn back.
00:15:49 There isn't a Winchester going that can shoot half a gun.
00:15:58 There isn't a Winchester going that can shoot half that distance.
00:16:01 (gunshots)
00:16:04 (gunshots)
00:16:06 (gunshots)
00:16:08 (gunshots)
00:16:10 (gunshots)
00:16:13 (gunshots)
00:16:15 (gunshots)
00:16:18 (gunshots)
00:16:23 (gunshots)
00:16:25 Virginian brothers.
00:16:53 (music playing)
00:16:55 The greatest acrobats in the world.
00:16:57 In St. Louis, maybe.
00:17:00 (helicopter blades whirring)
00:17:07 (helicopter blades whirring)
00:17:09 We have combed the entire place, Colonel.
00:17:28 Not a trace.
00:17:30 I have nothing else but to notify General Perkins.
00:17:35 Colonel, let me keep looking for them one more day.
00:17:37 Gentlemen.
00:17:40 Somebody around here lose a safe?
00:17:44 (music playing)
00:17:47 (music playing)
00:17:49 They didn't act very friendly when I told them to bring it back.
00:18:08 (footsteps)
00:18:10 All in order, Colonel.
00:18:29 It was a real stroke of luck, Colonel, getting the safe back.
00:18:34 Mm-hmm.
00:18:35 (crowd murmuring)
00:18:37 They're not from these parts.
00:18:47 Hey.
00:18:49 They're from St. Louis.
00:18:51 Sir, you've got a reward coming to you.
00:18:54 (music playing)
00:18:56 Look after him. See about his money.
00:19:04 (music playing)
00:19:06 Here.
00:19:23 You must be thirsty after all that hard work, right?
00:19:26 (laughing)
00:19:27 A wagon, a two-ton safe, huh?
00:19:32 And seven men, huh? A fine day's work.
00:19:35 (laughing)
00:19:36 First there were seven men, then seven bodies.
00:19:40 Seven, like on the dice.
00:19:42 Was loading them up any trouble?
00:19:44 I don't like to bury anyone, but next time I'll lend a hand.
00:19:47 You keep firing and I'll load, okay?
00:19:50 (laughing)
00:19:51 Hey, compadre.
00:19:54 Corinthians not afraid of bodies?
00:19:56 I saw lots of them die, those soldiers.
00:19:58 What about that, eh?
00:20:00 In the battle at Richmond, the battle took nine days and the army gave me a medal.
00:20:03 Ah.
00:20:05 What good do these medals do anyone today?
00:20:08 Life today is horse droppings.
00:20:10 You already said that.
00:20:12 (laughing)
00:20:15 Well, how much do you want?
00:20:25 You tell me.
00:20:29 Two thousand?
00:20:30 Mm-hmm.
00:20:31 Five thousand?
00:20:33 Mm-hmm.
00:20:35 All right.
00:20:38 Sergeant Keller will bring you the money.
00:20:40 Hey, you could have got more money than that.
00:20:45 After all, you had all their money in your hands, the whole hundred thousand.
00:20:49 And Mexico's so near you could be there.
00:20:51 And you, bargain like a woman and with a lousy five thousand dollars.
00:20:55 Selling yourself to the law.
00:20:57 It might be lousy, Corinthian, but it's legal.
00:21:00 Yeah, but if I just imagine, I plan this robbery, carry it out, get my money, and you come along to stop me.
00:21:06 A knife like that would be better as a friend.
00:21:14 If it's friends you want.
00:21:16 Would you like to have two?
00:21:19 Two?
00:21:21 Hey, alligator!
00:21:25 (laughing)
00:21:26 Oh, don't you like him?
00:21:29 Hey!
00:21:40 How about that?
00:21:48 All right, eh?
00:21:50 This way.
00:21:52 (panting)
00:21:53 This way.
00:22:07 (footsteps)
00:22:08 Sign here.
00:22:36 A new man who blows into town and already has picked up five thousand is interesting.
00:22:42 Number seven.
00:22:46 It's the best in the house.
00:22:48 Next door to mine.
00:22:49 You staying on long?
00:22:51 Just passing through.
00:22:52 You never know.
00:22:55 You passing through too?
00:23:03 Yeah.
00:23:05 (footsteps)
00:23:06 Sabada.
00:23:17 I don't hardly recognize you anymore.
00:23:23 Because of the safe?
00:23:26 And if you were in my shoes, what would you have done?
00:23:29 Me?
00:23:30 I'd have kept the money.
00:23:33 (music)
00:23:35 (music)
00:23:37 (music)
00:23:38 (music)
00:23:40 (music)
00:23:42 (music)
00:23:44 (music)
00:23:46 (music)
00:23:48 (music)
00:23:50 (music)
00:23:52 (music)
00:23:54 (music)
00:23:56 (music)
00:23:58 (music)
00:24:00 (music)
00:24:02 (music)
00:24:05 (music)
00:24:06 (music)
00:24:08 (music)
00:24:10 (music)
00:24:12 You are out of tempo.
00:24:20 Stengel, it's time you made a mistake.
00:24:32 Trying to steal a hundred thousand dollars from the army to buy land that the railroad must purchase to come through.
00:24:38 All because of your greediness and to satisfy your mania for grandeur.
00:24:42 You took this foolhardy step.
00:24:45 The risk was too great to take.
00:24:49 I... I'm dishonored by all this of course.
00:24:55 And so is Ferguson.
00:24:56 Aren't you?
00:25:00 All I know is I'm leaving this town.
00:25:02 No.
00:25:05 The colonel won't drop this whole thing.
00:25:07 He'll investigate of course.
00:25:09 And he'll start right at the top.
00:25:11 Just a minute, Judge O'Hara.
00:25:28 You're never leaving, Dorothy.
00:25:30 Stengel, don't.
00:25:37 All right.
00:25:40 That's better.
00:25:44 You'll be here with the rest.
00:25:47 Well, Oswald.
00:25:53 I want the Virginian brothers and their wagon taken care of.
00:25:57 Yeah.
00:25:58 It didn't go so well, eh, Oswald?
00:26:25 Bad business.
00:26:26 Which is exactly why I'm here.
00:26:28 But we did our part like we said.
00:26:30 Oh, yeah.
00:26:32 Don't worry. My boss always pays up.
00:26:36 Oswald.
00:26:54 Oswald.
00:26:55 Yeah?
00:26:57 We've got to get rid of that wagon.
00:26:58 I sent three men.
00:26:59 They know how to get rid of it.
00:27:01 Hey, what are you thinking so hard about?
00:27:04 To see Saw and an acrobat and get into the bank.
00:27:07 Acrobat?
00:27:09 The upper window.
00:27:10 You catch the army, reward them and get out.
00:27:12 Don't look for trouble.
00:27:14 Go.
00:27:17 Those acrobats took part in that robbery.
00:27:22 And then disappeared.
00:27:23 Hey!
00:27:40 Get away from that wagon.
00:27:49 Who the hell are you?
00:27:50 Could be your pulper.
00:27:52 He's one of Stengel's men.
00:28:17 That makes two of us.
00:28:18 Stengel's men.
00:28:19 That makes it all clear.
00:28:23 (SCREAMS)
00:28:27 (GUNSHOTS)
00:28:28 (GUNSHOTS)
00:28:30 (GUNSHOTS)
00:28:31 (GUNSHOTS)
00:28:33 (GUNSHOTS)
00:28:35 (GUNSHOTS)
00:28:37 (GUNSHOTS)
00:28:39 (GUNSHOTS)
00:28:41 (GUNSHOTS)
00:28:43 (GUNSHOTS)
00:28:45 (GUNSHOTS)
00:28:47 (GUNSHOTS)
00:28:49 (GUNSHOTS)
00:28:51 (GUNSHOTS)
00:28:53 (GUNSHOTS)
00:28:55 (GUNSHOTS)
00:28:58 (GUNSHOTS)
00:28:59 (GUNSHOTS)
00:29:01 (GUNSHOTS)
00:29:03 (BELL RINGS)
00:29:05 (BELL RINGS)
00:29:11 Come in.
00:29:18 Come in.
00:29:19 All men gifted with superior talent,
00:29:32 and thus with superior powers,
00:29:35 must command and use inferior men.
00:29:47 Well, it's all been done.
00:29:50 Hmm.
00:30:18 So the Virginian brothers and the men from St. Louis are dead.
00:30:22 You're the only person who knows about the robbery.
00:30:28 And are you safe?
00:30:30 I won't talk.
00:30:32 Poor chances, Oswald.
00:30:48 Three to depart.
00:30:52 One to stay.
00:30:58 Hey, cut it out, Staple.
00:31:03 You won't play?
00:31:05 You want the alternative.
00:31:07 All right.
00:31:09 You don't really think anyone like you can put one over on me.
00:31:16 (GUNSHOTS)
00:31:18 Oswald, I like living at the peak of excitement.
00:31:29 For life is only worthwhile when you can face death without showing any fear.
00:31:35 In fact, I enjoy it.
00:31:43 (GUNSHOT)
00:31:44 (GUNSHOT)
00:31:48 (GUNSHOT)
00:31:49 (GUNSHOT)
00:32:02 (FOOTSTEPS)
00:32:03 (GUNSHOTS)
00:32:20 (GUNSHOTS)
00:32:34 (GUNSHOTS)
00:32:42 (BELL RINGING)
00:32:46 600 feet.
00:32:55 That's impossible.
00:32:57 A wise man keeps his distance.
00:33:00 (DOG BARKING)
00:33:01 Stengel, that acrobat's wagon is positive evidence against you.
00:33:07 So if you'd like to have it, it'll cost you $10,000.
00:33:11 Come here and you'll get them.
00:33:14 I'm coming.
00:33:17 (BEEPING)
00:33:20 (BEEPING)
00:33:21 Stengel!
00:33:50 Don't try any tricks!
00:33:52 You'll be shooting at the wind!
00:33:56 Don't shoot at ghosts, Stengel!
00:34:00 Don't shoot at the wind!
00:34:05 (GUNSHOT)
00:34:09 (GUNSHOT)
00:34:17 (GUNSHOT)
00:34:18 You shouldn't have done that, Stengel!
00:34:26 Now the price is $20,000!
00:34:29 (MUSIC PLAYING)
00:34:34 Hey!
00:34:55 Now where the devil did he go?
00:35:01 Oh, there he is.
00:35:02 (SCREAMING)
00:35:28 You really gave them a run for their money.
00:35:55 I haven't budged from here.
00:35:57 You'd better keep your horse tied up, then.
00:36:00 Or else people might say, uh...
00:36:04 he's been up playing around with the fillies again.
00:36:09 Hmm?
00:36:10 (CHUCKLING)
00:36:15 (MUSIC PLAYING)
00:36:16 Hey.
00:36:27 Where are you going now?
00:36:33 To play around.
00:36:35 Hmm.
00:36:37 Hey, Zapata!
00:36:38 The other cat.
00:36:39 We'd better be off, then.
00:36:40 I got a feeling he needs us.
00:36:43 Ah, Alley Cat's done it again.
00:36:47 (CHUCKLING)
00:36:48 Ah, London, Paris.
00:36:52 I dream about them.
00:36:55 Ever since I was a kid.
00:36:59 And I still do.
00:37:06 And I still do.
00:37:07 A better life.
00:37:17 And money.
00:37:20 That's all we need.
00:37:24 To get us out of here.
00:37:26 Hey, Banjo.
00:37:34 If you'd gotten your hands on that money, we'd be on our way to Europe now.
00:37:37 You and I together.
00:37:38 Always together.
00:37:40 Always.
00:37:41 (PANTING)
00:37:43 No!
00:37:44 Banjo, what's the matter? You sick?
00:37:45 No, it's nothing. I was dreaming.
00:37:55 Yeah, dreams, dreams.
00:37:57 We're a great pair, you and me.
00:38:02 At least I've always got something I can make money on.
00:38:04 You strumming away on that stupid banjo.
00:38:07 Hmm. The sun's up.
00:38:20 Where are you going?
00:38:25 Banjo!
00:38:28 See you.
00:38:31 (DOOR OPENS)
00:38:32 (DOOR CLOSES)
00:38:34 Hi.
00:38:49 (CLICKS TONGUE)
00:38:50 Can't tell you like that.
00:39:02 How much is what you want to tell me going to cost?
00:39:05 Uh, $200.
00:39:10 Hmm.
00:39:12 (DOOR OPENS)
00:39:16 (DOOR CLOSES)
00:39:17 (CLOCK TICKING)
00:39:18 I had a run-in in Denver and they're looking for me.
00:39:24 That's why I'm here.
00:39:25 I know everything that goes on in this town.
00:39:27 Stengel doesn't want to pay that $20,000.
00:39:31 He doesn't, eh?
00:39:33 How would you know?
00:39:35 Women talk a lot when they're making love.
00:39:44 Fact is, not even Judge O'Hara or Ferguson will pay.
00:39:47 Oh, yeah?
00:39:48 They figure, uh, your demands are going to go higher and higher.
00:39:56 (PIANO PLAYING)
00:39:59 Like everything that was in that safe, maybe.
00:40:04 What are you getting at?
00:40:07 Oh, I'm not getting at anything.
00:40:10 It's your idea.
00:40:13 (SIGHS)
00:40:14 It's too risky.
00:40:15 And you don't want a partnership.
00:40:17 Uh, you owe me $200.
00:40:19 (CLOCK TICKING)
00:40:30 (DOOR CLOSES)
00:40:34 Being around is useful.
00:40:41 (CLOCK TICKING)
00:40:42 (DOOR CLOSES)
00:40:44 Sorry, lady.
00:40:56 (CLOCK TICKING)
00:41:00 (CLOCK TICKING)
00:41:10 (CLOCK TICKING)
00:41:11 (GUNSHOTS)
00:41:29 (GROANS)
00:41:32 (GUNSHOT)
00:41:33 (GROANS)
00:41:34 (DOOR CLOSES)
00:41:37 (CLICKS)
00:41:58 (CLICKS)
00:41:59 (GUNSHOTS)
00:42:03 (GUNSHOT)
00:42:22 (GUNSHOT)
00:42:23 (GUNSHOT)
00:42:27 (GUNSHOTS)
00:42:29 (GUNSHOT)
00:42:32 (GUNSHOTS)
00:42:37 (GUNSHOTS)
00:42:40 (GUNSHOTS)
00:42:46 (GUNSHOTS)
00:42:47 (BABY CRYING)
00:43:00 (DOOR CREAKING)
00:43:11 (DOOR CREAKING)
00:43:12 (GUNSHOTS)
00:43:18 If Stengel wanted to invite me to supper,
00:43:32 why didn't he come right out and say so?
00:43:39 (FOOTSTEPS)
00:43:40 (DOOR OPENS)
00:44:02 (FOOTSTEPS)
00:44:17 (FOOTSTEPS)
00:44:28 (FOOTSTEPS)
00:44:32 (FOOTSTEPS)
00:44:48 You are here because that's what I want.
00:45:16 Stengel, sit down.
00:45:17 That 20,000 I wanted isn't enough.
00:45:24 I'd like to get a hold of more money.
00:45:32 You won't like it.
00:45:36 That's too bad.
00:45:38 A business is business.
00:45:42 Now it's 30,000.
00:45:45 30,000 dollars?
00:45:46 Bet you can buy all of Texas for that.
00:45:51 Well, hardly.
00:45:53 But that does seem to be your intention.
00:45:56 Now you're obviously interested in buying land that will soon be worth twice as much.
00:46:05 Because sooner or later the railroad will be passing over.
00:46:09 So, shall we agree the price is settled?
00:46:15 Uh-uh. It's not worth it, Stengel.
00:46:24 If I don't get out of here alive, Colonel Rafferty will be informed of everything.
00:46:30 (CHUCKLES)
00:46:35 (FOOTSTEPS)
00:46:43 (FOOTSTEPS)
00:46:44 Take the 30,000 to Judge O'Hara.
00:46:48 (SIGHS)
00:46:52 You've got until 8 o'clock in the morning.
00:46:54 Very generous.
00:46:56 I think so.
00:47:04 (CHUCKLES)
00:47:15 You see, Banjo, I told you not to worry about him.
00:47:18 I know this hombre. I said he'd be back.
00:47:20 Where's my money, huh?
00:47:22 (LAUGHS)
00:47:24 Soon there'll be enough cash for everyone.
00:47:31 All I gotta do is believe in you, right?
00:47:32 You don't trust about that? What do you think they'll do?
00:47:35 Nothing. I'm waiting.
00:47:37 (LAUGHS)
00:47:39 (FOOTSTEPS)
00:47:48 (HUMMING)
00:48:09 ♪ They won't pay no
00:48:12 ♪ They won't pay no
00:48:17 You better walk or I may have to pay for your funeral.
00:48:19 Hmm.
00:48:22 The only man who could betray us to the army was Oswald, and he's been eliminated.
00:48:32 No reason to fear anybody.
00:48:34 That man has no proof against us.
00:48:36 You're wrong, Ferguson. He knows everything about us.
00:48:39 I know what I'm saying.
00:48:43 If he is a government official, then...
00:48:45 He's nothing.
00:48:47 He's a drifter who's after our money.
00:48:49 First 10,000, now 30.
00:48:52 It'll cost a lot less to get rid of him.
00:48:56 What we need is somebody from the outside.
00:48:58 I think I know somebody.
00:49:01 Just the right boy.
00:49:04 (GUNSHOT)
00:49:08 (GUNSHOT)
00:49:09 Sharky?
00:49:20 Sharky, you filthy slob!
00:49:22 You answer when your mother calls, understand?
00:49:25 Sharky!
00:49:37 Sharky, how long you gonna wait?
00:49:38 I'm expecting you to get the malaries.
00:49:40 You better go out right now and shoot 'em, hear?
00:49:42 They stole your woman, didn't they?
00:49:44 And you don't do nothing about it.
00:49:46 Listen to me! This whole business must end or they'll shoot us.
00:49:49 Well, what are you gonna do about it?
00:49:51 Why must I stand here?
00:49:53 Well, it was you who sold her to the malaries.
00:49:55 Who?
00:49:57 Ain't that something, eh?
00:49:59 You want to get me arrested, eh?
00:50:01 Come on, Ma.
00:50:06 Hey, what is this?
00:50:07 I just have a little job for your son.
00:50:11 I'll do the talking.
00:50:13 What do you pay the boy?
00:50:17 One thousand bucks.
00:50:19 Five hundred now, and the rest when the job is done.
00:50:27 What are you waiting for? Go on!
00:50:32 What are you waiting for? Go on!
00:50:34 And come back today!
00:50:39 Where the money?
00:50:43 Sharky, word's gotten around that you've been drinking a lot.
00:50:46 Alcohol can make your hands shaky.
00:50:50 See those twigs? Watch.
00:50:58 One would have been enough.
00:50:59 Mister, I must tell you, till you got here, Doherty was nice and quiet.
00:51:03 The devil rides with you.
00:51:06 I alone don't say it.
00:51:08 Ask Padre Brown. Ask the alley cat here.
00:51:12 What's the matter?
00:51:13 I'm not feeling well.
00:51:15 I'm not feeling well.
00:51:17 I'm not feeling well.
00:51:19 I'm not feeling well.
00:51:21 I'm not feeling well.
00:51:23 I'm not feeling well.
00:51:25 I'm not feeling well.
00:51:27 I'm not feeling well.
00:51:29 I'm not feeling well.
00:51:31 I'm not feeling well.
00:51:33 I'm not feeling well.
00:51:35 I'm not feeling well.
00:51:37 I'm not feeling well.
00:51:41 Hey, Zavala!
00:51:43 When I stop laughing, you're dead.
00:51:53 You're dead.
00:51:55 [laughing]
00:51:58 [laughing]
00:52:00 [gunshots]
00:52:11 [gunshot]
00:52:18 [tires screeching]
00:52:22 [tires screeching]
00:52:23 Like manure, huh? Makes the grain grow taller, right?
00:52:30 Just a minute, you.
00:52:34 I was there. It was self-defense, I saw it.
00:52:38 Well, you stick around till I need you.
00:52:40 Hey! Wait!
00:52:43 I wonder where he'll end up.
00:52:45 And where do you come in?
00:52:47 I'm on his side.
00:52:50 For the moment.
00:52:51 I'm waiting.
00:52:54 I curse my mother who bore me, and my father, and my brother, and my whole family!
00:53:03 How about Alfroti?
00:53:08 I won it at Richmond.
00:53:11 The battle of the seven days.
00:53:14 It's silver.
00:53:17 Take it, Banjo.
00:53:19 [laughing]
00:53:20 No, thanks. It isn't silver either.
00:53:25 I'll play you for what you're going to make from Sabata.
00:53:27 Ah!
00:53:29 Write ten dollars.
00:53:35 Five thousand.
00:53:36 Let's bet on Sabata's ski.
00:53:43 I want to see what he'll do.
00:53:48 [laughing]
00:53:49 Sit down, you.
00:53:51 Lice breeder, you.
00:53:53 Who?
00:53:54 Me?
00:53:56 Lice breeder, huh?
00:53:59 [music]
00:54:01 [music]
00:54:03 [music]
00:54:05 [music]
00:54:06 [music]
00:54:08 [music]
00:54:10 [music]
00:54:12 [music]
00:54:14 [music]
00:54:16 [music]
00:54:18 [music]
00:54:20 [music]
00:54:22 [music]
00:54:24 [music]
00:54:26 [music]
00:54:28 [music]
00:54:30 [music]
00:54:33 [music]
00:54:34 [music]
00:54:36 [music]
00:54:38 [music]
00:54:40 [music]
00:54:42 [music]
00:54:44 [music]
00:54:46 [music]
00:54:48 [music]
00:54:50 [music]
00:54:52 [music]
00:54:54 [music]
00:54:56 [music]
00:54:58 [music]
00:54:59 [music]
00:55:02 [music]
00:55:03 [music]
00:55:05 [music]
00:55:07 [music]
00:55:09 [music]
00:55:11 [music]
00:55:13 [music]
00:55:15 [music]
00:55:17 [music]
00:55:19 [music]
00:55:21 [music]
00:55:23 [music]
00:55:25 [music]
00:55:27 Pretty good, huh?
00:55:29 [music]
00:55:32 He got too close to one particular lice breeder, huh?
00:55:35 [laughs]
00:55:36 [music]
00:55:38 [music]
00:55:40 Now Father Brown will have it in for you too.
00:55:43 He already spends most of his time saying masses for the dead and nobody pays.
00:55:47 [music]
00:55:49 [music]
00:55:51 [music]
00:55:53 Self-defense, eh, Mr. Ferguson?
00:55:56 Yep.
00:55:57 I'll tell it to the sheriff.
00:56:01 [bell ringing]
00:56:02 (bell ringing)
00:56:05 (bell ringing)
00:56:07 (bell ringing)
00:56:10 - Oh.
00:56:37 - Padre, I don't know what to do.
00:56:39 You can see Zapata's not a good Christian.
00:56:42 - Tell him I want to see him as soon as possible.
00:56:44 - Yes, Padre Brown.
00:56:49 - And now you too.
00:56:50 What about you?
00:56:51 - Honestly, Padre, the whole thing is just an accident.
00:56:55 - Hey, Ali Cat.
00:57:05 Hey.
00:57:06 Can't you lie a little when it's needed?
00:57:11 Just not yes instead of no.
00:57:14 (gentle music)
00:57:35 - Blown by the winds, eh?
00:57:36 - By the army.
00:57:41 - Father Brown wants to see you.
00:57:56 (gentle music)
00:57:58 (bell ringing)
00:58:07 (bell ringing)
00:58:10 - Father Brown?
00:58:30 (gentle music)
00:58:32 You wanted to see me?
00:58:46 (coughing)
00:58:59 Well, Father?
00:59:00 - Look, my son, what you are doing is not good for you.
00:59:08 It's not just.
00:59:09 And it's not human.
00:59:11 If you had come to see me earlier,
00:59:15 perhaps we could have avoided all this bloodshed.
00:59:18 Life is a gift of the all highest.
00:59:28 It's a sacred thing that must be respected.
00:59:31 (coughing)
00:59:34 - Father?
00:59:35 - Yes, I've got this cold.
00:59:39 Yes.
00:59:41 - I've caused you a lot of trouble lately.
00:59:44 So I'd like to leave an offering for you.
00:59:48 (footsteps)
00:59:51 Thank you.
01:00:02 (gun firing)
01:00:07 (groaning)
01:00:13 (sighing)
01:00:15 (gun firing)
01:00:17 (gun firing)
01:00:26 (gentle music)
01:00:45 (footsteps)
01:00:48 - Banjo?
01:01:05 What are you doing here?
01:01:07 - Playing a requiem for Father Brown.
01:01:13 - He doesn't need you.
01:01:14 You never know.
01:01:15 The ways of the Lord are infinite.
01:01:18 (gentle music)
01:01:25 (footsteps)
01:01:42 (chattering)
01:01:44 (footsteps)
01:01:46 - Zabata.
01:02:13 (dramatic music)
01:02:16 - You're seeing ghosts now?
01:02:29 - I'm sorry about your father Brown.
01:02:41 A coffin fit just killed him.
01:02:43 Well, 30,000.
01:03:01 - Give us another day.
01:03:03 - Certainly.
01:03:05 For 60,000.
01:03:07 How about it?
01:03:10 - It's a lot of money.
01:03:11 But give it to him.
01:03:12 - We need time to get it together.
01:03:15 We don't have that kind of money.
01:03:17 (engine revving)
01:03:20 Make up your mind.
01:03:33 (laughing)
01:03:36 - 60,000.
01:03:49 Tomorrow.
01:03:51 At noon.
01:03:54 At Los Palos.
01:03:56 - I'll take care of it.
01:03:58 - I'll take care of it.
01:03:59 - I'll take care of it.
01:04:00 - I'll take care of it.
01:04:01 - I'll take care of it.
01:04:02 - I'll take care of it.
01:04:03 - I'll take care of it.
01:04:04 - I'll take care of it.
01:04:05 - I'll take care of it.
01:04:06 - I'll take care of it.
01:04:07 - I'll take care of it.
01:04:08 - I'll take care of it.
01:04:09 - I'll take care of it.
01:04:10 - I'll take care of it.
01:04:11 - I'll take care of it.
01:04:12 - I'll take care of it.
01:04:13 - I'll take care of it.
01:04:14 - I'll take care of it.
01:04:15 - I'll take care of it.
01:04:16 - I'll take care of it.
01:04:17 - I'll take care of it.
01:04:18 - I'll take care of it.
01:04:19 - I'll take care of it.
01:04:26 - I'll take care of it.
01:04:33 - I'll take care of it.
01:04:40 - I'll take care of it.
01:04:47 - I'll take care of it.
01:04:50 - I'll take care of it.
01:04:51 - I'll take care of it.
01:04:52 - I'll take care of it.
01:04:53 - I'll take care of it.
01:04:54 - I'll take care of it.
01:04:55 - I'll take care of it.
01:04:56 - I'll take care of it.
01:04:57 - I'll take care of it.
01:04:58 - I'll take care of it.
01:04:59 - I'll take care of it.
01:05:00 - I'll take care of it.
01:05:01 - I'll take care of it.
01:05:02 - I'll take care of it.
01:05:03 - I'll take care of it.
01:05:04 - I'll take care of it.
01:05:05 - I'll take care of it.
01:05:06 - I'll take care of it.
01:05:07 - I'll take care of it.
01:05:08 - I'll take care of it.
01:05:09 - I'll take care of it.
01:05:10 - I'll take care of it.
01:05:11 - Banjo, there's five men waiting down there.
01:05:25 I think they want to play a little music with you.
01:05:28 - Hey up there, Banjo.
01:05:36 I have to go, Jane.
01:05:53 - I've been up and down the country, but then I heard you were in Texas.
01:06:19 There's no one around who can put one over on us Claytons.
01:06:24 - We're finishing up the job, Banjo.
01:06:31 - It's sad to have to die so far away from home.
01:06:37 - Banjo!
01:06:40 - Banjo!
01:06:43 - Banjo!
01:06:46 - Banjo!
01:06:49 - Banjo!
01:06:52 - Banjo!
01:06:55 - Banjo!
01:07:23 - Banjo!
01:07:31 - Banjo!
01:07:34 - Banjo!
01:07:37 - Banjo!
01:07:40 - Banjo!
01:07:43 - Banjo!
01:08:00 - Banjo!
01:08:09 - Banjo!
01:08:20 - Banjo!
01:08:21 Thanks a lot
01:08:23 Come on I'll buy you a drink I want to talk to you. I
01:08:49 Got a job for you
01:08:51 If you accept it this bag is yours
01:08:54 It's not bad money
01:08:59 It's the army reward that I got
01:09:04 What do you say are you going in we're not partners yes
01:09:18 What's this all about
01:09:20 Tomorrow noon at Los Palos. There's going to be a delivery
01:09:26 Shall we go we'll go
01:09:44 I'll take it
01:09:48 I
01:09:50 I
01:09:52 I
01:09:54 I
01:09:56 I
01:09:58 I
01:10:00 I
01:10:02 I
01:10:04 I
01:10:06 I
01:10:08 I
01:10:10 I
01:10:12 I
01:10:14 I
01:10:16 I
01:10:18 I
01:10:20 I
01:10:22 I
01:10:24 I
01:10:26 I
01:10:28 I
01:10:30 I
01:10:32 I
01:10:34 I
01:10:36 I
01:10:38 I
01:10:40 I
01:11:09 Sun's high already. They'll come
01:11:12 He's the merchandise precious yeah
01:11:32 Then we won't see
01:11:39 And you
01:11:41 What do you think there's somebody riding up
01:11:45 He's coming towards us
01:11:57 He's dismounting
01:12:03 He's here
01:12:10 Out of the way Karin char
01:12:31 I
01:12:33 We're just alike
01:12:47 I'm on the right side. Which side is that?
01:12:51 Not the side against the law
01:12:55 And you find yourself up against banjo
01:13:01 I
01:13:03 Am NOT father Brown
01:13:10 Cut in cha leave your fleas alone
01:13:20 Hmm me in the south and you in the north
01:13:30 We might both have died because of old age
01:13:32 Instead our paths cross once again
01:13:37 You wouldn't kill me for $5,000 there's a lot more than 5,000 you're getting
01:13:42 I
01:13:46 I
01:13:50 I
01:13:55 I
01:13:59 I
01:14:03 I
01:14:07 How much
01:14:09 How much answer me
01:14:19 I
01:14:21 How much
01:14:41 100,000 not five
01:14:43 Just what was in the safe you had
01:14:47 $1,000 in your hands
01:14:49 And they frightened you
01:14:51 Because they'd rather pay a hundred to any man who'll kill you
01:14:55 Gone why don't you kill me?
01:15:01 It was you said the ways of the Lord are infinite and it's true
01:15:07 Get going
01:15:12 I
01:15:14 Amigo that's a bad time you lost
01:15:26 I
01:15:51 Will be getting warm around these parts pretty soon more than in Mexico. I'm sure of that
01:15:56 Hey
01:16:02 Hey wait to Mexico, huh? All right
01:16:14 You
01:16:16 Never get him stangle
01:16:23 Take a lot more than that the money still there you can try again
01:16:27 This time I won't miss bring him in and it's yours
01:16:32 Get him
01:16:41 Yeah
01:16:43 Just about I do so
01:17:09, huh?
01:17:11, I just
01:17:25 and I'm gonna get you for that
01:17:26 I
01:17:28 I
01:17:30 I
01:17:32, I'm not gonna do it again. There's no way out. It's a trap
01:17:48 I
01:17:50 I
01:17:52 I
01:17:54 I
01:17:56 I
01:17:58 I
01:18:00 the rest of your dynamite
01:18:29 I
01:18:31 Think that will wait for us and I go to see
01:18:46 I
01:18:48 I
01:18:50 I
01:18:52 I
01:18:54 I
01:18:56 I
01:18:58 I
01:19:00 I
01:19:02 I
01:19:04 I
01:19:06 I
01:19:08 I
01:19:10 I
01:19:12 I
01:19:41 Tequila sounded like it came from the supply room
01:19:44 I
01:19:46 I
01:19:48 I
01:19:50 I
01:19:52 I
01:19:54 I
01:19:56 I
01:19:58 a
01:20:28 One away
01:20:30 Take him outside make him look like he's asleep on the job
01:20:39 I
01:20:41 I
01:20:43 I
01:20:45 I
01:20:47 I
01:20:49 I
01:20:51 I
01:20:53 I
01:21:21 Now we haven't got much time sooner or later the spotters
01:21:23 Better look around
01:21:33 I
01:21:35 I
01:21:37 I
01:21:39 I
01:21:41 I
01:21:43 I
01:21:45 I
01:21:47 I
01:21:49 I
01:21:51 I
01:21:53 I
01:21:55 I
01:21:57 I
01:22:00 I
01:22:03 I
01:22:05 (dramatic music)
01:22:08 (dramatic music)
01:22:10 (dramatic music)
01:22:13 (dramatic music)
01:22:16 (dramatic music)
01:22:19 (dramatic music)
01:22:22 (dramatic music)
01:22:25 (dramatic music)
01:22:28 (dramatic music)
01:22:30 (dramatic music)
01:22:33 (dramatic music)
01:22:36 (dramatic music)
01:22:39 (dramatic music)
01:22:41 (dramatic music)
01:22:44 (dramatic music)
01:22:48 (dramatic music)
01:22:52 (dramatic music)
01:22:56 (dramatic music)
01:23:00 (dramatic music)
01:23:04 (dramatic music)
01:23:09 (dramatic music)
01:23:12 - Hey Slim!
01:23:25 Haven't spotted our boys yet.
01:23:28 I'm sending someone to Acuadulce to wait for 'em.
01:23:31 (fire crackling)
01:23:35 (fire crackling)
01:23:38 (birds chirping)
01:23:51 (birds chirping)
01:23:54 Hey, Julio!
01:24:07 (birds chirping)
01:24:17 (birds chirping)
01:24:20 - Where'd your brother go?
01:24:24 - How do I know?
01:24:25 I ain't noticed wet nurse.
01:24:26 - Don't be so funny.
01:24:27 One of these days,
01:24:30 you'll laugh on the other side of your greasy face.
01:24:32 (breathing heavily)
01:24:35 Where's Tequila?
01:24:48 Have you seen him?
01:24:49 (dog barking)
01:24:53 Shh.
01:24:58 Tequila.
01:25:05 Sleeping, huh?
01:25:08 (gun firing)
01:25:11 (gun firing)
01:25:13 (gun firing)
01:25:16 (gun firing)
01:25:19 They've killed Tequila.
01:25:23 (gun firing)
01:25:25 Get everyone out!
01:25:28 They've killed Tequila.
01:25:29 (men chattering)
01:25:31 Hold it.
01:25:32 Hold it, boys.
01:25:33 What do we do, Mr. Stengel?
01:25:35 (dramatic music)
01:25:40 (footsteps thudding)
01:25:43 Straight ahead.
01:25:52 (footsteps thudding)
01:25:55 Keep going.
01:26:04 Search the ranch from top to bottom.
01:26:06 I want the men who got Tequila.
01:26:08 (dramatic music)
01:26:11 Tom, get to the other side.
01:26:13 - Ali, are you crazy?
01:26:17 He's my friend.
01:26:18 Back there.
01:26:19 - Rocky, take five men
01:26:21 and search the supply room right away.
01:26:23 (footsteps thudding)
01:26:26 (laughing)
01:26:29 - Get up there.
01:26:31 Get on the trolley.
01:26:32 (footsteps thudding)
01:26:35 Okay.
01:26:43 (gun firing)
01:26:49 (dramatic music)
01:26:53 (man groaning)
01:27:00 (gun firing)
01:27:03 (man groaning)
01:27:13 (gun firing)
01:27:15 (man groaning)
01:27:19 (gun firing)
01:27:24 (gun firing)
01:27:30 (man groaning)
01:27:32 - Somebody wants to keep me alive.
01:27:34 (gun firing)
01:27:37 (man groaning)
01:27:39 (gun firing)
01:27:42 Let's go.
01:27:43 - Like the Battle of Richmond.
01:27:44 (gun firing)
01:27:47 A man for every shot.
01:27:48 Every other shot.
01:27:50 (gun firing)
01:27:54 (laughing)
01:27:56 (gun firing)
01:27:59 (explosion booming)
01:28:02 (gun firing)
01:28:06 - Viva General Sabata!
01:28:10 (gun firing)
01:28:13 (dramatic music)
01:28:27 - Hey, that's good luck.
01:28:29 (gun firing)
01:28:32 - Give it to our friend.
01:28:38 (gun firing)
01:28:40 (gun firing)
01:28:47 (gun firing)
01:28:54 (gun firing)
01:28:56 - Hey, there.
01:29:07 (gun firing)
01:29:11 (gun firing)
01:29:23 (gun firing)
01:29:25 (explosion booming)
01:29:33 (gun firing)
01:29:46 (gun firing)
01:29:48 - The ranger, the gun.
01:29:56 You follow.
01:29:58 (gun firing)
01:30:01 Get to the rear of the balcony.
01:30:04 (gun firing)
01:30:09 (gun firing)
01:30:14 (gun firing)
01:30:16 (gun firing)
01:30:23 (gun firing)
01:30:43 - Alley Cat, just a second.
01:30:45 We want to help Carincia pick up a gun.
01:30:49 (gun firing)
01:30:54 - Stangle, wait!
01:30:56 Let me in, please!
01:30:57 - Stangle your coward!
01:30:59 (gun firing)
01:31:11 (gun firing)
01:31:13 - Zabatra!
01:31:15 You in there?
01:31:17 (gun firing)
01:31:19 What's going on in there?
01:31:21 Open up, I'll break the door down.
01:31:24 Let me in!
01:31:25 - I picked one for you.
01:31:29 You'll get your 60,000.
01:31:36 - Let me in, are you in there?
01:31:38 - It's in the bank.
01:31:40 - Stay out there!
01:31:43 (gun firing)
01:31:46 (footsteps)
01:31:48 (gun clicking)
01:32:01 (gun firing)
01:32:07 (footsteps)
01:32:09 (gun clicking)
01:32:20 (door slamming)
01:32:23 (gun clicking)
01:32:25 - I'll give you the signal.
01:32:30 (dramatic music)
01:32:35 (gun clicking)
01:32:37 Now.
01:32:38 (gun firing)
01:32:41 (footsteps)
01:32:43 (door creaking)
01:32:53 (door creaking)
01:33:04 (footsteps)
01:33:06 - Before you die, you should know
01:33:12 that those men with superior talents
01:33:15 and consequently with superior powers
01:33:18 always have one last card to play.
01:33:21 - You know, Stangle,
01:33:23 I wouldn't bet a dollar on that last card.
01:33:26 (gun firing)
01:33:27 (man grunting)
01:33:28 (gun firing)
01:33:30 (dramatic music)
01:33:34 (gun firing)
01:33:37 (gun clicking)
01:33:47 (footsteps)
01:33:50 (gun clicking)
01:33:58 (footsteps)
01:34:03 (dramatic music)
01:34:06 - We made it, eh, hombre?
01:34:21 (gun firing)
01:34:23 (bell ringing)
01:34:26 (footsteps)
01:34:28 (footsteps)
01:34:37 (piano playing)
01:34:49 - Well?
01:34:54 (gun firing)
01:34:57 - Hmm, like Los Palos.
01:35:04 Now we're even.
01:35:06 There's something very important I've got to tell you.
01:35:11 - I know, the money's in the bank.
01:35:14 - And it can only be paid by the judge.
01:35:19 Hmm.
01:35:22 Oh, Harrah.
01:35:24 (birds chirping)
01:35:27 (footsteps)
01:35:29 (footsteps)
01:35:50 (footsteps)
01:35:53 - All right.
01:35:57 It's my high for 60,000.
01:36:00 I guess yours for 20,000?
01:36:03 - Hmm, where would I get that kind of money?
01:36:06 - Hmm, oh, Harrah put it up for you.
01:36:09 He wants to keep his reputation.
01:36:11 - Sure, sure.
01:36:12 - Tomorrow at sunrise, a dowry.
01:36:18 A fair duel, Banjo.
01:36:20 (piano playing)
01:36:23 (footsteps)
01:36:33 (birds chirping)
01:36:46 (gun firing)
01:36:49 (gun firing)
01:36:58 (dramatic music)
01:37:02 (dramatic music)
01:37:30 Banjo!
01:37:31 (gun firing)
01:37:36 - Oh, hombre.
01:37:45 (murmuring)
01:37:58 (murmuring)
01:38:00 (coughing)
01:38:17 (murmuring)
01:38:19 (murmuring)
01:38:22 - This way, Shadow.
01:38:29 - Oh, finally his luck ran out.
01:38:32 (upbeat music)
01:38:35 (upbeat music)
01:38:37 (upbeat music)
01:38:40 (upbeat music)
01:38:42 - So long, everybody.
01:38:44 So long.
01:38:45 (upbeat music)
01:38:47 (upbeat music)
01:38:50 (upbeat music)
01:38:52 (upbeat music)
01:38:55 (upbeat music)
01:38:57 (upbeat music)
01:39:00 (upbeat music)
01:39:02 (upbeat music)
01:39:05 (upbeat music)
01:39:06 - Now, I'll take care of burying him.
01:39:09 I think you would have done the same for me.
01:39:17 - I dare you.
01:39:18 Yeah, you would have done that.
01:39:20 - Here, help me up with it, Banjo.
01:39:26 - I'm sorry, but I did tell you, Jane,
01:39:31 I was just passing through.
01:39:33 Ha!
01:39:42 (upbeat music)
01:39:45 (dramatic music)
01:39:48 (fire crackling)
01:39:50 (bells jingling)
01:40:12 (upbeat music)
01:40:14 (fire crackling)
01:40:17 (upbeat music)
01:40:20 (gun firing)
01:40:22 (upbeat music)
01:40:25 (gun firing)
01:40:51 (gun firing)
01:40:53 (gun firing)
01:40:56 - Ha!
01:40:57 (dramatic music)
01:41:06 (laughing)
01:41:13 (laughing)
01:41:15 - Our arrangement was 50/50.
01:41:29 So now you'll have to settle for the army reward.
01:41:37 Sharing it with Garinga.
01:41:40 (dramatic music)
01:41:43 (laughing)
01:42:01 (dramatic music)
01:42:04 - Go on, open it.
01:42:21 (dramatic music)
01:42:23 (birds chirping)
01:42:49 (dramatic music)
01:42:52 (birds chirping)
01:42:55 (dramatic music)
01:42:58 (dramatic music)
01:43:01 (dramatic music)
01:43:04 (dramatic music)
01:43:07 (dramatic music)
01:43:09 (dramatic music)
01:43:12 (dramatic music)
01:43:15 (gun firing)
01:43:41 - Work for him.
01:43:42 (dramatic music)
01:44:10 - Hey, amigo!
01:44:11 Who in hell are you?
01:44:16 - Didn't I ever mention it?
01:44:19 (laughing)
01:44:24 (dramatic music)
01:44:28 (gun firing)
01:44:31 - Hey, wait!
01:44:54 There's still time!
01:44:56 (dramatic music)
01:44:59 (dramatic music)
01:45:01 (dramatic music)
01:45:04 (dramatic music)
01:45:08 (dramatic music)
01:45:11 (dramatic music)
01:45:13 (dramatic music)
01:45:16 (dramatic music)
01:45:19 (dramatic music)
01:45:22 (dramatic music)
01:45:24 (dramatic music)
01:45:27 (dramatic music)
01:45:30 (dramatic music)
01:45:33 (dramatic music)
01:45:43 (dramatic music)
01:45:53 (dramatic music)