• last year
Uncover the impact of daily red meat consumption on your body in this revealing video. While lean meats offer benefits, the story changes with fatty red meats, deli cuts, and bacon. Join our experts to explore the effects of consistent red meat intake and gain insights into making healthier dietary choices, and learn how moderation and informed food decisions play a crucial role in your overall well-being
00:00 Meat alternatives and plant-based eating are more popular than ever, but many Americans
00:04 still find themselves eating meat on a daily or near-daily basis.
00:08 So is red meat all bad?
00:10 And what happens to you if you eat it every day?
00:12 You might feel more full.
00:13 You may build muscle and improve your muscle health.
00:16 Your metabolism might improve and your energy levels might go up.
00:19 You might have an increased risk of cancer.
00:21 You might increase your risk for heart disease.
00:23 Like many foods, red meat is not inherently good or bad.
00:27 Instead, think about how it fits into your overall eating pattern and practicing moderation.
00:32 And just a reminder that moderation refers to how frequently you enjoy it as well as
00:36 the portion that you eat.
00:37 I hope this answered your questions.
00:39 Thanks for watching.
00:40 (upbeat music)
