Court métrageTranscription
00:00 [Musique]
00:03 [Voix off] Of all the creatures on this earth, there is one that has touched the hearts of children everywhere.
00:11 [Bruits de chien]
00:12 [Femme] Bossy? Hello Bossy!
00:14 [Fille] Wow! Is that our story?
00:16 [Homme] She's in!
00:17 [Bruits de chien]
00:18 [Voix off] It's the story of a boy...
00:20 [Homme] I don't want the kids to grow up in the city. You know, I'd like them to walk home at night and not worry about what's behind them.
00:25 [Voix off] ...who locked away his feelings...
00:27 [Femme] It's not like the city, you know? We're both gonna be short on friends here.
00:30 [Voix off] ...and the dog...
00:31 [Bruits de chien]
00:35 [Femme] That was totally awesome! I'm not kidding!
00:37 [Voix off] ...who opened up his heart...
00:39 [Femme] Hi.
00:40 [Homme] Hi. I'm glad we came here, Dad.
00:42 [Homme] I am too.
00:43 [Voix off] ...a father's struggle to succeed...
00:45 [Homme] I pulled my kids out of school for this job.
00:47 [Voix off] ...and a family determined to save their home.
00:51 [Homme] Honey, it's gonna be fine.
00:52 [Femme] Stop! Don't shoot!
00:54 [Femme] Hey mister, that's my dog!
00:55 [Homme] You tell your daddy Sam Garland says welcome.
00:58 [Femme] Let's all make Matt real welcome. He didn't know anybody around here.
01:02 [Bruits de chien]
01:05 [Voix off] From one of the most beloved tales of all time...
01:08 [Homme] Come on!
01:09 [Voix off] ...comes the year's most thrilling adventure.
01:13 [Homme] Bussy!
01:14 [Voix off] [Bruits de chien]
01:16 [Voix off] [Bruits de chien]
01:17 [Voix off]
01:20 [Homme] Come on, mister dog! Come on!
01:22 [Homme] Bussy!
01:24 [Voix off]
01:27 [Homme] Non!
01:28 [Voix off]
01:30 [Voix off]
01:33 [Voix off]
01:37 [Homme] [Bruits de chien]
01:38 [Voix off]
01:43 [Homme] [Bruits de chien]
01:44 [Voix off]
01:46 [Voix off]
01:47 [Musique]
01:52 Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada