Vikky Ne Dhara Likhari Ka Roop, Ernest Hemingway Ki Maranja Maranj Hasti Ka Kirdar Nibhaya Khoob

  • last year
Vikky Ne Dhara Likhari Ka Roop, Ernest Hemingway Ki Maranja Maranj Hasti Ka Kirdar Nibhaya Khoob
00:00 "Wake up, wake up."
00:02 Welcome back, viewers.
00:04 Now, our segment is Time Machine.
00:05 Wow!
00:07 Sir, whom are you calling today?
00:09 Okay, whom should I call today? Give me some advice.
00:13 Mr. Haroon, why don't you call Michael Jackson today?
00:16 I like this advice.
00:18 - Anyone else? - Shakira.
00:20 Shakira is also a very good advice.
00:22 I suggest you call Time Machine for Rotis.
00:24 You can't make me recall my childhood.
00:27 I will call him, but he is such a mischievous kid.
00:30 - Oh! - Such a mischievous kid.
00:32 He doesn't know how to use the machine.
00:33 I thought you would say that you will call him after 20 years.
00:37 - But he is still a kid. - Wow!
00:39 You have given a lot of suggestions.
00:41 And thank you very much.
00:43 But I will call him on my own will.
00:45 I have checked the power.
00:46 I will call one of my most favourite writers.
00:52 - Yes. - Oh!
00:53 He is a bit different.
00:55 He has won Pulitzer and Nobel Prize
00:59 for his literature.
01:02 His name is Ernest Hemingway.
01:04 - Ernest Hemingway. - Yes.
01:06 If you haven't read any of his books
01:09 you must have read this.
01:12 It is written, 'The book is a great friend'.
01:15 - Yes. - Yes.
01:16 - He has said this. - Wow!
01:18 But he was a very colourful person.
01:22 And he was a very mischievous person.
01:24 Hello, I am a very mischievous person.
01:27 - Yes. - I am not. He is.
01:30 He must be very mischievous.
01:33 Yes, you will see how mischievous he will be.
01:36 I can't wait.
01:37 Hurry up.
01:38 Sir, call Dr. Ernest Shaheer quickly.
01:42 Let's call him.
01:45 - Call him. - Hey!
01:48 - Ladies and gentlemen. - Yes.
01:52 I present to you Mr. Ernest Hemingway.
01:56 Wow!
01:57 - Mr. Hemring! - Wow!
02:02 - Wow! - I didn't expect you to lie.
02:05 - Why? - He is a colourful person.
02:08 Was it just that Ernest Hemingway is 6 feet tall?
02:13 He was 6.5 feet tall.
02:16 But I think he shrank a little.
02:18 You must be thinking that he is in a strange condition.
02:22 - Yes. - He is mischievous.
02:24 - Yes. - In his time, it is said that
02:27 there was no one as mischievous as him in writers and painters.
02:31 Why is he holding a bat in his hand? Why not on his head?
02:33 It's a bat.
02:35 You are so beautiful, girl of flowers.
02:38 - Give it to me. - Here you go.
02:39 He has drunk a lot and very cheaply.
02:42 You don't have to worry about this habit.
02:44 - Yes. - First of all, he was always in this condition.
02:47 - Okay. - Secondly, he used to tell every woman
02:51 that she is the most beautiful woman in the world.
02:53 And there is no one more beautiful than her.
02:55 Why do you drink so much, Ernest?
02:57 It's medicine.
02:58 How many fingers are these, Ernest?
03:00 These are the most beautiful fingers in the world.
03:03 - I don't.. - Mr. Arun, open the door and see.
03:06 Look properly. My writer is inside.
03:07 Isn't there a door to tie a bandage?
03:11 - Ernest Hemingway brought a chair. - Mr. Arun, what is his best work?
03:15 The best work he wrote in that was
03:20 - 'Old Man and the Sea'. - Yes.
03:22 He was a journalist and he used to cover wars.
03:27 In World War I, he was doing his work on the Italian front.
03:32 - He used to drive an ambulance. - Ambulance.
03:33 A bomb exploded very close to him.
03:36 Sir, I think the writer has written it wrong.
03:39 - What happened? - It must have exploded in his lap.
03:41 Oh, bull. Come on.
03:44 - He was fond of bull fighting. - Oh.
03:47 - Bull fighting in Spain. - I think it was a collision.
03:50 It hit the nail.
03:51 He didn't consider bull fighting as a sport.
03:53 He considered it a tragic ceremony.
03:55 He had written a novel on bull fighting.
03:58 But he used to celebrate it a lot.
04:00 He loved to watch it.
04:01 Mr. Arun, what did his writing reflect?
04:04 There was a painter of that era.
04:06 He is still famous. His paintings are very expensive.
04:09 His name is Cezanne. He is a European painter.
04:12 His paintings had small brush strokes.
04:17 Wow.
04:18 And there was repetition of things.
04:20 If there is a glass, it will show the sea.
04:23 Water and water.
04:25 Everything was double.
04:27 If you read his writing style,
04:30 he started writing small sentences.
04:32 He started writing in T20.
04:34 And on one page, it reflects
04:38 that if there is a word for water, it will come again.
04:40 - Right. - Yes.
04:42 He won the Nobel Prize for this.
04:44 Because he gave a new style to writing.
04:47 It was not available in the contemporary world.
04:49 He got it for 'Old Man and the Sea'.
04:51 If there is a white water twice,
04:53 - Yes. - it is a mouth and a mouth.
04:55 - He did something strange. - What was that?
04:58 You will answer it. I am surprised.
05:02 He used to make his toilet
05:04 in front of the road.
05:06 Why?
05:07 And there was a mirror.
05:09 - Oh. - He used to sit in it in the morning.
05:12 And he used to talk to everyone.
05:14 He used to avoid everyone who was passing by.
05:18 Once, he came home in the night.
05:22 He went there and slept there.
05:25 The mirror was in front of him.
05:27 - Oh. - I saw his toilet.
05:30 He slept on the wall.
05:32 - Yes. - Someone knocked on the door
05:35 and woke him up.
05:36 He asked him where he was sleeping.
05:38 He said, 'Go to the bedroom.'
05:39 He said, 'Yes, I will go.'
05:41 He checked the time and said,
05:43 'But you will have to come here again.'
05:45 Was there no curtain?
05:48 No curtain.
05:50 - Did you go to my toilet? - Yes.
05:52 Give it to Abir.
05:53 Mr. Arun, the writers and poets
06:00 don't get married often.
06:02 They didn't get married often
06:05 because they were so..
06:06 - A bomb exploded. - Yes.
06:08 There were 270 shrapnels in his body.
06:13 Oh, my God!
06:15 He did this because he knew that it was a shrapnel.
06:19 He thought that shrapnels were pieces of a bomb.
06:23 - Yes. - Yes.
06:24 He thought that.
06:25 When they were taking them out of his body
06:28 he used to make him unconscious for a while.
06:30 He took out 100 shrapnels.
06:32 He was so strong
06:34 that he didn't feel any difference.
06:36 He took out 100 shrapnels and then he was unconscious.
06:38 Then he took out 50 shrapnels.
06:40 When he came to his senses
06:42 he saw that the nurse who was serving him
06:45 was very strong.
06:46 - Oh. - He asked her how many were left inside.
06:48 She said, 'Around 56.'
06:50 He said, 'Don't make him unconscious again.'
06:52 - Oh, my! - And he proposed to her.
06:55 - Oh, my! - And he said, 'Let the nurses take care of it.'
06:58 She was the only woman who had cheated him.
07:03 I won't call it cheating.
07:04 What happened was that when he proposed to her
07:07 she said, 'Yes, you get well.'
07:09 - It was a big deal. - Okay.
07:11 - He was lying on the bed. - Out of sympathy.
07:12 Out of sympathy. She said, 'You get well.'
07:14 'We'll get married.'
07:16 'We'll spend our lives together. You get well.'
07:18 When he got well..
07:19 He must have become a lion.
07:20 She brought flowers for him.
07:23 She brought a few gifts for him.
07:26 She gave them to him and said,
07:28 'I am engaged.'
07:30 'And I am going to get married.'
07:32 - I said that to you so that you get well. - To get well.
07:34 And he was so worried
07:38 that on the third day he proposed to another woman.
07:41 Because the only cure for first and true love
07:44 is second and true love.
07:45 Then after the second, third and true.
07:48 - Then after the third.. - Okay.
07:49 It's okay. It's a matter of inches.
07:51 It's a matter of pieces.
07:52 Do you see the mark on his head?
07:56 - Yes. - There's a mark on his forehead.
07:57 I thought the base had come off.
08:00 The mark is that one day he came home after the first night.
08:03 He went to the washroom.
08:05 When you used to get free, you used to flush.
08:08 - He used to pull a chain. - Yes.
08:10 For cleaning.
08:11 He pulled the chain.
08:12 He was in the first night.
08:15 He didn't want to pull it.
08:17 He pulled it hard.
08:18 His chest fell on it.
08:20 Oh!
08:21 When he woke up in the morning, he found out
08:24 that it was a drawing room
08:26 and he was pulling the toilet.
08:27 Yes.
08:28 And whatever he did, you did in the drawing room.
08:33 Yes.
08:34 What a life he has!
08:36 It's my house. I can do whatever I want.
08:38 If you start wearing dark colours, you'll look better than him.
08:44 - Insolent! - I'll get dressed.
08:46 Hey!
08:47 Hey, you American!
08:49 If he gets dressed so clearly, he'll also wear a hookah.
08:54 You were right. He's a very insolent man.
08:57 He's a very insolent man.
08:59 How many women have you loved till date?
09:02 - Oh! - The story is about to end.
09:05 You're my last love.
09:07 - Yes. - He's lying.
09:11 Sir, the people we loved in your migration
09:15 were you.
09:18 Hey! Come on!
09:20 I'm playing boxing with you.
09:23 I can't box with such a great literary man.
09:26 - Really? - I accept defeat.
09:28 - I just remembered one more thing. - What?
09:30 He had a big boxing ring at home.
09:33 - Cool. - Very expensive.
09:34 So, the guests who used to come, they'd say, "Let me show you something."
09:38 They were in their own world.
09:40 He'd hit them with a ring.
09:42 He'd hit them with a ring.
09:43 - Yes. - He'd hit them.
09:45 Hey, bald man!
09:46 Come out, I'm making breakfast for you.
09:48 I'm here to slap you.
09:52 Hey!
09:54 - How long.. - Shut your mouth, man!
09:55 - Oh! - Really?
09:57 What was that?
09:58 - I'm going to beat him up. - Really?
10:00 If you respect him, it's only for his work.
10:04 Otherwise, he doesn't have any such thing that you respect him.
10:07 His character,
10:09 which is called principles or character, was very low.
10:13 - Very low. - But he was very good at writing.
10:16 Ernest, if you were alive today, what would be your last wish before dying?
10:20 You.
10:22 I've never loved anyone as much as I love you.
10:26 Arzu, you're talking like a dead man.
10:28 You're not talking like a living person.
10:30 I think he didn't read my book.
10:33 You read his book. It's an open book.
10:37 Viewers, there's a small break.
10:43 Don't go anywhere. We'll meet after the break.
10:45 Charlie, what's this story?
10:47 Sir, my car is very fond of rain.
10:49 Charlie, you should've told him honestly.
10:51 There's so much water in the streets that the car will float.
10:53 Sir, it's not rain.
10:55 She was talking about the rain for a long time.
10:57 (audience laughing)
11:00 [APPLAUSE]
