Faisal Karim Kundi asks President Arif Alvi to step down

  • last year
#faisalkarimkundi #arifalvi #breakingnews
00:00 Pakistan People's Party's Chief of Staff Faisal Kareem Kundi has joined me. Let's have a chat with him.
00:05 Faisal, yesterday there were news that the President has signed the Official Secret Act and Army Act Bill.
00:13 Today Dr. Sardar Arif Alvi tweeted that he has not signed the Bill.
00:17 After 12 months of the attack, he was asked if the Bill has been returned and he said yes. How do you see this?
00:28 Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. I don't know what Dr. Sardar Arif Alvi is saying.
00:32 Yesterday, we saw that he has signed the Bill. Today he is tweeting that he doesn't know who has signed it.
00:39 If he is so responsible, if such irresponsible person is sitting here,
00:44 who after two days says that he doesn't know, then I don't think he has any reason to sit in the Presidency.
00:51 When all the media agencies have been saying that he has signed and has been adopted,
00:57 today he has thought that he has not signed.
01:00 As I understand, such irresponsible person should not even sit in the Presidency,
01:05 then he should change his office.
01:07 Faisal, at a time when a government was over, a surveillance setup was set up,
01:14 at a time when a tweet was made from Dr. Sardar Arif Alvi,
01:16 on the other hand, as he has mentioned in the tweet that the attack has bypassed,
01:21 do you understand this situation?
01:25 Look, there is a President of Pakistan, who is in such an important position,
01:31 and he is saying that his attack has bypassed, so what can be more weak than this?
01:37 Who can be more irresponsible than this?
01:42 I think that he has insulted his position,
01:50 he doesn't know who is running his Presidency,
01:55 his attack is not under his control, so how can he become the President of Pakistan?
01:58 He is the Supreme Commander of our Forces.
02:01 When such a Supreme Commander, then I don't think he is a Supreme Commander,
02:05 he can stay on the ground and can remain the President,
02:07 who has not run his Presidency so much,
02:09 so he should go to the field and resign from this office.
02:12 So, Faisal sir, yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock news came that Arif Alvi has signed.
02:18 After 24 hours, a tweet was made from the side of President Arif Alvi, and then it was denied.
02:24 Look, you tell me that yesterday afternoon news was coming and we also saw this on TV,
02:31 and today after 24 hours he thinks that I did not even sign the agreement and how can I tweet,
02:36 and what news is going on?
02:37 Was he so ill-informed that he did not know what was going on in the media?
02:43 His team has bypassed him.
02:45 He had made his team for 5 years, which was in his Presidency,
02:50 and because of him, he has bypassed me.
02:52 So I think that a person who is not qualified and not responsible should not remain in the Presidency.
02:57 Okay, Faisal sir, the way the President tweeted and said that my actions have violated my will and order,
03:06 you have also been in the hands of the ruling party,
03:09 have you ever seen such a situation in the Prime Minister's office
03:17 where the party does not obey the orders or bypasses?
03:21 No, I do not remember any such incidents in my political history in the Presidency or in the Prime Minister's House.
03:32 I think this is the first time I am hearing about such incidents.
03:38 So I am very sorry, as a political worker,
03:42 that such a President is giving such statements,
03:46 who has made all the transfer posting appointments in his Presidency in the last 5 years.
03:52 And today he is saying that the people whom he appointed have bypassed him.
03:56 So if his team had bypassed him in 24 hours, what action did he take against them?
04:02 We have not seen any such notification that the people who have bypassed him,
04:08 what action did they take against them in 24 hours?
04:11 So Faisal sir, this tweet was not made by a common man,
04:16 this tweet was not made by a minister,
04:19 this tweet was made by the President of the State of Pakistan.
04:24 Do you think that what will be the effect of this tweet on national politics and national affairs?
04:30 I completely understand what will be the effect of this tweet on national and international affairs.
04:38 And he became the President, and if you see before his Presidency,
04:43 he was nominated for the case of the building attack.
04:49 And if you see his previous statements,
04:52 those who had said to close Karachi, to close the roads, to do this and that,
04:58 the statement against the state,
05:00 that too was made in front of everyone, that the statement against the state,
05:03 because he became the President, he had got immunity,
05:07 so he did not present himself.
05:10 So I think that to sit in the Presidency of such people is an insult to the President's House.
