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Mort de Jane Birkin : Charlotte Gainsbourg quitte Paris pour panser ses blessures

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00:00 Charlotte Gainsbourg had a hard time accepting the death of her mother, Jane Birkin, which
00:13 occurred on Sunday, July 16, 2023.
00:17 To change ideas, the artist simply left the city of Paris.
00:24 The shock is still very difficult to contain.
00:28 France lost an icon while Charlotte Gainsbourg lost her mother.
00:33 Jane Birkin died on Sunday, July 16, 2023 at the age of 76.
00:42 The singer was in her Parisian apartment when she took her last breath.
00:48 To digest the suffering as much as possible, her daughter left our capital for a while
00:57 and she remembers, for the time, so many memories.
01:00 She therefore went to the coast of Aix-en-Provence to discover Mateurs, the gargantuan and immersive
01:08 mineral sculpture of the French plasticine prune nourished and installed at the Lacoste
01:14 castle, an ode to the woman and the mother who inevitably found echo in the person of
01:20 Charlotte Gainsbourg.
01:23 Far from Paris, she tries to soothe her pain as she can.
01:29 On Monday, July 24, 2023, Charlotte Gainsbourg buried her mother and spoke, a few moments
01:37 earlier, at the ceremony of the funerals organized in the Saint-Roch Church, in the first
01:42 corner of the city.
01:45 "I find myself an orphan," she said in the microphone, in front of a large audience.
01:53 "I thank my father for loving my mother so much.
01:57 And I thank my mother for loving her so much too."
02:03 She underlined, then, the immense emptiness that Jane Birkin left behind her.
02:09 "Si esti ma maman, si esti notre maman."
02:16 Everyone manages it as best they can and Charlotte Gainsbourg has already done so, in the past,
02:23 by fleeing.
02:24 When she had left France to settle in America, in New York, it was to avoid thinking too
02:33 much about her sister Kate Barry who died on December 11, 2013 after falling from the
02:40 fourth floor.
02:41 "Survival question," then explained Charlotte in the columns of the Op.
02:47 "After my sister's death, I was dying.
02:51 Her mother's death inevitably brings her some unfortunate feelings.
02:55 Ce passage à Aix-en-Provence devrait, donc, lui faire le plus grand bien."
03:03 "I thank my father for loving my mother so much."
03:22 "I thank my father for loving my mother too."
03:50 "I thank my father for loving my mother."
03:59 ♪ Oh ♪
